Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Corona – Ausschuss Dr.W Wodarg Hetze gegen Weißrussland + Schweden Markus Krall Christian Felber GWÖ

Quelle 562 Irrwege: Corona Markus Krall Greta Thunberg Fridays For Future Christian Felber GWÖ Sahra Wagenknecht Richard David Precht Extinction Rebellion Hans-Werner Sinn Luisa Neubauer Ende Gelände Attila Hildmann Xavier Naidoo Carla Reemtsma Scientists For Future Die Wirtschaftsweisen Sachverständigenrat ifo Institut ÖDP BGE Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen NDS NachDenkSeiten Degrowth Rainer Mausfeld Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie Niko...

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Dr. Markus Krall: Enteignungen? Finanzblasen? Was jetzt mit dem Vermögen tun!

✍️ Jetzt eintragen zum kostenlosen Erstgespräch: . . . Im zweiten Teil dieses Interviews spricht unser Gast Dr. Markus Krall über sein Mitwirken in der Atlas Initiative sowie die gefährlichen Finanzblasen, die sich derzeit an unseren Märkten abbilden. Aber auch Tipps rund um einen diversifizierten Vermögensaufbau und Vermögensschutz sind in Zeiten einer Enteignungspolitik kommen …

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What Has Government Done to Our Money? (Audiobook) by Murray N. Rothbard

Get full version of this audiobook for free(30 day free trial) Best null AudioBooks What Has Government Done to Our Money? (Audiobook) by Murray N. Rothbard Reviews: Publisher's Summary The Mises Institute is pleased to present this audio edition of Rothbard's most famous monetary essay - the one that has influenced two generations of economists, investors, and business professionals. The...

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Dr. Markus Krall, was wird wirtschaftlich auf uns zukommen? Gold Invest sinnvoll ? Und wie ?

Markus Krall erzählt was bald wirtschaftlich auf uns zu kommt. Welche Geldanlage die letztlich richtige ist. Wo man dann lagern sollte. Das Ganze Video von Markus Krall: Pro-Vita GmbH Finanzberater seit 1992 [email protected] 0160-97081808

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Markus Krall Tag der Wahrheit wird kommen Bankencrash 2021 ReUpload

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Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk: The Positive Theory of Capital: Book 4: Chapter 3

The Positive Theory of Capital: Book 4: Price Chapter 3: One-Sided Competition 00:11 - First - of one-sided competition of Buyers. 03:59 - Second - of one-sided competition of Sellers. Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk (1851 - 1914) was an Austrian Economist, who was influenced by Carl Menger, and served as the Austrian Minister of Finance between 1895 and 1904. In the book The Positive Theory of Capital Eugen brings up six sections: Capital as an...

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CENTRAL BANKS: QE Funds Buybacks and Multinationals

Please subscribe to my channel and leave your comments below: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Website - ☑ My books on Amazon - Kind regards!

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Irrwege Corona Markus Krall Hans Werner Sinn Fridays For Future Christian Felber

Quelle 560 Irrwege: Corona Markus Krall Greta Thunberg Fridays For Future Christian Felber GWÖ Sahra Wagenknecht Richard David Precht Extinction Rebellion Hans-Werner Sinn Luisa Neubauer Ende Gelände Attila Hildmann Xavier Naidoo Carla Reemtsma Scientists For Future Die Wirtschaftsweisen Sachverständigenrat ifo Institut ÖDP BGE Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen NDS NachDenkSeiten Degrowth Rainer Mausfeld Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie Niko...

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Trump’s Payroll Tax Order Is Good Politics, but Doesn’t Offer Much Tax Relief

President Trump issued a new executive order on August 8 directing the Treasury Department to defer the 6.2 percent Social Security tax on wages for employees making less than about $100,000 a year. The suspension on collections will be in effect from September 1 through December 31. 

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Dr Markus Krall Zombies kippen diesen Herbst

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Dr Markus Krall Währungskollaps Goldstandard als zwingende Konsequenz

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Dr Markus Krall – Ausschnitt zur Währungskollaps


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Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk: The Positive Theory of Capital: Book 4: Chapter 2

The Positive Theory of Capital: Book 4: Price Chapter 2: Isolated Exchange Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk (1851 - 1914) was an Austrian Economist, who was influenced by Carl Menger, and served as the Austrian Minister of Finance between 1895 and 1904. In the book The Positive Theory of Capital Eugen brings up six sections: Capital as an Instrument of Production, Value, Price, Present and Future, The Source of Interest, and The Rate of Interest. Want to...

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Dear Portland, It’s Not America’s Job to Solve Your Problems​​​​​ | Ryan McMaken

In response to my article last week opposing the use of federal soldiers and federal agents on the streets of American cities (see "Keep Those Federal Troops out of American Cities" at, my inbox and the article's comment section filled up with readers claiming that it most certainly is the job of the US federal government to step in and take control of US cities against...

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Dr. Markus Krall, Degussa Goldhandel, zum Allzeithoch von Gold im Gespräch mit dem ZDF (Making of)

Dr. Markus Krall, Sprecher der Geschäftsführung der Degussa Goldhandel GmbH im Gespräch mit dem ZDF Mittagsmagazin im August 2020 zum Allzeithoch von Gold und den Herausforderungen der Vermögenssicherung in Zeiten der Niedrigzinspolitik.

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Dr. Yu on Newly Discovered Mice Cells, Jeff Deist on the Future of Gold

LIVE. Call in at 1 727 587 1040.

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Dr Markus Krall UNFASSBARE VORAUSSAGEN !!! Hiob würde sich im Grabe umdrehen !!!

Dr. Markus Krall Voraussagen mit knallharten Tatsachen untermauert !! Wirtschaft oder Ökonomie ist die Gesamtheit aller Einrichtungen und Handlungen, die der planvollen Befriedigung der Bedürfnisse dienen. Zu den wirtschaftlichen Einrichtungen gehören Unternehmen, private und öffentliche Haushalte, zu den Handlungen des Wirtschaftens Herstellung, Absatz, Tausch, Konsum, Umlauf, Verteilung und Recycling/Entsorgung von Gütern. Solche Zusammenhänge...

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Are Negative Rates a Natural Historical Development?

Negative interest rates have long since become a reality. But we are not talking about negative real interest rates. This is the case when the return on an investment is lower than the officially stated inflation rate. In today's context, negative interest rates are rather negative nominal interest rates; that is, the nominal interest rate is below 0 percent.

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Robert P. Murphy: Only the Austrians Understand Interest Rates


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Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk: The Positive Theory of Capital: Book 4: Chapter 1

The Positive Theory of Capital: Book 4: Price Chapter 1: The Fundamental Law Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk (1851 - 1914) was an Austrian Economist, who was influenced by Carl Menger, and served as the Austrian Minister of Finance between 1895 and 1904. In the book The Positive Theory of Capital Eugen brings up six sections: Capital as an Instrument of Production, Value, Price, Present and Future, The Source of Interest, and The Rate of Interest. Want to...

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