Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Ronald Stöferle: “Gold – This is the Beginning of a Bigger Move”

Ronald Stöferle, the author of the “In Gold We Trust” report in an interview with CommodityTV about why the gold price will further rise in 2020. Low interest rates, the trade war between China and USA and the extensive printing of money are only a few reasons. Follow us on Twitter: For more information …

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Dirk Müller – Finanztransaktionssteuer: Die reine Bürgerverarsche!

***Weihnachten kann kommen!*** “Machtbeben” – Der Bestseller von Dirk Müller – Jetzt auch als Taschenbuch erhältlich: Auszug aus dem vom 10.12.2019. Sehen Sie das komplette Marktupdate auf und erhalten Sie werbefreien Zugriff auf alle Premiuminhalte inkl. Beiträgen und Videos: “Machtbeben” – Der Bestseller von Dirk...

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Daniel Lacalle On Trade Deal Concerns

Daniel Lacalle | Bloomberg TV UK (10-28-19)

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Daniel Lacalle | UK Economy Would Benefit From A Strong Government

Daniel Lacalle | Bloomberg TV UK (10-28-19)

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Daniel Lacalle | Spain Challenges Remain

Daniel Lacalle | Bloomberg TV UK (12-11-19)

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Jayant Bhandari Gives His View on The Markets for The New Year

Jayant Bhandari, who travels the world to look for investment opportunities, particularly in the natural resource sector, gives his views for the markets in the new year.

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The destruction of civilization – implications of extreme monetary interventions

When I was asked to write an article about the impact of negative interest rates and negative yielding bonds, I thought this is a chance to look at the topic from a broader perspective. There have been lots of articles speculating about the possible implications and focusing on their impact in the short run, but it’s not very often that an analysis looks a bit further into the future, trying to connect money and its effect on society itself. 

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Dirk Müller: “Machtbeben” ab sofort auch als Taschenbuch erhältlich!

***Weihnachten kann kommen!*** “Machtbeben” – Der Bestseller von Dirk Müller – Jetzt auch als Taschenbuch erhältlich: Auszug aus dem vom 10.12.2019. Sehen Sie das komplette Marktupdate auf und erhalten Sie werbefreien Zugriff auf alle Premiuminhalte inkl. Beiträgen und Videos: “Machtbeben” – Der Bestseller von Dirk...

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Why this Boom Could Keep Going Well Beyond 2019

The Austrian business cycle theory offers a sound explanation of what happens with the economy if and when the central banks, in close cooperation with commercial banks, create new money balances through credit expansion. Said credit expansion causes the market interest rate to drop below its "natural level," tempting people to save less and consume more.

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Dirk Müller – Erst kommt die Macht, dann kommt das Geld!

“Machtbeben” – Der Bestseller von Dirk Müller – Jetzt auch als Taschenbuch erhältlich: Auszug aus dem vom 04.12.2019. Sehen Sie das komplette Marktupdate auf und erhalten Sie werbefreien Zugriff auf alle Premiuminhalte inkl. Beiträgen und Videos: “Machtbeben” – Der Bestseller von Dirk Müller – Jetzt als...

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Professor Dr. Thorsten Polleit: „Die antikapitalistische Mentalität. Ein Psychogramm“

Vortrag von Professor Dr. Thorsten Polleit im Rahmen der 7. Jahreskonferenz des Ludwig von Mises Institut Deutschland am 19. Oktober 2019. Das Thema der Konferenz lautete: „Logik versus Emotion. Warum die Welt so ist, wie sie ist“. Mehr Informationen gibt es auf Wir weisen darauf hin, dass unsere Kommentarfunktion dazu dient, sachlich fundierte Beiträge …

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How California’s Government Plans to Make Wildfires Even Worse

Not every square inch of the planet earth is suitable for a housing development. Flood plains are not great places to build homes. A grove of trees adjacent to a tinder-dry national forest is not ideal for a dream home. And California's chaparral ecosystems are risky places for neighborhoods.

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Blue Laws: Consumers, Not Capitalists, Are the Reason We’re Working on Sunday

It has now become commonplace for politicians and media pundits to casually assert that "everyone" — to use Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's term — is now working more and more hours — and perhaps two or three jobs — just to attain the most basic, near-subsistence standard of living.

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Andy Moran – The Shingles

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Jayant Bhandari: Blood in the Streets Means the Best Value and Least Risk

The past year has been interesting for investors and the resources industry, but according to Jayant Bhandari of Anarcho Capital, it’s been a good one. #MinesAndMoneyLondon #Gold #China “When blood is running in the streets, when people are not interested in buying any of these companies, that’s where the best value emerges, that’s when you can invest with the least amount of risk and for the highest amount of upside,” he said....

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#14 Grüne Geldpolitik: Die Globalisten erobern jetzt die EZB – Golden Times

EZB-Präsidentin Christine Lagarde will in Zukunft „grüne Geldpolitik“ betreiben – was könnte das für mögliche Folgen haben? Chefvolkswirt des Degussa, Dr. Thorsten Polleit erklärt, welche Gefahren hier für die Wirtschaft lauern. Außerdem: Der Aufwärtstrend beim Goldpreis bleibt intakt – in einem Interview mit Daniel Kuckelkorn erklärt Polleit, warum Gold auch in Zukunft mächtig anziehen wird. …

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Discussing My Book “Escape from the Central Bank Trap”

A short comment about my book, available here: Full interview here: Subscribe to my channel Follow my website: Twitter: @dlacalle_IA

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What Are The Biggest Risks For The European Union?

Subscribe to my channel. See the full interview at Real Vision here: Follow my website Twitter: @dlacalle_IA

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The Cultural Consequences of Negative Interest Rates

Negative interest rates are now entrenched reality in Europe, and not just for buyers of sovereign or corporate debt – even retail savings accounts are affected. What does this mean for real people trying to save for retirement? And more broadly, what does it mean for Europe culturally? Not to mention America, since Alan Greenspan tells us negative rates are coming here soon?

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The ECB’s “mea culpa”

Economists, conservative investors and market observers have been issuing stern warnings for years regarding the severe impact of the current monetary policy direction. In a recent statement, ECB Vice President Luis de Guindos warned of potential side effects and risks to the economy resulting directly from the central bank’s policies.

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