Category Archive: 9b) Stock Picking, Value & Dividends

Wie ich alles unter einen Hut bringe? | Sparkojote

Hier abonnieren: ► Meine Empfehlungen Strategie zum Vermögensaufbau: PortfolioPerformance: ► Social Media & Links Der Blog: Instagram: Facebook: ► Du willst mich unterstützen? Coinbase*: Audible Hörbücher*: Mein...

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Meine Meinung zu Kryptowährungen Bitcoin, Ethereum & Litecoin | Sparkojote

Hier abonnieren: ► Meine Empfehlungen Strategie zum Vermögensaufbau: PortfolioPerformance: ► Social Media & Links Der Blog: Instagram: Facebook: ► Du willst mich unterstützen? Coinbase*: Audible Hörbücher*: Mein...

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Meine 5 Spartipps die DU sofort umsetzten kannst !

Hier abonnieren: ► Meine Empfehlungen Strategie zum Vermögensaufbau: PortfolioPerformance: ► Social Media & Links Der Blog: Instagram: Facebook: ► Du willst mich unterstützen? Coinbase*: Audible Hörbücher*: Mein...

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Wieso ich nicht mehr Prokrastiniere und lieber Umsetzte | Tea Time Talk

Hier abonnieren: ► Meine Empfehlungen Strategie zum Vermögensaufbau: PortfolioPerformance: ► Social Media & Links Der Blog: Instagram: Facebook: ► Du willst mich unterstützen? Coinbase*: Audible Hörbücher*: Mein...

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Starte Dein Business | V-Log

Hier abonnieren: ► Meine Empfehlungen Strategie zum Vermögensaufbau: PortfolioPerformance: ► Social Media & Links Der Blog: Instagram: Facebook: ► Du willst mich unterstützen? Coinbase*: Audible Hörbücher*: Mein...

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Konsum und Materialismus | Tea Time Talk

Hier abonnieren: ► Meine Empfehlungen Strategie zum Vermögensaufbau: PortfolioPerformance: ► Social Media & Links Der Blog: Instagram: Facebook: ► Du willst mich unterstützen? Coinbase*: Audible Hörbücher*: Mein...

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Wie ich mit 21 Jahren 100.000 Euro NETWORTH ansammeln möchte | Sparkojote Blogvorstellung

Kostenlos Die Erfolgsformel – In 27 Schritten zum erfolgreichen Vermögensaufbau: ► Meine Empfehlungen Strategie zum Vermögensaufbau: PortfolioPerformance: ► Social Media & Links Der Blog: Instagram: Facebook: ► Du willst mich...

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Free portfolio performance 10 Jun 16

Up to Wednesday, the S&P 500 rose to a 10-month high of 2119.12 points, less than 1% below its all-time high of 2130.82 of 12 May last year. But stocks pulled back on Thursday and more decisively on Friday, as bond yields around the world reached or neared record lows amid looming gloomy political and economic headwinds.

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Will the U.S. Stock Market give birth to its own Black Swan?

At 2099.06 points the S&P 500 is now in a confirmed uptrend and on the cusp of attacking the 19 April high of 2100.80. But uncertainty of the “we will - we won’t” vacillation of the Federal Reserve, remains.

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Stunning results achieved by Grail’s Free Portfolio in just two Months!

I am very pleased to report that the free portfolio in its deadline week exceeded my target of 15%, having reached a return of 16.84%, helped by a gain of 2.7%! The purpose of the portfolio was to give readers irrefutable evidence of the unique power of the Grail Equity Management System (GEMS) to generate high returns with no more risk than the S&P 500. The first graph shows that the mother portfolio has a margin of safety vis-à-vis the index of...

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The Free Portfolio and the Age of the Alpha Stock

This free portfolio is offered to help investors understand that what they may have learnt about risk and return do not correspond to the realities of investing today.

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Nicolas Darvas: Follow the Price Action and Set Stop-Losses

Of the many rules prescribed for investment success, the most golden of all is to cut your losses before they get too big. You may have also witnessed the peaking and catastrophic falls of such market favorites as Weight Watchers (WTW). The speculator and dancer (!) Nicolas Darvas gave us ideas how to set the stop-loss.

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How you see the Stock Market determines your Profit or Loss!

The key economic note this week was that non-farm payrolls for February was 242,000 versus Wall Street’s expectation of only 190,000; 27% above the consensus target. Wages however fell back by 0.1% from February’s gain of 0.5%. The workforce participation rate moved up to 62.9%. The excellent news on Friday was however received mutely by the market. Interest rates may rise.

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The stock market’s siamese twin oiled Friday’s rally

Because the stock market is currently strongly correlated to the energy sector, Friday’s rally responded in kind on the news of a surge of 12.3% in the NYMEX WTI sweet crude market after a report had suggested that OPEC may finally agree to cut its production to reduce the world glut. The news instantly oiled the S&P 500’s rise of 1.95%. However despite the strong daily gain, oil prices still ended the week down in spite of being the best one-day...

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The Age of the Alpha Stock

Alpha-stock denominated portfolios establish large margins of safety, strong profits, and provide outstanding client retention and marketing advantages, which mediocre and passive strategies are unable to generate. As we have entered a new normal, those asset managers who do more of the same are likely to face client frustration and profit recession.

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Beware the Ides of the Earnings Season!

It is critical for an investor to be very vigilant during the earnings season, which already began on January 11 with Alcoa (AA) reporting its results. Not only do companies report their financials, but they also make other significant announcements, such as either raising or lowering its earnings guidance for the coming months. Given the importance of this information, it is no surprise that a company's stock can often soar or plunge on these...

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With the eyes of the chameleon the market turns deep red!

The S&P 500 now stands at 1880.33 points, only 31.97 points from its 2015 opening price of 1848.36; for the broad market, a year’s meager gains almost wiped clean. The index’s P/E ratio now stands at 19.81, and is still well above its historic average of 15.57.

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That was the week that was!

Week January 17-22 : This was the first winning week of 2016 and of some relief to ordinary investors. The question is whether it is sustainable, or just a short-covering bounce, as is frequently the case when the market is undergoing a correction. Currently the S&P 500 has sunk 10.5%, the DJ-30 12.1%, and the NASDAQ 12.0%, since mid-2015. Calling a bottom, or a top, is a challenge even for professional investors. I would cite three short-term...

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The Market’s Bad Omens mount as the Black Swan population grows!

Last week’s market action confirmed clearly its corrective trend. I cannot say more than that, because when systematic risk kicks in the good, the bad, and the ugly all suffer the same slippery fate.

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Miserable week that ended a miserable year

it was the S&P 500’s worst since the start of the bull market in 2009, ending the year down 0.73% at 2043.94 points. 56% of the stocks posted losses

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