Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Alasdair Macleod – How Will a Bankrupt America Fund Socialism?

Alasdair Macleod talks about the increasingly larger deficits of governments worldwide, why they will keep expanding them and how it all could play out.

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The “Early Innings” of the Precious Metals Cycle – Monthly Wrap Up – 10.27.21

As we close out the month of October, it’s been a tough year so far for precious metals investors. But are trends starting to change? Host Craig Hemke sits down with Tavi Costa of Crescat Capital to break down all the gold and silver news you need to read the positive signs coming out of the mining industry. You can check out all our recent news and bullion products here: Got questions for our experts? Send...

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Uranium Squeeze AND the Case for Gold – Amir Adnani

Uranium Squeeze and the case for Gold are up for discussion with Amir Adnani CEO of GoldMining Inc. in this episode of GoldCore TV He joins us to talk about the supply-side factors affecting the #goldprice, the #UraniumSqueeze, as well as why he is bullish on both of these yellow metals. Also in this episode… The supply-side factors that are driving Amir’s interest in gold. Why gold is currently the most undervalued asset? Why gold is not...

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Why Isn’t Gold Going Up with Inflation?

Many voices in the gold community are making a simple point. Look at the prices of oil, copper, and other commodities. They are skyrocketing. The mainstream explanation—shared by Keynesians, Monetarists, and many Austrians—is that the cause of this skyrocketing is the increase in the quantity of what is called “money”. 

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Run To Physical Gold and Silver before Its To Late – #silver #gold #shorts

silver,goldprice,silverprice,silver price forecast,gold price,gold price forecast,physical gold and silver,silver bullion,silver price,gold price prediction

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PI-Tag 2021: Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Max Otte zum Thema Weltwirtschaft im Jahr 2021

Auf „Privatinvestor TV“ geht es um Investments nach dem Reinheitsgebot - Aktien, Gold und Silber stehen hierbei im Mittelpunkt. Das Ziel: Die langfristige Rendite. Nur über einen langfristigen Horizont können echte Werte und nachhaltiges Vermögen geschaffen werden. So die klare Überzeugung vom Max Otte Fonds -Team.

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PI-Tag 2021: Begrüßungsvortrag von Prof. Dr. Max Otte

Eröffnung des Privatinvestortages 2021 in Köln und Begrüßung der Teilnehmer durch Prof. Dr. Max Otte am 2. Oktober.

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MAJOR NEWS This Is About To Happen To Silver!! – Alasdair Macleod | Silver Shortage

In this video, Alsdir Mcleod, Adviser to AGAGA. The question mny re sking t the moment is "Why is gold not going to the moon?" Gold is hedge ginst infltion, nd we re experiencing infltion, right? The FED sys it's trnsitory, but the FED nd the US Government do not hve good trck record with its historicl referencing to trnsitory.

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Why Do Central Banks Want Higher Inflation?

Why do Central Banks want higher inflation? The debt ceiling debate in U.S. Congress and related political nonsense brings even more to light the exponential growth in US federal government debt. US government debt has doubled in the 10 years since the last major debacle Congress created over raising the debt ceiling back 2011.

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Big Week for Cryptos… Better Inflation Hedges Than Gold?

? SUBSCRIBE TO MONEY METALS EXCHANGE ON YOUTUBE ➤ Gold and silver markets continue to gather upside momentum as inflation pressures spread throughout the economy. Read the Full Transcript Here: Do you own precious metals you would rather not sell, but need access to cash? Get Started...

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ACHTUNG – Du solltest schnell noch Schulden machen!

Immobilien oder Edelmetalle, um den Verlusten durch die Inflation zu entgehen. Ist das auch etwas für Dich?

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Can Interest on Gold Outpace Inflation?

Yield. It’s on the tip of every investor’s tongue, but it’s much harder to find than it used to be. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away (like the early 1980’s) one could simply open a savings account, purchase a CD or US 10-year notes, and earn between 7% to 14%.

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How to Invest in Gold Better than Ray Dalio

Ray Dalio made waves earlier this year when he acknowledged that Bridgewater bought an undisclosed amount of bitcoin. In a recent interview, however, Dalio made it clear that his love for gold is still greater.

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Das Quartals-Webinar zum PI Vermögensbildungsfonds (vormals Max Otte Vermögensbildungsfonds)

In diesem #Quartalsbericht beleuchten unsere #Analysten die #Fondsperformance des PI Vermögensbildungsfonds (vormals Max Otte Vermögensbildungsfonds) seit Jahresbeginn. Wie besprechen die Performance sowie die Tops und Flops und gehen auf Ihre Fragen ein.

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Never Sell Physical Gold And Silver For Dollars | Silver And Gold Forecast

Watch this before buying Ethereum | Michael Saylor Explains Ethereum

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Das Quartals-Webinar zum Max Otte Multiple Opportunities Fund

In diesem #Quartalsbericht beleuchten unsere #Analysten die #Fondsperformance des Max Otte Multiple Opportunities Funds (MOMO) seit Jahresbeginn. Wir besprechen die Performance sowie Tops und Flops und gehen auf Ihre Fragen ein.

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Lawrence Lepard – Why Every Portfolio Should Contain Sound Money

Lawrence Lepard Portfolio Manager and advocate of sound money, is our guest on this episode of GoldCore TV. With 40% of money in the US being created in the last 2 years, we ask Lawrence if the Fed is trapped. If so will this mean that it is going to be very difficult for them to raise rates or attempt to taper their bond purchase in any meaningful way. How long before inflation starts to bite hard and why does this suggest to him that a 50%...

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You Better Be Prepared.. How the Next Financial Crisis will Unfold

The channel don't turn on monetization -This video is also for teaching , inspirational purposes.

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The End Of Fiat Currencies – This Will Rocket Silver & Gold Much Highe

The channe don't turn on monetization -This video is also for teaching , inspirational purposes. and entertainment Credit Full Video:Liberty and Finance

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Prices of Nearly Everything Now Surging

? SUBSCRIBE TO MONEY METALS EXCHANGE ON YOUTUBE ➤ A big week for precious metals markets as inflation pressures push consumer prices to painful new heights. On Thursday, the U.S. Labor Department reported that inflation at the wholesale level is up 8.6% from a year ago. That’s the steepest annual advance since the data started being reported. Read the Full Transcript Here:...

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