Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

This Is When You Sell Your Gold and Silver

– When your family who once dismissed you as a crazed gold bug, now herald you as an investment genius! – When there is widespread confidence in the dollar, euro, pound and all fiat currencies RECEIVE THE LATEST VIDEO UPDATES & BREAKING NEWS DIRECT FROM GOLDCORE – SIGN UP HERE: – When the next …

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New Inflation Indicator, Report 14 Apr

Last week, we wrote that regulations, taxes, environmental compliance, and fear of lawsuits forces companies to put useless ingredients into their products. We said: “For example, milk comes from the ingredients of: land, cows, ranch labor, dairy labor, dairy capital equipment, distribution labor, distribution capital, and consumable containers.”

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MARC FABER EXCLUSIVE: Millennials Are SPOILED BRATS, QE4 Coming, Inflation Numbers BULLSHIT!

EDUCATE YOURSELF IMMEDIATELY: LP(S) – Enemy LP(S) – Dead LP(S) – Ratio LP(L) – Top PREPARE FOR THE BEAR MARKET: LP(S) – Bear This Can Crack the USD Hegemony! GO IMMEDIATELY TO: Lior Gantz Is Giving Access To His PERSONAL Treasure Trove, His Own Trades AT: Warren Buffett, Ray Dalio, Charlie Munger And …

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How to Store Gold in an Uncertain World

How to store your gold once you have invested in precious metals is the most important question that you need to answer. EXCLUSIVE OFFER – 6 MONTHS FREE STORAGE & COMPLIMENTARY GIFTS Click Here to Learn More: In this video update GoldCore CEO Stephen Flood, draws on 24 years of experience in financial markets …

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Debt and Profit in Russell 2000 Firms

This week, the Supply and Demand Report featured a graph of debt vs profitability in the Russell 2000. Here’s the graph again: This graph shows a theme that we, and practically no one else(!) have been discussing for years. It is the diminishing marginal utility of debt. In this case, more and more debt is required to add what looks like less and less profit (we don’t have the raw data, only the graphic).

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West Virginia Joins Growing Sound Money Movement – Six Other States Now Weighing Their Own Bills to End Taxes on Gold & Silver

Before the ink could even dry on West Virginia Governor Jim Justice’s signature on a repeal of sales taxation on gold, silver, platinum, and palladium bullion and coins, legislators in Wisconsin and Maine introduced similar measures in their own states.

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What Causes Loss of Purchasing Power, Report 7 Apr

We have written much about the notion of inflation. We don’t want to rehash our many previous points, but to look at the idea of purchasing power from a new angle. Purchasing power is assumed to be intrinsic to the currency. We have said that the problem with the word inflation is that it treats two different phenomena as if they are the same.

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JAN SKOYLES on Our Obsession With Being ‘Busy’

In this extract from the ‘Time VS Money: The Golden Question’ episode of Renegade Inc, Jan Skoyles discusses the idea of ‘Time Is Money’ and the fetishisation of being busy. Watch Renegade Inc. here: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Renegade Inc. provides … Continue...

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 4.5.19

Eric Sprott discusses the week that was in precious metals as well as the impact of Friday’s U.S. jobs report.

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Silver Bullion Set to Soar to $50 an Ounce

– Silver bullion is the most undervalued precious metal, commodity and asset today – Silver very rarely covered in the media and thus the fundamentals are not understood – Supply demand fundamentals are very positive indeed as seen in recent report from Capital Economics – While industrial demand may weaken, investment and safe haven demand …

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Will Basel III Send Gold to the Moon, Report 2 Apr

A number of commentators have predicted that the rules of the Basel III bank regulations will cause gold to skyrocket (no, this article is not about our view that gold does not go up, that it’s the dollar going down, that the lighthouse does not go up, it’s the sinking ship going down in the storm).

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L2 Capital Podcast #07: Marcelo López chats with Marc Faber

In today’s episode, Marcelo López talked to Marc Faber, editor and publisher of the famous report Gloom Boom & Doom and a contrarian investor known for bold investment decisions in the past.

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Brexit and Learning To “Live With Boom and Bust Economic Cycles”

Generations of people have learned to live with boom and bust economic cycles. Years of relative plenty were followed, as night follows day, by grief including high unemployment and forced emigration on a large scale. In fact, if you go back much beyond the late 1960s, it would not be too cynical to say the cycles were often more about going from bust to really busted, as for decades the country was hit by crippling rates of largely enforced...

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 3.29.19

Eric Sprott discusses the end-of-quarter selloffs seen in the precious metals but looks ahead to a rebound in the weeks to come.

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Global Risks Increasing – Underlining The Case For Gold in 2019

Online presentation by Research Director of GoldCore, Mark O’Byrne, on the strong case for gold due to increasing global uncertainty and risks. Topics, slides and charts considering – Safe haven gold – History, research, PwC and Mario Draghi – “Gold tends to increase in periods of systemic risk” – “Gold outperforms stocks and bonds in …

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Gold Gains On Recession Concerns and ‘No Deal’ Brexit Risks

– Gold gains due to concerns about slowing growth, monetary and geopolitical risks – Increasing possibility of ‘No Deal’ Brexit heightens recession risks in UK, Ireland – Brexit uncertainty is impacting UK & Irish economies; Likely do long term damage – UK sees sharp slowdown in mortgage approvals in February as housing market slows – Gold surges to near all time record highs in Australian dollars at $1,860/oz – Gold in sterling, euros and...

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On Board Keynes Express to Ruin, Report 24 Mar

Last week, I ranted about the problem with our monetary system and trajectory: falling interest rates is Keynes’ evil genius plan to destroy civilization. This week, I continue the theme—if in a more measured tone—addressing the ideas predominant among the groups who are most likely to fight against Keynes’ destructionism.

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Sprott Money News Ask The Expert – Richard Hayes of The Perth Mint

Richard Hayes is CEO of The Perth Mint. In this episode, he answers questions about Perth Mint products as well as global gold supply and demand trends.

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Wunschdenken von Frau BR Amherd

Das VBS hat seit dem neuen Jahr eine Cheffin. Anlässlich der SOG-DV vom 16. März 2019 hat sie sich an die Offiziere gewandt und dabei einige interessante Äusserungen (Hervorhebungen durch den Autor) gemacht, so etwa zu den “Entwicklungen im internationalen Streitkräftebereich”:

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MARC FABER: STORM HASN’T HIT YET, BTC $4,000, GOLD – PEOPLE NEVER LEARN… MUST-READ FOR INVESTORS: LP(S) – Attack LP(S) – Bear LP(S) – Drama Shelter your Portfolio from the Bonds COLLAPSE: Get Immediate Access to our Exclusive Report on the Coming STOCK MARKET CRASH: Download Our Top 5 Cryptocurrencies for 2018 AT: The Gold Bull...

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