Category Archive: 9a) Buy and Hold

Reupload 5/2017: EZB Studie – Die Deutschen sind die Ärmsten in Europa

✘ Werbung: Mein Buch Allgemeinbildung ► Teespring ► Kaum Jemand will es glauben. Die Deutschen haben in #Europa das #geringste #Vermögen aufgebaut. Die politische Linke kämpft gegen unsere Reichen. Ganz falsch! Weil es bei uns fast keine Reichen gibt, greift der Staat in die Mittelschicht mit verheerenden Folgen. Fast Niemand schafft es mehr, aus einem eigenen Einkommen...

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Beware Faux Financial Planners

(6/3/22) Elon Musk is so concerned about the economy he's considering cutting his workforce by 10%; how Lebron James became NBA's first billionaire while still playing; National Donut Day & Shipley's; Faux Financial Plans: When everyone is recommending the same thing; understanding what you own; Difference between A-, B-, and C-funds; Financial planning using a CPA: How much will you save over a lifetime? Going from successful to significant in...

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The Thing About Bonds

Here is an encore presentation of the June 2, 2022 "The Things About Bonds" Lunch & Learn episode with Richard Rosso, CFP, RIA Advisors' Director of Financial Planning, and Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP, and RIA Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, CIO. Danny, Richard, and Lance explore everything you wanted to know about bonds, but hadn't asked: 0:55 - What is a Bond, and why would you use one? 3:33 - How to Buy a Bond...

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Was sich jetzt in Deiner ETF-Strategie ändern muss | Livestream

Turbulente Zeiten an der Börse, bedeuten auch turbulente Zeiten für Deine ETF-Strategie.. oder?? Diese und viele weitere Fragen, die Euch aktuell beschäftigen, beantworten Saidi und Xenia im heutigen Live. Sei auch ab 19 Uhr dabei und wenn Du Fragen hast – ab damit in den Live-Chat!

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Markets Fail at Resistance | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(6/2/22) Markets sold off after Fed Governor Bostic walked-back his comments about a potential Fed pause later this Summer, which markets interpreted to mean a more aggressive Fed in hiking rates and reducing liquidity. The hope for a kinder, gentler Fed policy had been fueling markets. The good news is that markets are still on a "buy" signal, and the MACD is still positive. But markets still remain in an over-sold condition. Higher...

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The Coming Era of QT

(6/2/22) Markets took to heart a quasi-retraction from Fed Gov. Bostic on possible halt to Fed tightening later this Summer, pulling back to previous lows. Regardless, markets are still in a buying mood, and this will be the wash-rinse-repeat pattern for the next several weeks; too many investors are predicting a bear market for it to occur. Queen Elizabeth-II marks her 70th year on the throne; can the monarchy last? The Fed's method of...

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Gestiegene Staatsschulden

Die Höhe der impliziten und expliziten Staatsschulden sind gigantisch. Mehr zum Thema erfahren? Besuchen Sie uns auf 👉🏽 Auf diesen Kanälen könnt ihr uns erreichen: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ►Unsere Website: ►Unser FACEBOOK: ►Unser LinkedIn: ►Unser INSTAGRAM:

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What Makes a Great Investor? – Kim Kiyosaki, @The Real Estate InvestHER

Some professions are categorized as more male-dominated, such as construction work, car sales, and mechanics. Likewise, others are categorized as more female-dominated, including nursing, teaching, and social work. Thankfully, some of these gender stereotypes are falling by the wayside. Today’s guests explain how women are investing (successfully) in male-dominated assets classes.  Liz Faircloth and Andresa Guidelli, hosts of The Real Estate...

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Diese 5 Dinge machen WIRKLICH arm! (nicht was du denkst)

👉 ✔️Jetzt Gratis Steuer-Webinar ansehen! #WieWerdeIchReich - ist eine häufig gestellte Frage. Mehr Geld verdienen und Einkommen erhöhen ist die eine Seite. Doch der Weg zum #Reichtum geht auch darüber, wie man verhindert arm zu werden. Der österreichische Selfmade-Millionär Gerald Hörhan aka. der Investmentpunk erklärt deshalb heute die 5 größten Hebel, die verhindern, dass du reich wirst. Wenn du dir also ein...

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Löst sich die Mittelschicht auf? Und wer gehört dazu?

Ist die deutsche Mittelschicht in Gefahr? Kostenloses Depot eröffnen: ►► *📈 In 4 Wochen zum souveränen Investor: ►► 🧠 ℹ️ Weitere Infos zum...

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Rente – Ein Umlagesystem? Kann es auf Dauer funktionieren? Alternativen

✘ Werbung: Mein Buch Allgemeinbildung ► Teespring ► ----------- Unsere Rente wird als Umlagesystem bezeichnet. D.h. was die Arbeitenden einzahlen wird unmittelbar an die Empfänger ausgezahlt. Doch was ist mit dem ständig steigenden, staatlichen Zuschuss? Zeigt dieser nicht, dass solche Umlagesysteme heute nicht mehr funktionieren? Was gibt es an Alternativen? Es gibt Länder wie...

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Could Markets Rally All the Way into Summer? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(6/1/22) We're seeing signs of a much stronger rally as we head into Summer months: There has not been a negative June in the markets since 2015; July also tends to be a stronger month in the Summer. Things are more dicey in August and September, but with markets under so much pressure the past two months, it would not be a surprise to see markets take off in the next two months. Markets tend to do the opposite of what everyone expects: With over...

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The Great Resignation has shifted to The Great Re-hiring

(6/1/22) Summer Markets could provide opportunity for investors; 25% of Americans are delaying retirement because of inflation--meaning, they weren't ready to retire in the first place. How Biden/Powell are fighting inflation; the solution for high gasoline prices is more oil. California lifeguards earning 6-figure incomes; how The Great Resignation has shifted to The Great Re-hiring; how we're handling inflation & the Savings Paradox; Bearish...

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Student Loan Forgiveness is a Nightmare!

(5/31/22) Iran's "secret" tunnels; The new Delorean; Why Student Loan Forgiveness is a fundamentally flawed concept. [NOTE: The last segment of today's show (5/31/22) was dropped from the live feed to YouTube; it is preserved in this recording.] 0:00 - The Flawed Reasoning Behind Forgiving Student Loans Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO -------- Our Latest "Three Minutes on Markets & Money:...

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Werden Trade Republic & Co. bald teurer?

In diesem Video erklärt Saidi, wie Neobroker wie Trade Republic so günstig sein können, ob das so bleibt und ob Ihr dort aufgrund schlechter Kurse doch draufzahlt.

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Can the Rally Last? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(5/31/22) Markets are ending the month of May with a nice rally in the previous week--but can it last? There are still a lot of companies that are offsides in market allocations in terms of equities as well as in bonds--anyone with a 60/40 allocation is out of whack. Much of the remaining rebalancing will have to be accomplished in the final month of the quarter: June. Volatility, however, has not been suggesting the recent rally can stand. What...

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What Markets are Trying to Tell the Fed

(5/31/22) Markets prepare to wrap up May, and enter the final month of the Second Quarter, and how investors can take advantage; why inflationary pressures remain; how Washington's idiocy made inflation worse...and some Senators want to repeat the process. Oil Company margins are no better now, thanks to inflation of labor and materials, and higher costs of extraction. How trapped-longs can finally get out; why the Fed is behind the curve in...

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Wie du dir aus dem NICHTS ein Vermögen aufbaust (ohne viel Startkapital)

👉 Wie kann man ohne Vorwissen und ohne viel Startkapital - quasi aus dem Nichts - ein #VermögenAufbauen ? #Selfmade Multi-Millionär Gerald Hörhan aka. der Investmentpunk, erzählt in diesem Video, wie er das geschafft hat und wie auch du es zu echtem #Reichtum bringen kannst. Wer ist Gerald Hörhan? Der österreichische Selfmade Multi-Millionär mit Lederjacke und 40+ Millionen EUR Immobilienportfolio, Gerald...

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Tesla Model Y – Fahrwerk von lautlos performance – Messwerte

✘ Werbung: Mein Buch Allgemeinbildung ► Teespring ► ------------------- jjmotors ► Lautlos Performance ► ------------------- Das Fahrwerk des Tesla Model Y gilt als ruppig. Verantwortlich dafür ist die hohe #Vorspannung der #Federn. (bzw. haben mir weichere Federn eingebaut, die zu einem...

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High Inflation May Already Be Behind Us

High inflation has captured the headlines as of late particularly as CPI recently hit the highest levels since 1981. Some are even suggesting we will face hyperinflation. However, while inflation is certainly present, the question to be answered is whether it will remain that way, or if the worst may already be behind us?

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