Category Archive: 9b) Stock Picking, Value & Dividends

Adjust Your Sales in today’s Choppy Market!

Dumping stocks is one of the hardest things to do. The best way to do this is to examine each stock’s earnings growth projections for significant damage. A planned 20% or 25% return might now no longer realistic, in particular when the sink even below their 200-day moving average

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Don’t Over-Complicate Investment!

John Henry Smith of Grail Securities explains the five most simple rules of investment. Don't build a Rube Goldberg machine! Don't over-complicate things! 1. As a bull, ensure an up-trending market 2. Find a stock with superior fundamentals 3. Wait for a support base 4. Buy the stock when it breaks out 5. Cut your losses quickly if the stock fails

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John Henry Smith, the Grail: Abnormally High Returns

John Henry Smith of Grail Securities (Switzerland) specializes in the U.S. stock market. He offers a unique and powerful advisory service to private investors, institutional investors, and asset managers, who are seeking to consistently beat the market.

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