Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Amy Povah, Anrica Caldwell on Those Left Behind, Keith Weiner on Debate Fallout

David Gornoski hosts A Neighbor's Choice LIVE 4-6pm EST.

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Prediction: The Planned Stock Market Crash On October 19, 2020

The Planned Stock Market Crash On October 19, 2020

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We don’t have to kill the king, if we just can ignore the king

“The right of self-determination in regard to the question of membership in a state thus means: whenever the inhabitants of a particular territory, whether it be a single village, a whole district, or a series of adjacent districts, make it known, by a freely conducted plebiscite, that they no longer wish to remain united to the state to which they belong at the time, but wish either to form an independent state or to attach themselves to some...

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We’re in an inflationary economy, and why it’s happening is a bad thing…

We’re in an inflationary economy, and why it’s happening is a bad thing…

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Is The Fed’s Jerome Powell The Next John Law?

GoldMoney's Alasdair Macleod joined us today for an extensive discussion of the collapsing dollar. Alasdair believes that the current state of the Fed guarantees a hyper-inflationary collapse. And that means that investments, savings and pensions will become near worthless.

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Silver Rises, JP Morgan Manipulates!

While the silver price was dropping recently, we published analyses here and here. At that time, we saw a basis that fell with price, but which recovered during “off” days. In short, there was not much of a decrease in abundance of the metal to the markets commensurate with the price drops.

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Heavy Metal Selling

Anxiety about an increase in Covid19 cases and fears of a second wave coupled with revelations of historic money laundering practices of major global banks weighed heavily on financial markets yesterday.

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“The U.S. economy felt like a balloon in search of a needle” – Part II

In this surreal policy environment, how has the role and the investment process of the value investor evolved, especially over the last decade?  How can one still identify value in a world of subsidized binge borrowing, extreme indebtedness, and stock buybacks? 

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Politicians Torn Between Bailouts & Supreme Court Drama

Failing to agree on a new stimulus package, Congress and the White House shifted focus to filling the Supreme Court seat once held by the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg, causing some volatility in metals and equity markets.

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Sprott Money News Ask The Expert September 2020 – Rob McEwen, CEO of McEwen Mining

Rob McEwen, Chairman and CEO of McEwen Mining, joins us to answer your questions and share his insights about the mining industry. Visit our website for more news. You can submit your questions to [email protected]

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 9.25.20

Eric Sprott recaps a challenging week for the precious metals but looks forward to better days ahead for the sector. Visit our website for more news. You can submit your questions to [email protected]

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Alasdair Macleod Warns: ‘Perfect Storm’ for U.S. Economy in 2020–Coming Crash in the U.S. Dollar

Full Document transcript go to:

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Money Metals Exchange Stefan Gleason Interview Ft Pimpy X Rice Crypto

Money Metals Exchange - buy your gold and silver here.

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And Silver Crashes Some More! 24 Sept

A few days ago, we wrote about a big silver crash. The price dropped around 7.5%. And the basis dropped from around 2% to 0.6%. At the end, we said: “The key question is: what is the follow-through? If the price stays down and the basis goes back up, that will be a bearish signal. If the basis stays down, that means the silver market is markedly tighter at $24.50 than it was at $26.75.”

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Money Metals Exchange: Stefan Gleason Interview w/ Pimpy #Silver #Gold

Rice Report: Money Metals Exchange: Stefan Gleason Interview w Pimpy from Pimpys Investment Chat. In this episode, Pimpy and I do a duel interview with Stefan Gleason, the CEO of Money Metals Exchange.

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RESET THE WORLD -Global Great Depression Dead Ahead?

Full Document transcript go to:

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Keith Weiner on Wall Street and Main Street

David Gornoski hosts A Neighbor's Choice LIVE 4-6pm EST. Comment below or call in at 727 587 1040.

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Alasdair Macleod-Inflation & Other Revolutionary Forces at Work in America

Alasdair Macleod with a background as a stockbroker, banker and economist explains that we are in an inflationary economy and why its happening is a bad thing.

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“The U.S. economy felt like a balloon in search of a needle” – Part I

As we move deeper and deeper into this covid crisis, more and more people understand that there’s a lot more to fear besides the disease itself. As the economic impact and the full scale of the damage caused by the lockdowns and the shutdowns become undeniable, there are too many questions lacking any sort of convincing answer and the future for so many employees, business owners, investors and ordinary savers seems bleak and uncertain.

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Alasdair Macleod – Expectation Of A New Financial Crisis

The Prospect of a New Financial Crisis. Crisis expectation started to emerge in people.

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