Category Archive: 5) Global Macro

When Does This Travesty of a Mockery of a Sham Finally End?

Credit bubbles are not engines of sustainable employment, they are only engines of malinvestment and wealth destruction on a grand scale. We all know the Status Quo's response to the global financial meltdown of 2008 has been a travesty of a mockery of a sham--smoke and mirrors, flimsy facades of "recovery," simulacrum "reforms," serial bubble-blowing and politically expedient can-kicking, all based on borrowing and printing trillions of dollars,...

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Plastic pollution: is it really that bad? | The Economist

Nine in ten Europeans worry about plastic’s impact on the environment. But plastic is not the worst offender when compared to other kinds of pollution

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Monthly Macro Monitor – September

This has already been one of the longest economic expansions on record for the US and there is little in the data or markets to indicate that is about to come to an end. Current levels of the yield curve are comparable to late 2005 in the last cycle. It was almost two years later before we even had an inkling of a problem and even in the summer of 2008 – nearly three years later – there was still a robust debate about whether the US could avoid...

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Digging into Wealth and Income Inequality

The assets of U.S. households recently topped $100 trillion, yet another sign that everything is going swimmingly in the U.S. economy. Let's take a look at the Federal Reserve's Household Balance Sheet, which lists the assets and liabilities of all U.S. households in very big buckets (real estate: $25 trillion). (For reasons unknown, the Fed lumps non-profit assets and liabilities with households, but these modest sums are easily subtracted.)

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Public enemy: Venezuela’s mayor on the run | The Economist

Venezuela is on the brink of ruin. The former mayor of Caracas dared to challenge President Nicolas Maduro’s authoritarian regime—and was made a public enemy. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Daily Watch: mind-stretching short films throughout the working week. For more from Economist Films visit: Check out The Economist’s …

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We’re All Speculators Now

When the herd thunders off the cliff, most participants are trapped in the stampede.. One of the most perverse consequences of the central banks "saving the world" (i.e. saving banks and the super-wealthy) is the destruction of low-risk investments: we're all speculators now, whether we know it or acknowledge it.

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ROGUE INTERVIEWS: Charles Hugh Smith – Of Two Minds (09/17/2018)

ROGUE NEWS is a group of political scientists, editorial engineers, and radio show developers drawn together by a shared vision of bringing Alternative news through digital mediums that evangelize our civil liberties. !PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! Support our media by participating in our products and services: ► ROGUE NEWS: ► Watch Us Trade: ► CBD …

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Massive Deficit Spending Greenlights Waste, Fraud, Profiteering and Dysfunction

The nice thing about free to me money from any source is the recipients don't have to change anything. Free money is the ultimate free-pass from consequence and adaptation: instead of having to make difficult trade-offs or suffer the consequences of profligacy, the recipients of free money are saved: they can continue on their merry way, ignoring the monumental dysfunction of their lifestyle.

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Emerging Markets: Preview of the Week Ahead

EM FX ended mixed in Friday, capping off an up and down week. RUB and TRY initially firmed on their respective rate hikes but gave back some of those gains heading into the weekend. Trade tensions are likely to remain high, as press reports suggest President Trump is pushing ahead with tariffs on $200 bln of Chinese imports even as high-level talks are planned.

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Downslope CPI

Cushing, OK, delivered what it could for the CPI. The contribution to the inflation rate from oil prices was again substantial in August 2018. The energy component of the index gained 10.3% year-over-year, compared to 11.9% in July. It was the fourth straight month of double digit gains.

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David Miliband on the future of liberalism | The Economist

At The Economist’s Open Future festival in New York on September 15th 2018, David Miliband, president of the International Rescue Committee and former British Foreign Secretary, was interviewed by Zanny Minton Beddoes, The Economist’s Editor-in-chief. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Daily Watch: mind-stretching short films throughout the working week. For …

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Steve Bannon debate at The Economist #OpenFutures festival | The Economist

At The Economist’s Open Future festival in New York on September 15th 2018, Steve Bannon, former White House chief strategist, was interviewed by Zanny Minton Beddoes, The Economist’s Editor-in-chief Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Daily Watch: mind-stretching short films throughout the working week. For more from Economist Films visit: …

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Tony Blair on the future of liberalism | The Economist

Speaking in London at The Economist’s Open Future festival on September 15th 2018, former British prime minister Tony Blair spoke to Helen Joyce about Brexit, immigration, technology and political participation. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Daily Watch: mind-stretching short films throughout the working week. For more from Economist Films visit: …

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ECB (Data) Independence

Mario Draghi doesn’t have a whole lot going for him, but he is at least consistent – at times (yes, inconsistent consistency). Bloomberg helpfully reported yesterday how the ECB’s staff committee that produces the econometric projections has recommended the central bank’s Governing Council change the official outlook. Since last year, risks have been “balanced” in their collective opinion.

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Reinventing liberalism for the 21st Century | The Economist

This week we celebrate our 175th anniversary with a manifesto for renewing liberalism through a programme of radical reform. But what does this entail? Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: On our cover this week we celebrate our 175 anniversary and we issue a manifesto for renewing liberalism. It’s been a …

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Europe Starting To Reckon Eurodollar Curve

We’ve been here before. Economists and central bankers become giddy about the prospects for success, meaning actual recovery. For that to happen, reflation must first attain enough momentum. If it does, as is always forecast, reflation becomes recovery. The world then moves off this darkening path toward the unknown crazy.

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Congo: how to stop the killing | The Economist

More people were killed in a recent civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo than in conflicts in Vietnam, Syria, Iraq and Korea combined. The African country may be sliding back in to war, but one man is hoping a message of peace can overcome violence. WARNING: this film contains distressing images. Click here …

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The Next Financial Crisis Is Right on Schedule (2019)

Neither small business nor the bottom 90% of households can afford this "best economy ever." After 10 years of unprecedented goosing, some of the real economy is finally overheating: costs are heating up, unemployment is at historic lows, small business optimism is high, and so on--all classic indicators that the top of this cycle is in.

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CHARLES HUGH SMITH: U.S. Government Is Destroying Capitalism WORLDWIDE!

Shelter your Portfolio from the Bonds COLLAPSE: Get Immediate Access to our Exclusive Report on the Coming STOCK MARKET CRASH: Download Our Top 5 Cryptocurrencies for 2018 AT: The Gold Bull Market is Weeks Away From Hitting FULL THROTTLE. Get Educated NOW: Cannabis...

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Where does your phone come from? | The Economist

Apple is expected to announce its latest handset—the iPhone XS. Like all smartphones it will contain more than 70 chemical elements, which are mined from the Earth’s crust in countries all over the world. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: The number of smartphone users globally is set to reach 2.5 …

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