Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics


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Corona Prof. Homburg Ramelow Bodo Schiffmann Wi2020 Markus Krall AfD Grüne Attila Hildmann Schweden↓

477 Christian Felber Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie Fridays for Future Hans-Werner Sinn Niko Paech Sahra Wagenknecht Kevin Kühnert Rainer Mausfeld Luisa Neubauer Carla Reemtsma Greta Thunberg Postwachstum Degrowth Quelle Greta Thunberg Fridays for Future Markus Krall Christian Felber Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie GWÖ Hans-Werner Sinn Sahra Wagenknecht Niko Paech Kevin Kühnert Rainer Mausfeld Luisa Neubauer Carla Reemtsma Postwachstums-Ökonomie...

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The Covid-19 Crisis Proves We Need Less Government Intervention, Not More

If the #COVIDー19 #Crisis has taught us anything is that we need more free and open economies. More government is not the solution. My new book available now: Please subscribe to my channel and leave your comments below. My website with all my articles: Twitter: @dlacalle_IA

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Dr Markus Krall – Ende des Euro Enteignungen Was jetzt tun !!!Mirror!!!


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The Japanese Love of Keynesian Economics Might Finally Be Coming to an End

Even those fortunate enough to have escaped infection by the Wuhan coronavirus will by now have noticed one of the virus’ many secondary effects: the disruption of the supply chain. Sick workers at meat plants, closed restaurants, hoarding, and the sudden spike in demand for things like ventilators, masks, and comestibles with long shelf lives have thrown the global flow of goods and services into disarray.

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Why an Economy Can’t Work without Market Prices

It has been a full century since Mises dropped the economic calculation bomb, but the argument apparently still haunts socialists. It should, since Mises managed to show that a socialist economy is not an economy at all but calculational chaos. Yet it is curious that it does, since most have (incorrectly) concluded that Mises’s argument, after decades of debate, was debunked.

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Crony Convo Ep 1 14 With Jayant Bhandari

Mr. Jayant Bhandari is constantly traveling the world to look for investment opportunities, particularly in the natural resource sector. He advises institutional investors about his finds. He was a Director on the board of Gold Canyon, a publicly-listed Canadian company, until its merger with another entity. Earlier, he worked for six years with US Global Investors (San Antonio, Texas), a boutique natural resource investment firm, and for one year...

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Niko Paech Economy4Mankind Fridays for Future Markus Krall Christian Felber Degrowth↓

476 Wie reformieren? Greta Thunberg Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie Hans-Werner Sinn Sahra Wagenknecht Kevin Kühnert Rainer Mausfeld Luisa Neubauer Carla Reemtsma Postwachstum Quelle Greta Thunberg Fridays for Future Markus Krall Christian Felber Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie GWÖ Hans-Werner Sinn Sahra Wagenknecht Niko Paech Kevin Kühnert Rainer Mausfeld Luisa Neubauer Carla Reemtsma...

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Ludwig von Mises on (the Standards of) gold, free market and totalitarianism. And the only 2 choices

The greatest economist of the 20-th century Ludwig von Mises on (the Standards of) gold, free market (capitalism ideology) and totalitarianism (Social ideology). And on the only 2 choices that we (the today’s) ppl have – in the 3rd decade of the 21 century! The Gold Standard should be restored! Yes, really! And we as …

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Paro e Inseguridad Jurídica: El Despropósito de Sánchez con la Reforma Laboral

Suscríbete a mi canal y deja tus comentarios. Más información: Revertir la reforma laboral no mejorará el mercado laboral La Reforma Laboral, no era una reforma ideológica, era una reforma de sentido común

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Dr. Markus Krall – der Bankencrash kommt 2020? (verständlich für alle)

Und wenn du nach dem Video noch mehr über Vermögensaufbau wissen möchtest, ist diese Playlist über die Spielregeln für Wohlstand genau das Richtige: Videolinks ?: 09:12 wie Wirtschaft funktioniert: 04:36 Teaser zum Buch: 11:52 bewährte Vermögensstruktur (Sicherung): Ökonomie-Blogs:...

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Banking and Monetary Policy from the Perspective of Austrian Economics

The editors are to be heartily congratulated for putting together this book, which covers an impressive range of topics in monetary economics from an explicitly Austrian perspective. Most of the twelve essays are of a very high quality and one will learn much about money and related topics by a careful reading of them.

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Is Shipping An Investing Opportunity Due To COVID-19? Robert Bugbee Interview

Purchase your Virtual SIC 2020 Pass today: Robert Bugbee is President & Director of Scorpio Tankers (, Scorpio Bulkers ( and Hermitage Offshore (

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COVID-19 Wreaks Havoc With Hotel Industry – Ashford CEO Monty Bennett Interview

Purchase your Virtual SIC 2020 Pass today: Monty Bennett is Founder, CEO & Chairman of Ashford:

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Restaurants Face COVID-19 Catastrophe – Jeffrey Frankel Interview

Purchase your Virtual SIC 2020 Pass today: Jeffrey Frankel owns Mattito's in Dallas & Irving, Texas:

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COVID-19 Turbocharges Artificial Intelligence Future? Rajeev Dutt Interview

Purchase your Virtual SIC 2020 Pass today: Rajeev Dutt is CEO of AI Dynamics:

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Let’s Hope Deflation Is Headed Our Way

The yearly growth rate of the US consumer price index (CPI) fell to 0.4 percent in April from 2 percent in April last year while the annual growth of the producer price index (PPI) plunged to –1.2 percent last month against 2.4 percent in April 2019.

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Is Shipping An Investing Opportunity Due To COVID-19? Robert Bugbee Interview

Purchase your Virtual SIC 2020 Pass today: Robert Bugbee is President & Director of Scorpio Tankers (, Scorpio Bulkers ( and Hermitage Offshore (

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COVID-19 Wreaks Havoc With Hotel Industry – Ashford CEO Monty Bennett Interview

Purchase your Virtual SIC 2020 Pass today: Monty Bennett is Founder, CEO & Chairman of Ashford:

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Restaurants Face COVID-19 Catastrophe – Jeffrey Frankel Interview

Purchase your Virtual SIC 2020 Pass today: Jeffrey Frankel owns Mattito’s in Dallas & Irving, Texas:

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