Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

The “Marc Faber” Interview With 57 Talk

Marc Faber is a famous investor having over 4 million dollars to his name. He has written 3 books one of them being " The Great Money Illusion: The Confusion of Confusions" which scored decent reviews. He has also made a report called "The Gloom Boom & Doom report).

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 1.8.21

With Eric still out to spend time with his family, Bob Thompson of Raymond James in Vancouver joins us to discuss the price action in the precious metals and the mining shares. He also shares his outlook for 2021 and beyond. You can submit your questions for our Weekly Wrap Up to [email protected] Visit our website for more news.

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A Year Like No Other for Precious Metals… and Everything Else

In this special year-end Market Wrap, we’ll take a look back at the year that was in precious metals… and look ahead to what might take shape in 2021... Do you own precious metals you would rather not sell, but need access to cash? Get Started Here: ? SUBSCRIBE TO MONEY METALS EXCHANGE ON YOUTUBE ➤ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★★FOLLOW MONEY METALS EXCHANGE ★★ FACEBOOK ➤...

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Monetary Metals Issues World’s First Gold Bond Since 1933

Monetary Metals® is pleased to announce the issuance of a bond paying principal and interest in gold. The term is one year, and the interest rate on invested gold is 13%.  According to company CEO Keith Weiner, Ph.D., it is the first proper gold bond in 87 years.

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Gold Will Protect Your Portfolio in the Coming Inflationary Decade

Inflation has already taken hold and the typical portfolio is at risk, according to Ronni Stoferle of Incrementum and author of the "In Gold We Trust" report. He has just published a special report - "The Boy Who Cried Wolf - Is an Inflationary Decade Ahead?" He joins Dave Russell of GoldCore TV to discuss this must-read report that serves as a warning to investors and advises of the action that they need to take now. You...

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Reflections Over 2020

Wow, it has been a heckuva year! One thought leads to another on this sunny-but-cool January 1. Having watched a few seasons of Forged in Fire, I’ve gained an appreciation of how difficult it is to pound and grind a lump of steel into a blade, even with power tools. There are many ways for it to go wrong.

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Must Listen: Marc Faber – DEC 2020 Economic Collapse Already Started. Asynchronous Systemic Meltdown

Please Subscribe to my NEW Channel! Thank You...

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?STUFE 3? Max Otte: Die smarte Diktatur ist da, brutalste Manipulation, die 4 Stufen des Untergangs

▶︎ Abonnieren Sie JETZT den Kanal, hier klicken: ▶︎ EINLADUNG ▶︎ „Die größten Gefahren für Ihr Vermögen“ - Online-Info-Veranstaltung: ✅ Hier gratis anmelden: Das könnte Sie auch interessieren: ▶︎ Länger gesund leben (Lebensverlängerung) Webinar: ▶︎ Hochpreis-Strategien Webinar: ▶︎ Das 6-M i l l i o n e n-Euro-Blatt (Zeitmanagement):...

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Marc Faber’s #InvestmentMantras: Identify What Type Of Investor You Are | BOOM | Govindraj Ethiraj

We continue our journey speaking to well known investors and learning from their investment philosophy. In this video, Marc Faber, Editor & Publisher, Gloom Boom and Doom Report and well known contrarian investor. Marc Faber says that in the 70's the US stock markets was oscillating between 20-30% of the GDP. Now, it is 190%. It is a sign that financial markets are high and economic activity hasn't expanded that much. At the same time, we...

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Wie man Aktien zum Investieren Auswählt in der Krise! Max Otte Erklärt!

In Aktien Investieren in der Krise? man sollte sich Hierbei schon sicher sein, und die Aktien genau Analysieren, denn nicht Jede Aktie muss auch wieder Steigen! Max Otte erklärt hier wie er und sein Team die Aktien aussuchen in einer Krise. Viel Spaß!

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MAX OTTE – Weihnachtsansprache 2020

#MaxOtte #PIPolitikSpezial #Weihnachten Liebe Zuschauer, Max Otte und sein Team wünschen Ihnen und Ihren Lieben ein gesegnetes und besinnliches Weihnachten 2020

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Gold & Silver Prices Firm as New “Stimulus” Money Drop Looms

On this special Christmas Eve edition of the podcast, we unfortunately have to report that Washington politics and fears of a surging virus are threatening to spoil holiday cheer. Read the full Transcript: Do you own precious metals you would rather not sell, but need access to cash? Get Started Here: ? SUBSCRIBE TO MONEY...

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Doch Kein Crash Einfach Vollgas in den Sozialismus!! Max OTTE

2021 Crash kein Crash? Niemand weiß es genau was kommt, Max Otte meint Es geht auch mit vielen Arbeitslosen ohne Crash. Denn im Sozialismus stehen die Arbeitslosen in den Fabriken!

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Fed Boosts Metals Markets as Silver Breakout Nears

Precious metals markets are on the move this week. They got a boost following Wednesday’s Federal Reserve policy statement. Fed officials kept their benchmark interest rate near zero and vowed to continue injecting $120 billion per month into the bond market. Read the full transcript here: Do you own precious metals you would rather not sell,...

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The Test Your Metal Challenge! Thomas Mayer, Mallik Wilks and Dan Batty

Mayer, Wilks and Batty face-off in the Test Your Metal Challenge, in association with The Metal Store!

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Max Otte: Droht Inflation? Edelmetalle sinnvoll? Mittelschicht in großer Gefahr

Im zweiten Teil dieses Interviews spricht unser Gast Prof. Dr. Max Otte über den privaten Vermögensaufbau und Vermögensschutz. In diesem Zusammenhang teilt er uns als Fondsmanager seine Sichtweise zur Entwicklung der Inflation sowie den bedrohlichen Negativzinsen mit, wobei vor allem letzteres für die Mittelschicht hierzulande zu großen finanziellen Problemen führen könnte. Abschließend wird noch auf die Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)...

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Deutsche kaufen heimlich GOLD – “Ich will kein Gläubiger sein, wenn alle Schulden haben”

Max Otte (* 7. Oktober 1964 als Matthias Otte in Plettenberg) ist ein deutsch-US-amerikanischer Ökonom. Er ist Leiter des von ihm im Jahr 2003 gegründeten Instituts für Vermögensentwicklung (IFVE) und als Fondsmanager tätig. Otte ist langjähriges CDU-Mitglied. Seit Juni 2018 ist der Vorsitzender des Kuratoriums der AfD-nahen Desiderius-Erasmus-Stiftung.

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Alasdair Macleod Shares His Infaltion Roadmap

Alasdair Macleod explains how the dollar’s trip toward the dustbin of history is likely to proceed and what we should be looking for to tell us it’s happening.

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MAX OTTE – Die Gründe für Trump sind weiter da

Max Otte spricht über Trump und Biden, die gesunkenen Chancen des amtierenden Präsidenten und was von Biden zu erwarten wäre. Der Wahlbetrug in den USA hat etwas von organisierter Kriminalität ...

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Fed Recommits to Misleading the Public About Inflation

Did the Federal Reserve just usher in the next phase of the U.S. dollar’s decline? On Wednesday, the central bank recommitted to leaving its benchmark interest rate near zero for the foreseeable future. Fed officials also vowed to keep pumping cash into financial markets.

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