Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

The Decline of the Third World

A Failure to Integrate Values. The only region in the world that has proactively tried to incorporate western culture in its societies is East Asia — Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Taiwan. China, which was a grotesquely oppressed, poor, Third World country not too far in the past, notwithstanding its many struggles today, has furiously tried to copy the West.

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Central Bankers Will Bring Us Economic Stagnation

“Our country continues to face a difficult and challenging time….People have lost loved ones. Many millions have lost their jobs. There is great uncertainty about the future. At the Federal Reserve, we are strongly committed to using our tools to do whatever we can, for as long as it takes…to ensure that the recovery will be as strong as possible, and to limit lasting damage to the economy” –Jerome Powell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, June 10,...

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(4) Einführung in die Österreichische Schule der Nationalökonomie, Vorlesung IV., 28. Mai 2020

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Some Conservatives Want Americans to Abandon Classical Liberalism. Don’t Listen to Them.

Donald Trump's economic populism, and his break with the established post-war conservative movement, has created an opening for new types of conservatism. Among these is the anti-market wing of the movement characterized by a renewed enthusiasm for trade controls, more spending on welfare programs, and more government regulation in the everyday lives of ordinary Americans.

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#CHAZ/#CHOP is Probematic, but Exciting – Jeff Deist,

Please help support this production by going to: Want to help me finally free America from the federal government? Get the MOST IMPORTANT BOOK EVER for FREE in every format including audiobook at Please support FREEDOM! by liking and sharing this video, subscribing, and sharing! Then for everything else: Help end government by...

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Irrwege Sahra Wagenknecht Extinction Rebellion Markus Krall Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie Fridays For Future ↓

508 Xavier Naidoo Scientists For Future Greta Thunberg Attila Hildmann Christian Felber Niko Paech Degrowth Hans-Werner Sinn Kevin Kühnert KenFM Luisa Neubauer Gradido Carla Reemtsma GWÖ Postwachstum Bhutan Bruttonationalglück Bürgerliche Revolution Atlas Initiative . – Permakultur Cradle2Cradle Bonobo-Kommunismus Quelle Greta Thunberg Fridays for Future Markus Krall Christian Felber Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie GWÖ Hans-Werner Sinn...

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Does the Free Market Corrupt People?

The political theorist Michael J. Sandel is a popular teacher at Harvard, and his lectures circulate widely on YouTube and elsewhere. He attracted attention as a serious political theorist with his critical work on John Rawls, Liberalism and the Limits of Justice (1982). As most readers will know, I’m no fan of Rawls, and it’s easy to find poor arguments in his A Theory of Justice. But Sandel totally misunderstands him, and his attack on Rawls...

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Wirecard – die deutsche ENRON? (Versagen von BaFin und Ernst&Young?)

Riesenskandal bei Wirecard: Der Jahresabschluss wurde erneut verschoben und es fehlen 1,9 Milliarden Euro! Die Aktie stürzt darauf hin um 80 % ein und der halbe Vorstand tritt zurück. Hat das Dax Unternehmen betrogen und Geldwäsche betrieben oder ist es Opfer eines gigantischen Betrugs? Geht Wirecard pleite? Wie geht es weiter, sollte man die Aktie jetzt kaufen oder verkaufen - falls man sie besitzt? All diese Fragen werden heute beantwortet....

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CK*Devisenaktion: Let´s get Ciara walking!

CK*Devisenaktion: Vielen Dank für Ihre Spenden! #letsgetciarawalking An Weihnachten hatten wir Sie dazu aufgerufen, in Ihren Schubladen zu kramen und die dort – meist unnütz – lagernden Restbestände an Urlaubsdevisen bei uns einzuschicken, um mit diesem Geld die Stiftung „It´s for Kids“ zu unterstützen, bei der Dirk Müller als Botschafter tätig sein darf. Wir freuen …

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The War On Cash – COVID Edition Part II

The digital “toll” It doesn’t require too dark an imagination to realize the gravity of the concerns over the digital yuan. China is a true pioneer when it comes surveillance, censorship and political oppression and the digital age has given an incredibly efficient and effective arsenal to the state. Adding money to that toolkit was a move that was planned for many years and it is abundantly clear how useful a tool it can be for any totalitarian...

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Querdenken Gastrede Corona Alternative zu Markus Krall Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie Degrowth Fridays F Future

506 Xavier Naidoo Scientists For Future Greta Thunberg Kevin Kühnert Extinction Rebellion Sahra Wagenknecht Attila Hildmann Niko Paech Christian Felber Hans-Werner Sinn KenFM Luisa Neubauer Gradido Carla Reemtsma GWÖ Postwachstum Bhutan Bruttonationalglück Bürgerliche Revolution Atlas Initiative . – Permakultur Cradle2Cradle Bonobo-Kommunismus Quelle Greta Thunberg Fridays for Future Markus Krall Christian Felber...

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Dr Markus Krall – Über die Folgen der aktuellen Krise – WOV Update

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Kommt der MEGA Crash? Haben Dr. Markus Krall und Prof. Dr. Max Otte recht?

Kommt der Mega Crash? Haben Dr. Markus Krall und Pr. Dr. Max Otte Recht? Wer sich um die Zukunft im Bereich unseres Geldsystem Gedanken macht kommt meiner Meinung nach nicht an Dr. Markus Krall und Dr. Max Otte vorbei. Aber was sagen denn die beiden und was ist aus Ihrer und meiner Sicht ein realistisches …

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Why the European Recovery Plan Will Likely Fail

The €750 billion stimulus plan announced by the European Commission has been greeted by many macroeconomic analysts and investment banks with euphoria. However, we must be cautious. Why? Many would argue that a swift and decisive response to the crisis with an injection of liquidity that avoids a financial collapse and a strong fiscal impulse that cements the recovery are overwhelmingly positive measures.

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Ronald Stöferle at Sprott Money News

Ronald Peter Stöferle continues his interview series. Today he is a guest of Craig Hemke of Sprott Money News. The topic of discussion was of course this year’s In Gold We Trust report and its content. The Boogeyman, Inflation Even if mainstream economists do not believe stagflation is possible in our current climate, Ronald Stöferle …

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#27 Gold halten zahlt sich aus. Warum das Bargeld verteidigt werden muss – Golden Times

In diesem Degussa Goldhandel Podcast von Dr. Thorsten Polleit geht es um diese Themen: 1) Buy-and-Hold für Gold. Warum es sich auszahlt Gold zu halten, vor allem für Langfrist-Anleger. 2) Warum das Bargeld verteidigt werden muss. Ist die Corona-Krise ein Sargnagel dazu? Warum das Bargeld eine wichtige Freiheit der Bürger ist. Bräuchten wir ein Grundrecht auf Bargeld? 3) Die EZB und das Verbot der monetären Staatsfinanzierung. Ein...

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Dr Yu on Animal Magnetism, Jeff Deist on Portlandia Warriors – A Neighbor’s Choice

Call in at 727-587-1040. Email A Neighbor's Choice with a guest suggestion, story tip or question at [email protected]

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Die Irreführer: Markus Krall Xavier Naidoo Kevin Kühnert Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie Extinction Rebellion ↓↓

504 Greta Thunberg Sahra Wagenknecht Attila Hildmann Fridays for Future Niko Paech Christian Felber Scientists4Future Hans-Werner Sinn KenFM Luisa Neubauer Gradido Carla Reemtsma GWÖ Postwachstum Degrowth Bhutan Bruttonationalglück Bürgerliche Revolution Atlas Initiative . – Permakultur Cradle2Cradle Bonobo-Kommunismus Quelle Greta Thunberg Fridays for Future Markus Krall Christian Felber Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie GWÖ Hans-Werner...

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Dr. Markus Krall: Rede auf dem Neuen Hambacher Fest (05.05.2018)

Video von Original Video hier: Markus Krall ist Volkswirt. Er warnt seit langem vor einer bevorstehenden Finanzkrise, da sich die derzeitige Geldpolitik immer mehr von ihren Grundwerten abwendet. Markus Krall kritisiert entschieden die Euro-Rettungspolitik von Mario Draghi. Die “Rettung” nicht wettbewerbsfähiger Staaten degeneriert zu einer ungebremsten Staatsfinanzierung....

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Why the New Economics Just Boils Down to Printing More Money

The essential fallacy of John Maynard Keynes and his early disciples was to cultivate the monetary equivalent of alchemy. They believed that paper money was a suitable means to alleviate the fundamental economic problem of scarcity. The printing press was, at any rate, under certain plausible conditions of duress, a substitute for hard work, savings, and cutting prices (Hazlitt 1959, 1960).

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