Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Dr. Markus Krall – Ziele und Aufgabenfelder der Atlas Initiative –

Dr. Markus Krall berichtet über die aktuelle wirtschaftliche Entwicklung sowie über die staatlich veranlassten Corona-Gegenmaßnahmen. Hierbei wird die Atlas Initiative mit ihren Zielen und zukünftigen Aufgaben vorgestellt.

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Dr. Markus Krall – Die Krise ist da-

Dr. Markus Krall berichtet über die momentane wirtschaftliche Lage, über die aktuelle Schuldenpolitik Europas, sowie über die aktuelle Wirtschaftskrise.

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What Germany Must Do for a Speedy Recovery

On June 29, the German parliament reacted as parliaments normally do when there is a problem, namely, by allowing the government to spend more. In order to respond to the economic difficulties due to the corona epidemic and the government restrictions, it passed a typical Keynesian stimulus package in order to boost aggregate demand.

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Bodo Schiffmann Bolsonaro Donald Trump Irrtümer Markus Krall Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie Greta Thunberg ÖDP

521 Fridays For Future Die Wirtschaftsweisen Sachverständi.rat ifo Institut Christian Felber Hans-Werner Sinn Luisa Neubauer Niko Paech Extinction Rebellion KenFM GWÖ Degrowth Scientists For Future Attila Hildmann Xavier Naidoo Sahra Wagenknecht Kevin Kühnert Gradido Carla Reemtsma Postwachstum NDS Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei Bhutan Bruttonationalglück Bürgerliche Revolution Atlas Initiative ! – Permakultur Cradle2Cradle...

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The Social Consequences of Zero Interest Rates

Anyone who has ever been to Japan knows: Japan is special. The country has many strange habits. The Japanese culture is simply different and many peculiarities are hardly understood in the West. But it's not only the old established traditions that are foreign to us Westerners.

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Will the Police Crack Down on Lockdown Violators the Second Time Around?

It will be very interesting if the police—who did nothing to disperse protests that were obviously in violation of bans on mass gatherings—turn around and arrest business owners and other "violators" of a second round of stay-at-home orders.

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Ronald Stöferle in interview with Mike Maloney

Mike Maloney of GoldSilver interviewed Ronald Peter Stöferle about the new In Gold We Trust Report. They talked about the possible implications and trends that could arise from current monetary policy. Commodities in a historical overview Ronald discusses how commodities were undervalued at some times and heavily overvalued at others. We are currently in a …

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Irrtümer Corona Markus Krall Fridays For Future Hans-Werner Sinn Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie Luisa Neubauer

519 Die Wirtschaftsweisen ( Sachverständigenrat ) Christian Felber Greta Thunberg Niko Paech Extinction Rebellion ifo Institut KenFM GWÖ Degrowth Scientists For Future Attila Hildmann Xavier Naidoo ÖDP Sahra Wagenknecht Kevin Kühnert Gradido Carla Reemtsma Postwachstum Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei Bhutan Bruttonationalglück Bürgerliche Revolution Atlas Initiative ! – Permakultur Cradle2Cradle Bonobo-Kommunismus Quelle

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The Disastrous Legacy of Woodrow Wilson

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Princeton University has made it official: Woodrow Wilson’s name no longer will have any place on campus. The former president, or at least his memory, now is part of cancel culture, which is sweeping the nation. The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs will replace the former president’s name with “Princeton,” and Wilson College now will be called First College.

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Man, Economy, and State with Jeff Deist

Today's solo show kicks off our reading of Rothbard's landmark Man, Economy, and State with a look at Chapter 1, "Fundamentals of Human Action." So much of what economics texts get wrong is laid out brilliantly here by Rothbard, who gives readers the basics of action, means/ends, time, ranking, factors of production, and capital in this 77 page master class. The short appendix at the end of the chapter alone is a bombshell—demystifying...

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Donald Trump Irrwege Corona Markus Krall Fridays For Future Hans-Werner Sinn Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie ÖDP

518 Christian Felber Greta Thunberg Niko Paech Extinction Rebellion ifo Institut KenFM GWÖ Degrowth Scientists For Future Attila Hildmann Xavier Naidoo Corona Sahra Wagenknecht Kevin Kühnert Die Wirtschaftsweisen ( Sachverständigenrat ) Gradido Carla Reemtsma Postwachstum Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei Bhutan Bruttonationalglück Bürgerliche Revolution Atlas Initiative ! – Permakultur Cradle2Cradle Bonobo-Kommunismus Quelle

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How Historians Changed the Meaning of “Liberalism”

Understandably enough, the current disfavor into which socialism has fallen has spurred what Raimondo Cubeddu (1997: 138) refers to as “the frenzy to proclaim oneself a liberal.” Many writers today have recourse to the stratagem of “inventing for oneself a ‘liberalism’ according to one’s own tastes” and passing it off as an “evolution” from past ideas.

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Corona -Ausschuss Irrwege ifo Institut Wirtschaftsweise Markus Krall Hans-Werner Sinn Luisa Neubauer

517 Christian Felber Fridays For Future Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie Greta Thunberg ÖDP Niko Paech Extinction Rebellion KenFM GWÖ Degrowth Scientists For Future Attila Hildmann Xavier Naidoo Corona Sahra Wagenknecht Kevin Kühnert Die Wirtschaftsweisen ( Sachverständigenrat ) Gradido Carla Reemtsma Postwachstum Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei Bhutan Bruttonationalglück Bürgerliche Revolution Atlas Initiative ! – Permakultur Cradle2Cradle...

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IV: Ronald Stöferle, Managing Partner, Incrementum AG 2020/07/02

I just had a fantastic talk with Incrementum’s Ronni Stöferle, the guy who started publishing the now world-famous In Gold We Trust annual report 14 years ago. (Here’s the link for the free download, if you haven’t read the new edition: ) With gold having just hit $1,800 for the first time since 2011, …

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? Bürgerliche Revolution – Freiheit in Gefahr 5 IDEEN aus dem Buch von Markus Krall (Dave Brych)

? Das Buch von Dr. Markus Krall bestellen: auf Amazon anschauen: ? Dave auf Telegram: ? Telegram funktioniert wie Whatsapp nur schneller, stabiler und sicherer. Es ist eine kostenfreie ? App für Smartphone oder ? Computer/Browser. Ich nutze diesen Kanal für schnelle und direkte Infos für Unternehmer. Auswege aus der Krise, digitale …

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Dirk Müller – Webinar-Serie“ Müllers Top 5“

Hier geht es zur Anmeldung: Im exklusiven 1. Teil der Webinar-Serie “Müllers Top 5”, gemeinsam präsentiert mit FOCUS Online und Finanzen100 erfahren Sie von Dirk Müller: • Was seine Top-5-Branchen nach der Corona-Krise sind • Welche Einzelwerte er derzeit für besonders aussichtsreich hält • Wie es an den Märkten generell weitergeht Jetzt anmelden! Beginn: …

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A Review of Stephanie Kelton’s The Deficit Myth

The good news is that Stephanie Kelton has written a book on MMT that is very readable and will strike many readers as persuasive and clever. The bad news is that Stephanie Kelton has written a book on MMT that is very readable and will strike many readers as persuasive and clever. Narrated by the author.  Original Article: "A Review of Stephanie Kelton’s The Deficit Myth".

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The COVID Crisis Supercharged the War on Cash

The corona crisis has already taken a very high toll and caused deep damage in our societies and our economies, the extent of which is yet to become apparent. We have seen its impact on productivity, on unemployment, on social cohesion and on political division. However, there is another very worrying trend that has been accelerated under the veil of fear and confusion that the pandemic has spread.

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An Excellent Seasonal Buying Opportunity in Silver Lies Directly Ahead

Today I want to put a popular precious metal under the magnifying glass for you: silver. Silver, often referred to as the “little brother” of gold, has a particularly interesting seasonal pattern I would like to share with you.

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As the Fed Pumps, the Stock Market Is Increasingly the Only Game in Town

While the economic storm caused by COVID-19 has seemed to wane (temporarily?), the stock market can’t seem to go but one direction—up. Graham and Dodd’s meaty 700-page Security Analysis has soared to number 7695 on the Amazon best-seller list. According to Warren Buffett, the book is A road map for investing that I have now been following for 57 years.

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