Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

The Voluntary City: Urban Problems | Robert P. Murphy

What is a Voluntary City? It is a community built and maintained by private initiative and cooperation, not by the coercive political institutions that many people assume are needed to make communities work. Independent Institute Research Fellow Robert P. Murphy explains with examples of how private initiatives can provide social services. CONTENT OF THIS VIDEO: …

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Dimitri Speck auf der Metallwoche: “Ich erwarte Probleme im gesamten Kreditsektor weltweit…” Wir sprechen mit Dimitri Speck über Gold, die Saisonalität, die Probleme im Kreditsektor und seine Einschätzung und Erwartungshaltung für den weiteren Verlauf. Dimitri Speck ist Marktanalytiker von Seasonax , Goldmarktexperte und Autor des Buches “Geheime Goldpolitik” . Viel Spaß! Internetauftritte von Dimitri Speck: Themen der Sendung...

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Jayant Bhandari: Why You Must Use Arbitrage In Your Investments

Proven and Probable provides insights on mining companies, junior miners, gold mining stocks, uranium, silver, platinum, zinc & copper mining stocks, silver and gold bullion in Canada, the US, Australia and beyond. Be Sure to Subscribe to Our Channel. Visit us for more: Maurice Jackson interviews Institutional Investment Adviser, Jayant Bhandari. Listen to Mr. …

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6b.) P: 2016-02-08 20:33:35

Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito Website powered by Mises Institute donors Mises Institute is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent the law allows. Tax ID# 52-1263436

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6b.) P: 2016-02-08 20:33:09

Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito Website powered by Mises Institute donors Mises Institute is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent the law allows. Tax ID# 52-1263436

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China’s 3 trillion dollar mistake

When looking at the current state of the Chinese economy it is important to note what happened leading up the ongoing predicament. By managing the USD/CNY exchange rate the Chinese factory worker was essentially funding excess consumption in the Unit...

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Why the Fed’s Magic Trick Won’t Work | Robert P. Murphy

Recorded at the Mises Circle in Houston, Texas, on 30 January 2016. Includes an introduction by Jeff Deist. Special thanks to Christopher Condon, TJ and Ida Goss, Terence Murphree, and an Anonymous Donor for making this event possible. Will the libertarian message get swept under the rug over the next year, as the candidates unleash …

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George Friedman: Trump Reflects a Global Shift in Politics

Subscribe to Friedman’s free publication “This Week in Geopolitics” (…) and get an in-depth view of the forces that will drive events and investors in the next year, decade, or even a century from now. — Are you confused as to why Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders—who are true opposites—lead the polls? Geopolitics expert George …

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George Friedman’s 2016 Forecast: China’s Downturn

Get access to George Friedman’s deepest insights and forecasts at Geopolitical Futures: -- After dominating the growth charts for decades, China is slowing down. Friedman says the extraordinarily poor country (over a billion people earning less than $3 a day) is reaching its limits. With unrest rising, Beijing is clamping down and evolving toward dictatorship. Friedman believes China will ultimately break apart into regional...

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George Friedman’s 2016 Forecast: Crisis in Ukraine

Get access to George Friedman’s deepest insights and forecasts at Geopolitical Futures: -- From Russia’s viewpoint, Ukraine is a critical buffer zone that must be either neutral or allied with Russia. The US might allow this but needed something in return. Putin’s defense of Syria’s Assad regime might do it. The US needs Assad to counterbalance ISIS but did not want to defend him. Russia, having now done so, might get a...

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George Friedman’s 2016 Forecast: Latin America Rising

Get access to George Friedman’s deepest insights and forecasts at Geopolitical Futures: — The last one isn’t an issue but an opportunity emerged as a result of the turmoil in China. Slowing growth in China has global capital looking for new places to invest, and Latin America seems like a perfect alternative. Friedman says …

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George Friedman’s 2016 Forecast: China’s Downturn

Get access to George Friedman’s deepest insights and forecasts at Geopolitical Futures: — After dominating the growth charts for decades, China is slowing down. Friedman says the extraordinarily poor country (over a billion people earning less than $3 a day) is reaching its limits. With unrest rising, Beijing is clamping down and evolving toward …

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George Friedman’s 2016 Forecast: The European Financial Crisis

Get access to George Friedman’s deepest insights and forecasts at Geopolitical Futures: — Europe is on the verge of a perfect financial storm. The US, however, is trying hard to stay out of Europe’s financial situation. Greece and Germany are at odds over debt repayments, but both are key US allies and Washington does …

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George Friedman’s 2016 Forecast: The Refugee Crisis

Get access to George Friedman’s deepest insights and forecasts at Geopolitical Futures: — Despite the headlines, Friedman says Europe’s refugee crisis really isn’t about refugees. It is about the European Union’s inability to collectively manage major problems. Just as it failed in Greece, the EU apparatus is proving itself incapable of managing refugee flows. …

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George Friedman’s 2016 Forecast: Crisis in Ukraine

Get access to George Friedman’s deepest insights and forecasts at Geopolitical Futures: — From Russia’s viewpoint, Ukraine is a critical buffer zone that must be either neutral or allied with Russia. The US might allow this but needed something in return. Putin’s defense of Syria’s Assad regime might do it. The US needs Assad …

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George Friedman’s 2016 Forecast: ISIS

Get access to George Friedman’s deepest insights and forecasts at Geopolitical Futures: — Friedman says no one alive today has ever seen a terrorist army quite like ISIS, and no one is quite sure how to handle it. It is quickly becoming the international center of gravity, forcing the US and Europe to change …

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The Global Economy and Markets, What’s Really Going On with Jayant Bhandari

The Global Economy and Markets, What’s Really Going On with Jayant Bhandari

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Svenska frihetsrörelsens historia, Per bylund | Radio Mises #076

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Få känner den moderna svenska frihetsrörelsens historia bättre än Per Bylund. Han var med i den första trevande början, debatterade på BBS:er, satte upp den största anarkistiska websidan, organiserade Walk for Capitalism, gav ut en papperstidskrift och spred dålig stämning i Moderaterna. Hör honom berätta om allt detta samt …

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5GQ: Robert Murphy – The Primal Prescription

In this week’s Five Good Questions, we’re interviewing Robert Murphy about his book The Primal Prescription. Robert P. Murphy is Research Assistant Professor with the Free Market Institute at Texas Tech University. In addition to The Primal Prescription, Murphy is the author of several economics books for the layperson, including Choice (Independent Institute 2015), The …

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Nej till medborgarlön | Radio Mises #075

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Poddstudion reder ut begreppen medborgarlön och negativ inkomstskatt vilka tycks vara på tapeten lite varstans dessa dagar. Vore det månne en förbättring mot dagens bidragsdjungel? Poddpladdrarna går in med öppet sinne men kommer ut med en övertygelse. Därtill sedvanlig dissektion av valda delar av nyhetsflödets bottenskrap samt marxistiska tips …

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