Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 12.18.20

We know many of you were expecting Eric today, and unfortunately he had to decline on short notice as he is continuing to deal with a family health issue. We wish Eric’s family all the best and hope he can join us again very soon. We do have the fortune of having Chris Vermeulen sit in for Eric today. Chris Vermeulen of The Technical Traders joins us and provides his outlook for both gold, silver and the mining shares as we head into 2021. Thanks...

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Marc Faber Investment Opportunities Around the World and Biggest Threat to the Rich

Featuring: Marc Faber, Founder, Gloom, Boom & Doom Report

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Wieso (Teil-)Lockdowns nicht gerechtfertigt sind – Einer Kurz-Analyse der Zahlen.

Täglich werden wir von den Medien mit Behauptungen und Schocknachrichten in die kollektive Schockstarre getrieben.

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GESPRÄCH KenFM mit Thomas Mayer – Die neue Ordnung des Geldes / Warum wir eine Geldreform brauchen

Wer Scheiße baut, muss dafür auch haften! Thomas Mayer ist Volkswirt, Banker und war den größten Teil seines Lebens für die Hochfinanz an den „Märkten“ tätig. Zu seinen Arbeitgebern gehörte neben Goldman Sachs auch der IWF oder die Deutsche Bank Gruppe. Hier war er als Chefvolkswirt und auch für den Bereich Research tätig.

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Markets Rallying on Hope, but Higher Taxes and Inflation Loom

As investors anticipate a successful vaccine rollout and an economic rebound in 2021, bullish sentiment pushed some sectors of the stock market to new highs this week. Read the Full Transcript Here: Do you own precious metals you would rather not sell, but need access to cash? Get Started Here: ?...

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Marc Faber on The Income Generation | December 06, 2020

With Guest Marc Faber The Income Generation With David J. Scranton ***Disclaimer: Sound Income Strategies, LLC is a registered investment advisor. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Past...

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Alasdair Macleod: EU Banking System Imploding

Alasdair discusses the recent price action with gold and how it is typical for it to fall in November near the end of the option cycle. It often rebounds in December, which seasonally speaking is an excellent time to get into gold. He expects an exciting market going into 2021, especially when considering the economic environment.

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 12.11.20

Bob Thompson of Raymond James in Vancouver subs in for Eric this week and shares his views on the precious metals and the status of the bull market as we head into 2021. We thank everyone for all the good wishes on behalf of Eric Sprott and his family. We are excited to have Eric back for the WWU on Friday, December 18. You can submit your questions to [email protected] Visit our website for more news. For...

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Koos Jansen Becomes The Gold Observer

Please visit my new website The Gold Observer at You can also follow me on Twitter at Kind regards, Jan Nieuwenhuijs

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Markus Krall | Wir sind bereits im Sozialismus | Goldstandard

Ja wir haben einen tollen Kapitalismus in dem ich über 50% Steuern bezahle und nichts mehr für mein Geld bekomme! Der Sozialismus ist das blutsäuferischste System, das wir je hatten.

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What is Driving the Rally in Gold this Week?

We saw a strong rally in precious metals last week, what was the main driver of this? Oversold and typical bounce that would see after a short term sell off. Counter trend correction. Correction was somewhat expected and tend to see one towards end of year prior to frequently seeing strong gains over the Xmas period and into the New Year. However speed and scale of the sell off was quite unusual. Counter intuitive as it happened with no...

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? GOLD ? Markus Krall über Goldverknappung – Goldpreis wird explodieren, jetzt Vorkehrungen treffen

Das Video dient lediglich zu Informationszwecken. Wir übernehmen keinerlei Haftung für die Richtigkeit der Informationen in diesen Videos. Die Informationen können und sollen eine individuelle Beratung durch hierfür qualifizierte Personen nicht ersetzen.

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Alasdair Macleod – Eurozone’s TARGET2 Settlement System Could Implode At Any Moment

SBTV's latest guest is Alasdair Macleod, Head of Research at Goldmoney. We discussed the rise of zombie banks in Eurozone and the devastating fallout of the impending collapse of the debt-laden TARGET2 settlement system on the rest of the world.

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Richtig investieren in der Krise? Das macht Max Otte!

Investieren wie TOP-Vermögensverwalter und Fondsmanager Max Otte? Benjamin Mudlack hat mit Prof. Dr. Otte über seinen Auswahlprozess innerhalb seines Unternehmens ebenso gesprochen, wie über sein "Schlechtwetterportfolio". Neben der Aktienscheue der Deutschen war auch eine nette Anekdote zu einer Investmententscheidung seines Sohnes Teil des Gesprächs.

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The Great Reset vs. The Great Reset

In baseball, there is a situation where a base runner is sprinting to home plate and can’t see what is happening behind him. Totally focused on scoring, he doesn’t know if the outfielder is throwing a ball that will reach home plate first. That’s where we get the phrase “out of left field.” (If the ball were coming from right field, the runner could actually see it.)

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❌Max Otte: Die KRISE ist längst da !!! [ES WIRD SCHLIMMER]❌

Unter Weltwirtschaft oder Welthandel wird die Gesamtheit der Wirtschaftsbeziehungen der Welt verstanden, die alle staatlichen Volkswirtschaften umfasst. Das ihr zugerechnete nominale Weltsozialprodukt betrug im Jahr 2017 rund 80 Billionen US-Dollar.

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Bitcoin Defies the Naysayers; Can it Someday Replace Gold?

Gold and silver markets are recovering impressively in this first week of December. After slumping last month to erase most of this summer’s big gains, gold shows a gain of 2.7% since last Friday’s close to trade at $1,842 per ounce. Read the full Transcript Here: Do you own precious metals you would rather not sell, but need access to cash? Get Started Here:...

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 12.4.20

Rick Rule of Sprott Inc joins us to offer his perspective on the economy, precious metals and the mining shares. Thanks for all your kind words and concern for Eric and his family during this difficult time. Visit our website for more news. You can submit your questions to [email protected] For full episode transcript, please visit

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There is No Denying that Cash is Trash!

Governments are likely to continue printing money to pay their debts with devalued money. That’s the easiest and least controversial way to reduce the debt burdens and without raising taxes.

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US Economy Has Been In A Slump Ever Since The Great Financial Crisis

The US Economy has already been in collapse since the great financial crisis, and what happened this year has brought us to a point where it is no longer irreversible. The FED cannot reduce inflation rates.

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