Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Contrasting Views of the Great Depression | Robert P. Murphy

Archived from the live broadcast, this Mises University lecture was presented at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 23 July 2014.

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6) Austrian Economics

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The Misleading Concept Called GDP

GDP is (or has become) a measurement of activity and consumption but not of capital accumulation and production. In many cases, GDP is negatively correlated to savings. Higher savings (aka austerity) lead to lower GDP today, but higher GDP in the future. In its worst case, GDP growth could be completely based on credit, eliminating the capital basis of a country (example Greece). Western countries saw rising housing investments based on more...

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Ep:26 Jayant Bhandari: The Gold Trend in Asia Continues! Short The indian Stock Market! – 7/6/2014

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Mises Academy Free Trade 1 of 4

Robert P. Murphy walks through Lesson 19 from his textbook *Lessons For the Young Economist*. For more info:

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Claudio Grass UP in Switzerland, Swiss Gold Refiners and More

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Claudio Grass – All the Governments Are Trying to Get Away From Cash…

I sat down with Claudio Grass, Managing Director of -out of Switzerland, on June 18. Our conversation began with a lively discussion of the local politics in Switzerland, the new UP Independent Party. The UP Party is a Libertarian movement that believes the Swiss Franc should be backed by 20% gold. This is …

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Europe Stricken With Negative Deposit Rate

Keith Weiner explains that a negative deposit rate means that commercial banks pay the central bank a percentage. It is a privilege, for which they must pay. The result of the ECB operation won’t be much of an increase in business lending or consumer prices. The result will be even lower interest rates on government bonds.

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Author’s Forum: Faulty Premises, Faulty Policies by Dr. Gary Galles U presented an Author’s Forum with Dr. Gary Galles of Pepperdine University on May 13 at 9pm EST for a discussion of his new book “Faulty Premises, Faulty Policies.” About the Book: Faulty Premises, Faulty Policies by Gary Galles is an incredibly good guide to showing precisely what is nonsensical about political debate. How …

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No magic wand for new Indian Prime Minister Modi – Jayant Bhandari Interview

Jayant Bhandari, one of the most astute analysts on India’s business scene, chats with Cambridge House Live anchor Bridgitte Anderson about the election of Narendra Modi as Indian Prime Minister and what this change of government will mean for global investors. Absolutely imperative information for international investors looking to park their money in the second-most …

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Thomas Piketty Pens Communist Manifesto for 21st Century

Keith Weiner explains, why Thomas Piketty's book and his proposition of a 80% income tax represent a new Communist Manifesto.

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Gary Galles: Thomas Piketty’s Bad Economics

Kyle Platt speaks with Professor Gary Galles of Pepperdine University about the hubbub around the French economist, Thomas Piketty, and his attacks of what he sees as Capitalism.

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Dimitri Speck über Geopolitik, Gold und Märkte Auf der Mark Banco Anlegertagung Anfang Mai 2014 in München haben wir den Gold-Experten und Buchautor Dimitri Speck getroffen. Mit ihm haben wir in einem Video-Interview über die Zusammenhänge zwischen Geopolitik und den Märkten gesprochen sowie über das Thema Gold. Auch die aktuelle Krise in der Ukraine und mögliche wirtschaftliche Folgen der Sanktionen waren …

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Gary Galles: The Weaponized Language of Politics

Kyle Platt speaks with Professor Gary Galles about his new book: Faulty Premises, Faulty Policies. In the book, Prof. Galles details the way in which politicians use rhetorical and linguistic tricks in order to pass legislation, and how to spot these tricks. Prof. Galles’ book is available on Amazon: Or, it is completely free, …

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Das Metallwoche Interview mit Ronald Stöferle vom 13. Mai 2014 Während einige Anleger das gegenwärtige Geschehen an den Edelmetallmärkten vielleicht eher gelangweilt verfolgen, wird hinter den Kulissen nichtsdestotrotz munter konferiert und diskutiert. Allein in der letzten Woche gab es drei große Konferenzen. Angefangen über die Denver Gold Show in Zürich, veranstaltet vom European Gold Forum, über die IFAAM — Konferenz zur Österreichischen Schule der …

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Dr. Frank Shostak, MMG on the coming US recession

A contrarian view on the US economy. Livewire met with well renowned Austrian School Economist, Dr. Frank Shostak of MMG in Sydney yesterday. Dr. Shostak is surprisingly positive on China due to the process of cleansing being undertaken, but has grave concerns regarding the economic health of the US. Dr. Shostak predicts that continued low-growth …

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Interview mit Jayant Bhandari zur erfolgreichen Anlage im Junior Mining Sektor

Miningscout Chefredakteur Erwin Matula sprach im Rahmen des European Gold Forums 2014 in Zürich mit dem Rohstoffexperten Jayant Bhandari zur aktuellen politischen Lage in Indien und sein in Kürze erscheinendes Buch “How to invest in the Junior Sector”. Jayant Bhandari gibt Einblicke zu Investmentkriterien bei Explorationsunternehmen, erklärt die wichtigsten Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Anlage in …

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Doug French: The Injustice System, Darrow’s Resist Not Evil

Kyle Platt speaks with Doug French, Executive Editor or Agora Financial and former President of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, about Clarence Darrow’s almost forgotten book, Resist Not Evil, and the the implications of this scathing critique of the American justice system. Resist Not Evil will be available for download in the library of …

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Ronald Stöferle: Gold wird von vielen gehasst – ist für Sparer aber unverzichtbar

Wohin mit meinem Geld? Auf diese Frage finden immer mehr Deutsche keine Antwort. Die Investment-Lieblingsprodukte wie Sparbücher oder Festgeld sind wegen der Nullzinsen unattraktiv geworden, die Aktienmärkte haben ihre Hochzeiten möglicherweise längst gesehen und in vielen Immobilienmärkten sind erste Anzeichen einer Blasenbildung zu beobachten. Goldexperte Ronald Stöferle und der Vermögensverwalter Martin Mack suchen in der …

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Dimitri Speck talks to James Turk

Subscribe to our newsletter at . Dimitri Speck, Author of Geheime Goldpolitik, and James Turk, Director of the GoldMoney Foundation, talk about Dimitri’s book “Secret Gold Policy”. They talk about the 400$/oz gold price cap in the 1990s. They talk about more recent central bank gold buying, especially in Asia, and how European central banks …

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