Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Marktbericht Mi. 04.12.2019 – DAX erholt sich, Halver, Thieme, Schmitz, Polleit im Interview

Was macht der DAX nach der Talfahrt in dieser Woche? Er erholt sich wieder und zwar ein ganzes Stück: 1,2 % Plus auf 13.141 Punkte sehen doch gleich schon wieder etwas besser aus. Der Handelskrieg spielt weiterhin eine wichtige Rolle, brachte heute aber keine neuen Verwerfungen hervor. Die Einkaufsmanagerindizes aus China waren erneut sehr gut. …

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Exports: Currency Devaluation Won’t Grow the Economy

A visible weakness in economic activity in major world economies raises concern among various commentators that world economies have difficulties recovering despite very aggressive loose monetary policies. The yearly growth rate of US industrial production stood at minus 1.1 % in October, against minus 0.1% in September, and 4.1% in October last year.

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Intervención En Espejo Público Comentando Los Datos Del Paro – Noviembre 2019

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Ronald Stöferle: “Gold – This is the Beginning of a Bigger Move”

Interview with the Author of the Gold Report "In Gold we trust" about why the gold price will further rise in 2020. Low interest rates, the trade war between China and USA and the extensive printing of money are only a few reasons. Get our free Newsletter (English) ►: Get our free Newsletter (German) ►: Subscribe to our YouTube channel ►:...

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Per Bylund on the Economics of Value versus Economies of Scale

Good economic theory predicts effective, cutting edge business practices. For example, the dynamic flexibility of capital resource allocation predicted by Austrian Capital Theory is being realized today via digitization, dematerialization and agile organizational innovations. Entrepreneurs who fully embrace Austrian theory can be leaders in the field of business implementation. At the same time, economic theory …

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Climate Summit And Socially Responsible Investment

Another climate summit… Will it solve anything? If we want to tackle climate change we need to do it from a global perspective. Subscribe to my channel. Follow my website Twitter: @dlacalle_IA

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Cumbre Del Clima E Inversión Sostenible

El debate sobre la lucha contra el cambio climático debe llevarse a cabo entendiendo dónde se genera el mayor nivel de contaminación y por qué. Suscríbete a mi canal. Sigue mis artículos y vídeos en Twitter: @dlacalle

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Politicians Want Thanksgiving To Be Political. Ignore Them.

Often, government-created holidays begin with a good premise — i.e., Independence Day, Armistice Day — and get worse from there. On Independence Day, instead of celebrating armed rebellion and secession, we now sing the praises of the government. Similarly, Armistice Day — a day designed to commemorate the end of a war — became Veterans Day, a day designed to honor government employees.

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Goldpreis kann auf 15.000 Dollar steigen! (Dimitri Speck im Interview)

Geheime Goldpolitik (Buch): ?Gold kaufen: ?Silber kaufen: ?Gratis Beratung und Bestellhotline: 07930-2699 ✅NEU! Masterplan Edelmetalle: ?Unser Online-Shop: ?5 € Gutschein für Neukunden: Seit vielen Jahren ist Kettner-Edelmetalle Ihr...

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The Hidden Link Between Fiat Money and the Increasing Appeal of Socialism

What causes the seemingly unfounded confidence in socialism we encounter more and more in the news media and among political activists? In the Extinction Rebellion movement, for example, activists are quite certain they have learned that there is an alternative to markets as the means to economic prosperity. It's a means that does not involve meeting the legitimate needs of one's fellow men in the marketplace.

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Quantitative Easing or Direct Monetization Of Government Spending?

“Instead of printing money for the banks we print money for the people”. That’s what it’s usually being said: but is it really true? Subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow my articles and videos at: Twitter: @dlacalle In this video I’ve mentioned this articles: Lessons From Japan’s Monetary Experiment

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¿Expansión cuantitativa o financiación monetaria de gasto público?

“En vez de imprimir dinero para los bancos imprimamos dinero para el pueblo” nos dicen en muchas ocasiones, pero ¿es realmente así?. Suscríbete a mi canal de YouTube y sigue mis artículos y vídeos en: Twitter: @dlacalle En este vídeo he hablado de:

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Capital Accumulation, Not Government, Is the Key To Technological Innovation

According to Mariana Mazzucato, the RM Phillips Professor in the Economics of Innovation at the University of Sussex, government is an important factor in the promotion of innovation and thus economic growth. In particular, she challenges the popular view that innovation happens in the private sector, with governments playing a limited role. Many commentators regard her as a revolutionary thinker that challenges the accepted dogma regarding the...

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Daniel Lacalle | Impeachment Risk May Be Understated

Squawk Box / 11-27-19

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Daniel Lacalle | Central banks cannot tolerate a market crash

Squawk Box / 11-27-19

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The Evolution Of The Bank Run

There are numerous and wide-ranging reasons why someone may choose to invest in physical precious metals. A deep understanding of monetary history provides plenty of solid arguments, and so do the mounting geopolitical risks, the spiking probability of a recession and the long-term goal of many conservative investors to safeguard their financial self-determination.

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Ronald Stöferle im Interview über die Nullzinsfalle und deren Auswirkungen

Interview mit Ronald-Peter Stöferle von Florian Munsch ( über die politisch gewollte Abschaffung des Zinses und deren Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft. Folgt uns auf Twitter: Für weitere Informationen besucht unsere Homepage oder ladet euch unsere aktuellste Publikation herunter: In Gold We Trust Chartbook 2019 – “Gold Shining Throught the Darkening Recession Clouds”: Homepage-Link:...

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CRASH? Die Rezessionswolken verdichten sich – Ronald Stöferle

#Crash #Gold #Goldpreis Interview mit dem Fondsmanager und Author von “In Gold We Trust” über die drohende Rezessionsgefahr weltweit und der große Einfluss der Notenbanken auf die Wirtschaft. Get our free Newsletter (English) ►: Get our free Newsletter (German) ►: Subscribe to our YouTube channel ►: *Stay ahead of the...

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Money-Supply Growth Accelerates to 28-Month High

The money supply growth rate rose in October, climbing to a twenty-eight-month high. The last time the growth rate was higher was during July of 2017, when the growth rate was 5.07 percent. During October 2019, year-over-year growth in the money supply was at 4.95 percent. That's up from September's rate of 3.10 percent, and was up from October 2018's rate of 3.49 percent.

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Nullzins auch 2020? Ronald Stöferle über die langfristigen Folgen der Nullzinspolitik

? Ronald Stöferle: Nullzinsfalle’ ►► ? Mein Buch über Goldaktien ►► ? Ronald Stöferle: Österreichische Schule für Anleger’ ►► Interview mit Ronald-Peter Stöferle (Incrementum, in gold we trust) von Florian Munsch ( über die politisch gewollte Abschaffung des Zinses und deren Auswirkkungen auf die Gesellschaft. Eine Umverteilung von arm...

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