Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Rusia y China – Dos Políticas Monetarias Muy Diferentes

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Doug French – Dad 2 Summit Event – Influencer – Coparent

When Doug started the Dad 2.0 summit 8 years ago, he didn’t anticipate the impact it would have. The conference is now the go to place to network with the top dad influencers, marketers, and a brands. The conference has hosted Michael Strahan, Dax Shepard, and more. They’ve paired dads with brands such as Dove, …

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How Today’s Central Bankers Threaten Civilization

When I was asked to write an article about the impact of negative interest rates and negative yielding bonds, I thought it was a chance to look at the topic from a broader perspective. There have been lots of articles speculating about the possible implications and focusing on their impact in the short run, but it’s not very often that an analysis looks a bit further into the future, trying to connect money and its effect on society itself.

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Abolish the Office of the First Lady

It's almost Christmas time again, and that means its time for White House politicians and staff to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on Christmas decorations and events for the White House.

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Economics and the Revolt against Reason

The Revolt Against Reason. It is true that some philosophers were ready to overrate the power of human reason. They believed that man can discover by ratiocination the final causes of cosmic events, the inherent ends the prime mover aims at in creating the universe and determining the course of its evolution.

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Episode 55 – Dr. Robert P. Murphy | What is Austrian Economics? | OPEC and Free Enterprise

Source: We got a chance to talk to Dr. Robert Murphy of the Institute for Energy Research today. Find more of Dr. Murphy’s work here: Bob Murphy Show – Contra Krugman – Dr. Murphy on Crude Oil Price Controls –

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The Origin and Nature of Money | Murray N. Rothbard

Murray N. Rothbard ( lectures at the Mises Institute's "First Annual Advanced Instructional Conference in Austrian Economics" at Stanford University; June 21-27, 1987.

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The Origin and Nature of Money | Murray N. Rothbard

Murray N. Rothbard ( lectures at the Mises Institute’s “First Annual Advanced Instructional Conference in Austrian Economics” at Stanford University; June 21-27, 1987.

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Real High Crimes and Misdemeanors

World Class Entertainer in the Cross-Hairs. Christmas is no time to be given the old heave-ho.  This is a time of celebration, redemption, and excess libation.  A time to shop ‘til you drop; the economy depends on it. Don’t get us wrong.  There really is no best time to receive the dreaded pink slip.  But Christmas is the absolute worst.  Has this ever happened to you?

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Failing to Emigrate Does Not Mean You Give Consent to the State

Eric Nelson, a Professor Government at Harvard, has published this year a brilliant and imaginative book, The Theology of Liberalism (Harvard University Press, 2019). Nelson, it should be said, is no leftist, despite what you might expect from his Harvard affiliation. To the contrary, he is a conservative and favors, though not to the fullest extent, the free market and private property rights.

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The Pre-Misesians | Murray N. Rothbard

Murray N. Rothbard ( presents the opening lecture at the Mises Institute's "First Annual Advanced Instructional Conference in Austrian Economics" at Stanford University; June 21-27, 1987.

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The Pre-Misesians | Murray N. Rothbard

Murray N. Rothbard ( presents the opening lecture at the Mises Institute’s “First Annual Advanced Instructional Conference in Austrian Economics” at Stanford University; June 21-27, 1987.

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2019 Was The Year Of “No-Normalization” Of Monetary Policy – WHAT CAN WE EXPECT FROM 2020?

Please subscribe to my channel and follow my articles and videos at: Twitter: @dlacalle_IA

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2019 El Año De La “No-Normalización” – ¿QUÉ ESPERAR DE 2020?

Suscríbete a mi canal y sigue mis artículos y vídeos en Twitter: @dlacalle

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Do Negative Rates Work? Yes, But Not by Much

Federal Reserve policy makers opposed to taking interest rates negative in the next recession might take comfort from the end of Sweden’s dalliance with below-zero rates. But investors shouldn’t expect the neighboring eurozone to follow suit: Just hours after the Riksbank raised its policy rate back to zero on Thursday, a group of the most senior monetary-policy staff at the European Central Bank published a long-awaited paper robustly defending...

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Good Economic Theory Focuses on Explanation, Not Prediction

In order to establish the state of the economy, economists employ various theories. Yet what are the criteria for how they decide whether the theory employed is helpful in ascertaining the facts of reality? According to the popular way of thinking, our knowledge of the world of economics is elusive — it is not possible to ascertain how the world of economics really works.

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Marx and Left Revolutionary Hegelianism

[This article is excerpted from volume 2, chapter 11 of An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought (1995).] Hegel's death in 1831 inevitably ushered in a new and very different era in the history of Hegelianism. Hegel was supposed to bring about the end of history, but now Hegel was dead, and history continued to march on. So if Hegel himself was not the final culmination of history, then perhaps the Prussian state of Friedrich...

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Corporate Debt Time Bomb

While I have reportedly highlighted the many risks of the current monetary policy direction and the multiple distortions that it has created in the markets, in the economy, and even in society, one of the most pressing dangers of the unnaturally low rates and cheap money is the staggering accumulation of debt. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the ballooning corporate debt, especially in the US.

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Consumer Preferences Are Harder to Measure than the Behavioral Economists Think

A recent paper in the Journal of Consumer Psychology (JCP) has started a debate on the accuracy of "loss aversion," the idea that people are driven by fear of losses more than they are by the potential for gain. Core to behavioral economics, this idea has been rather universally accepted and been part of the awarding of two economics Nobel Prizes, in 2002 to Daniel Kahneman and in 2017 to Richard Thaler.

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Dirk Müller: Von der Leyen-Skandal zeigt Kleptokratie & Medienversagen

Auszug aus dem vom 20.12.2019. Sehen Sie den kompletten Tagesausblick auf und erhalten Sie werbefreien Zugriff auf alle Premiuminhalte inkl. Beiträgen und Videos: “Machtbeben” – Der Bestseller von Dirk Müller – Jetzt handsigniert im Cashkurs*Shop: Dirk Müller Premium Aktien Fonds – Anlegerkongress 2020 – Jetzt...

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