Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Kuroda-San in the Mouth of Madness

  Deluded Central Planners Zerohedge recently reported on an interview given by Lithuanian ECB council member Vitas Vasiliauskas, which demonstrates how utterly deluded the central planners in the so-called “capitalist” economies of the West have bec...

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Even Death Won’t Save Us

  Hazards and Benefits Rubbernecking at the economic train wreck of central planners is not without hazard.  A strained collar and dry eyes, for instance, are common perils.  So, too, is the lasting grimace of disbelief that comes with the roll-out o...

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Retirement Torpedoes and Democracy

Bonner compares Total credit market debt, federal government debt and GDP – an economy running on debt, and now running on empty.

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Patriotismus in der medialen Berichterstattung

Mehr Kommentare und Hintergrundberichte ohne Scheuklappen finden Sie täglich auf, Ihrer unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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Heretical Thoughts and Doing the Unthinkable

  Heresy! NORMANDY, France – The Dow rose 222 points on Tuesday – or just over 1%. But we agree with hedge-fund manager Stanley Druckenmiller: This is not a good time to be a U.S. stock market bull.   Legendary former hedge fund manager Stanley Druck...

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OPEC Politics: Russian King, Iranian Crown Prince?

Another month, another OPEC meeting beckons for 2nd June. But unlike typical meetings on the Danube (let alone dust filled haze of Doha), the producer group might just have a new King in town.

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 12.05.2016 – China: Großprojekt “Neue Seidenstraße” wird konkreter

Weitere Themen: – Google arbeitet an vernetztem Lautsprecher – Großbritannien und USA: Wirtschaft kühlt sich weiter ab – Patriotismus a la Budweiser: Bier wird in “America” umbenannt – Neue Ausgabe von Cashkurs*Trends: “Digital Farming” – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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Should the Gold Price Keep Up with Inflation?

The popular belief is that gold is a good hedge against inflation. Owning gold will protect you from rising prices. Is that true?

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Staying Home on Election Day

  Pretenses and Conceits The markets are eerily quiet… like an angry man with something on his mind and a shotgun in his hand. We will leave them to brood… and return to the spectacle of the U.S. presidential primaries. On display are all the pretens...

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Spain Sells 3x Oversubscribed 50-Year Bond

Following a scramble by European nations to issue ultra long-dated government paper, which saw France and Belgium sell 50-year bonds last month, while Ireland and Belgium went all the way and issued century bonds, with even Switzerland locking in 42-...

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The World’s 100 Most Influential Hacks, Yahoos and Monkey Shiners

  Hacks and Has-Beens NORMANDY, France – What has happened to TIME magazine? Henry Luce, who started TIME – the first weekly news magazine in the U.S. – would be appalled to see what it has become.   Time cover featuring the sunburned mummy heading t...

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Reality is a Formidable Enemy

  Political Correctness Comedy We have recently come across a video that is simply too funny not be shared. It also happens to dovetail nicely with our friend Claudio’s recent essay on political correctness and cultural Marxism. Since this is general...

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Why is Freddie Mac Reporting a Loss?

  A Sudden Turn for the Worse Freddie Mac posted a loss of $354 million this quarter, versus a $2.16 billion gain the previous quarter.  Fannie Mae did slightly better with net earnings of $1.1 billion, which were still substantially down from $2.5 b...

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St. Louis Fed Slams Draghi, Kuroda – “Negative Rates Are Taxes In Sheep’s Clothing”

"At the end of the day, negative interest rates are taxes in sheep’s clothing. Few economists would ever claim that raising taxes on households will stimulate spending. So why would they think negative interest rates will?" Those are the shocking wor...

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 09.05.2016 – Griechenland: Probleme bleiben bestehen

Weitere Themen: – China: Unternehmensschulden allein erreichen 160 % des BIP – Italien: Zehntausende demostrieren gegen TTIP – US-Konjunkturdaten immer negativer – Ölkonzern Total will Akkuhersteller kaufen – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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Mind Control as a method to support the US Dollar

With dollar mind control, the American elites ensure that the dollar remains the global reserve currency. Average Americans should only consume and should not have access to sophisticated financial services.

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Share buybacks and dividends with borrowed money: Cure Worse than the Disease

The Fed’s monetary policies have made funding share buybacks and dividend payments with borrowed money an attractive management tactic. In the face of stalling business prospects, these short-term gimmicks can make business operations appear healthy.

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Trump and Clinton: Neither is Fit to Tell the Rest of Us What to Do

  Misinformation and Delusions PARIS – Too bad about Ted Cruz. His tax plan was pretty good. A flat tax of 10% on anything over $36,000. And a 16% “business transfer tax” to replace the corporate income tax and all payroll taxes.   Ted Cruz bows out…...

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Jayant Bhandari-PIGS Culture Not Debt is the Problem [Capitalism & Morality Seminar 2015]

Full Capitalism & Morality Conference 2015 Playlist: Jayant is a contributing editor of the Liberty magazine and has written for the Mises Institute, the Mises Institute (Canada), Casey Research, Le Québécois Libre, Sprott’s Thoughts,, etc. This speech was delivered at The Capitalism & Morality Conference in Vancouver, Canada, August...

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Q&A with Jared Dillian: The Inflation Trade and Emerging Markets

Subscribe to Jared Dillian’s free weekly newsletter, The 10th Man, so you won’t fall prey to the herd mentality that so often causes mainstream investors to make the wrong decision. Sign up here:

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