Category Archive: 9a) Buy and Hold

Leerverkäufe erklärt: Hedgefonds wetten 250 Mrd $ gegen den Markt

Bricht der US-Aktienmarkt ein? Hedgefonds wetten 250 Mrd $ gegen den Markt. Saidi geht im heutigen Video auf einen Artikel aus dem Handelsblatt ein.

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Money Mistakes to Avoid in a Bear Market

(6/17/22) Richard Rosso channels his inner Janet Yellen; markets have lost all confidence in the Executive Branch and the Federal Reserve; money tips for a bear market: Household liquidity is key for survival; examine spending, and hold off on major purchases; a Recession is necessary for restoring value to the system; recognizing the difference between a reflexive rally & a bullish trend. The Financial Efficacy of Solar Panels; ESG's are about...

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Andreas Beck: Das läuft schief bei grüner Geldanlage (ESG) // Mission Money

Ist grüne Geldanlage nur etwas für Farbenblinde? Andreas Beck erklärt in diesem Video, was schief läuft bei der grünen Geldanlage! Ist ESG etwa nur gutes Marketing? Und wenig sinnvoll für Anleger und Umwelt? Beck und Lucas von Reuss haben einen eigenen Ansatz entwickelt: ESGI. Das I steht für Innovation, und wir klären, warum es besser sein soll und warum Patente aus China nur die Hälfte wert sind … Hier das kostenlose E-Book downloaden:...

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Fed Hikes Rates 75bp – What now? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(6/16/22) Markets rallied on Wednesday despite a 75bp rate hike announced by the Fed. Then, overnight, traders sobered-up to the news that the Fed will be more aggressive in the future about raising rates additionally--not a good omen for strong economic growth. Markets are three standard deviations over-sold, and a short-term buy-signal failed to trigger. Markets continue to trade in a defined downtrend, and are now near the bottom of that range....

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How to use a Coil Fin Straightener? @Malco Products SBC #coilfin #fintool #hvac

Malco Fin Straightening Tool Join this channel to get access to perks: If you want to learn more about HVAC check out my playlist hvac tips for technicians... _rSIfOW-Q&list=PLVjetZt5xgenmO76adHwb2ctyeBIFKUus Check out these other YouTube Channels to stay up-to-date on the latest HVAC Knowledge @HVACR VIDEOS...

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Did the Fed just Guarantee a Recession?

(6/16/22) The Fed boosts rates by 75-bp; Joe Biden takes on Big Oil, and Big Oil responds; Retail Sales are measured in dollars, not in volume (what happens when you're paying more for less); Markets as predictor of where economy is heading. The Fed's rate hikes are politically motivated; why the "Headline Number" is so called; Jerome Powell is lying about the economy; Regional Fed's and U. Mich Sentiment are closer to reality. Joe Biden...

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Jetzt Aktien kaufen?

Mehr zum Thema erfahren? Besuchen Sie uns auf 👉🏽 Auf diesen Kanälen könnt ihr uns erreichen: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ►Unsere Website: ►Unser FACEBOOK: ►Unser LinkedIn: ►Unser INSTAGRAM:

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The World Economy is on the Edge of Crisis – Robert Kiyosaki, @George Gammon

“The bull walks up the stairs and the bear jumps out the window.” Seasoned investors know better. They know that markets always go up and down. They know that when a bull market is hot, it will come crashing down at some point in time—and the higher a market rises, the faster and harder it crashes. Today’s guest explains how financially educated people will survive the next crisis.  George Gammon, the host of The Rebel Capitalist Show, says, “In...

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Warum Kryptos ein MUSS für deinen Vermögensaufbau in 2022 sind

👉 ✔️Jetzt Gratis Steuer-Webinar ansehen! #Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin und Ether werden nicht nur immer interessanter als Vermögenswerte - der Ukrainekrieg hat gezeigt, dass Kryptos sich mittlerweile zu einem Muss im Portfolio entwickeln. Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Bitcoin und Co und anderen Vermögenswerten wie Gold, Aktien oder Immobilien? Und welche Trends sind 2022 auf dem Kryptomarkt zu erwarten? Und...

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Aktiensplit: Warum teilen Amazon, Tesla & Alphabet ihre Aktien?

Aktiensplit einfach erklärt! Darum teilen Unternehmen ihre Aktien! Kostenloses Depot eröffnen: ►► *📈 In 4 Wochen zum souveränen Investor: ►► 🧠...

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Krise als Chance: Warum ich Aktien jetzt aufstocke | Interview mit Andreas Beck

Dr. Andreas Beck hat es vom Schlosserlehrling zum Finanzmathematik-Genie geschafft und ist mittlerweile ein erfolgreicher Portfoliomanager. Mit seinem Global Portfolio One partizipiert er antizyklisch und breit gestreut mit über 8.000 Aktien an der Weltwirtschaft. Auch wenn die Rezessionsgefahr zuletzt gestiegen ist, bleibt Beck gelassen: "Als Portfoliomanager ist mir die Rezession egal", sagt Beck. "Krisen sind normal. Das heißt,...

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What Happened to Cryptocurrencies? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(6/15/22) Cryptocurrencies were supposed to be the ultimate alternatives to Gold and the Dollar, but that hasn't worked out so well: Back in 2015 there was a big move towards crypto's as the new "digital gold," with the ability to combat inflation--which seemed to work well, so long as a continuous stream of liquidity into the markets was unabated. Bitcoin soared to the $70,000 range, but since has fallen dramatically to $20k as the...

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Should You Move to Mexico to Escape Inflation?

(6/15/22) What will the Fed do? Between the heat, high prices, wars, and uncertainties, it seems to be the Summer of Apocalypse. The Fed is set to raise interest rates (50 vs 75 basis points?) How will the Fed fight inflation? A more pressing problem is Financial Instability; the impact of inflation; high oil prices tend to cure high prices; the Fed's mistake is in trying to extend the business cycle; dealing w inflation by moving to Mexico; the...

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Sind wir mitten im Crash? | Livestream

Saidi geht auf die aktuelle Börsenlage ein.

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Zucker – der heimliche Killer, Dumm wie Brot und Weizenwampe

✘ Werbung: Mein Buch Allgemeinbildung ► Teespring ► ------ Disclaimer: Ich bin kein Arzt. In Gesundheitsfragen kontaktieren Sie Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker. ------ "Zucker dürfte die #tödlichste #Einzelsubstanz für den Menschen sein." So arbeitet es der Autor Lorenz Borsche in seinem Buch 'Zucker - Tödliche Versuchung' heraus. Mittlerweile wird es immer deutlicher, dass...

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Should You Sell the Rip?| 3:00 on Markets & Money

(6/14/22) Markets have officially declined more than 20%--the arbitrary measurement that defines a "bear market," but what does that really mean? (It's FELT like a bear market for the past several months!) Markets are not two standard deviations below the 50-DMA, a point from which markets have previously bounced. "Buy the Dip" is no longer in vogue--it's "Sell the Rip." The next level of resistance in the S&P will...

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What’s the Best Measure of Inflation: CPI, PPI, or PCE?

(6/14/22) Markets technically enter bear territory, but a longer perspective belies the angst; gauging the markets' response to inflation (which will reverse); what the Fed Whisper says about a 75-bp rate hike; the faster the Fed raises rates, the higher the volatility; CPI, PPI, or PCE: What's the best measure of inflation? When will inflation end? Senior gifts; stock buy-back blackout period; Lance's Narci-drone; the love affair w Cryptocurrency:...

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Für mein neues E-Auto gibt es den neuen EQS-electric Kanal

EQS-electric ► ----------- ✘ Werbung: Mein Buch Allgemeinbildung ► Teespring ► ------------ Für meinen neuen vollelektrischen #Mercedes #EQS450+ #AMG habe ich einen gesonderten Kanal begonnen. In ihm zeige ich, wie ich alles und jedes an diesem Fahrzeug ausprobiere. Ist er besser als das Tesla Model Y, den wir als Zweitwagen fahren? Lassen Sie...

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Will the Fed Be More Aggressive? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(6/13/22) Market Futures are sharply lower, with the Dow set to open in negative territory--which could be the low-point of the day. The hotter-than-expected inflation print released Friday is worrying investors that the Fed might move more aggressively in hiking rates in the near-term. That announcement comes on Wednesday, so markets are trading off ahead of the news. We expect the FOMC to follow thru on a 50-bp rate hike; of more interest will be...

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Consumer Sentiment at Lower Levels Now than During Financial Crisis

(6/13/22) Inflation is hotter than expected--IRS increasing mileage allowance in mid-year; largest inflation gauge is Homeowners' Equivalent Rent--w a 3-mo lag; Bitcoin sustained a 25% bloodbath over the weekend; inflation is hitting everything: Lottery Tickets, gasoline, Beer, Costco Peanut butter; Biden polling at all time lows; consumer sentiment at lower levels than in Financial Crisis; McDonald's quest for profitability; job hopping at...

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