Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Why Regimes Want to Rule Over Big States with More Land and More People

When the Soviet Union began its collapse in 1989, the world witnessed decentralization and secession on a broad scale. Over the next several years, puppet regimes and states that were independent in name only broke away from Soviet domination and formed sovereign states. Some states which had completely ceased to exist—such as the Baltic states—declared independence and became states in their own right. In its heyday, the Soviet Union had been...

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Insolvenzwelle rollt – schlechte Energiepolitik wuchert aus!

► Mein Merch: ► Mein neues Buch Du möchtest das erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsbuch 2021 "Die größte Chance aller Zeiten" bestellen? Auf Amazon: oder mit Signatur: ► Friedrich & Partner Vermögenssicherung ► Social Media Twitter: Instagram:...

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The demise of the dollar: What comes after that?

Part I of II Endless ink has been spilled by economists and financial analysts in their efforts to predict the impact of de-dollarization. As might be expected, most of those who embrace a US-centric view of the world and who defend the status quo paint a gloomy picture. They warn of the nightmarish consequences of a Russia- and China-dominated world order, of the threats to freedom and to human rights that this could pose and of a potential...

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Default by Inflation Is the Real Drama in the Global Debt Market

While the faux debt ceiling drama rages in Washington, DC, governments worldwide are defaulting on their debt via inflation. Original Article: "Default by Inflation Is the Real Drama in the Global Debt Market"

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Myth #5: Economists, Using Charts or High Speed Computer Models, Can Accurately Forecast the Future

Recorded by the Mises Institute in the mid-1980s, The Mises Report provided radio commentary from leading non-interventionists, economists, and political scientists. In this program, we present another part of "Ten Great Economic Myths". This material was prepared by Murray N. Rothbard. The problem of forecasting interest rates illustrates the pitfalls of forecasting in general. People are contrary cusses whose behavior, thank...

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How Should We Regulate the Sun (Since Our Government Regulates Nearly Everything Else)?

When we think of “solar power,” we picture a field or a roof full of glass panels churning out electricity. However, this is just a more recent development in channeling the sun’s energy. Most histories of solar power will begin with stories regarding the use of magnifying glasses and mirrors to make fire. From the first to fourth centuries, the Romans began including large south-facing windows in their famous bathhouses, optimizing the heat energy...

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Yolanda Díaz te miente. Jamás pagará 20.000 euros a cada joven @DanielLacalleOfficial

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“Wenn man mitläuft, dann unterstützt man das System” | Dr. Friedrich Pürner

Drei Jahre Corona - was bleibt übrig? Auf meinem Event "Marc Lädt Ein" mit über 450 Zuschauern hatte ich die Ehre mit dem Arzt und Epidemiologen Dr. Friedrich Pürner über die Zeit der Maßnahmen, sowie den öffentlichen Diskurs zu sprechen. ► Mein Merch: ► Mein neues Buch Du möchtest das erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsbuch 2021 "Die größte Chance aller Zeiten" bestellen? Auf Amazon:...

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NADIA CALVIÑO (PSOE) Se NEGÓ a Debatir Conmigo

#calvino #economia #macroeconomía #inflación #paro #mercados Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - ¡Un saludo!

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The Affirmative-Action Ruling Strengthens Vast Federal “Anti-Discrimination” Powers

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday rejected race-based admissions in higher education at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). The ruling likely calls into question the legality of most race-based college admissions policies, especially at elite colleges. In the ruling (Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard) a majority of the justices ruled that the use of racial preferences in the admissions process at the...

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Lagarde: “Inflation durch Klimawandel”

► Mein Merch: ► Mein neues Buch Du möchtest das erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsbuch 2021 "Die größte Chance aller Zeiten" bestellen? Auf Amazon: oder mit Signatur: ► Friedrich & Partner Vermögenssicherung ► Social Media Twitter: Instagram:...

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The Mystery of the Inverted Yield Curve

In this week's episode, Mark looks back at the history of the Inverted Yield Curve. While many observers have now dismissed the significance of the yield curve inversion in 2022—and no recession, yet—Mark shows that the history of the IYC may back a completely opposite interpretation. Be sure to follow Minor Issues at

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Declaring Independence from the Parasite Caste

July 4 is approaching, and many Americans are excited to celebrate their so-called independence. Why? How will this July 4 be any different from that of 2020? Haven’t the past three years revealed that Americans not only take liberty for granted but readily reject it? Is it not the least bit curious that some, if not most, of those who’ll be setting off fireworks also begged to be locked down and masked? Yes, the frauds that are “public health” and...

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Unraveling the Fallacy of Natural Monopolies

Most cartels and trusts would never have been set up had not the governments created the necessary conditions by protectionist measures. Manufacturing and commercial monopolies owe their origin not to a tendency immanent in capitalist economy but to governmental interventionist policy directed against free trade and laisser-faire. —Ludwig von Mises, Socialism The concept of natural monopolies has often intrigued economists and policymakers, serving...

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Why the Official Data Shows There’s No Recession

Allow me to explain why we have not seen a recession yet despite the collapse in base money supply. We are witnessing the stealth nationalization of the economy. What does this mean? The entire burden of the monetary collapse and rate hikes is falling on the shoulders of families and small businesses, while large corporations and governments are virtually unaffected. Thus, when an agent like the state, which weighs 40 to 60 percent of GDP in most...

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The Impact of Falling M2 on Prices and Jobs

The Mises Institute's Executive Editor Ryan McMaken joins Bob to discuss his latest article, in which Ryan spells out the state of the M2 money supply and possible implications for consumer prices and an impending recession. Ryan's article on M2: Ryan's QJAE article on the inverted yield curve: The Impact of Falling M2 on Prices and Jobs Video of The Impact of...

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A Peaceful International Order Needs Free Markets

The Ukraine war raises issues of the legitimacy and usefulness of the “rules-based” international order (RBO) that supposedly governs international relations. The United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) have strongly condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its violation of international law and rules, and the US is also concerned about the economic and military rise of China and its alleged intentions to reshape the RBO....

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Fossil Fuels Enable Us to Better Fight Fires and Other Environmental Disasters

The latest round of wildfires in Canada has brought out the usual statist demands that we ban fossil fuels, but in the real world fossil fuels protect people from climate-related disasters. Original Article: "Fossil Fuels Enable Us to Better Fight Fires and Other Environmental Disasters"

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Help Make MU 2023 the Best Ever

When I opened the first Mises University, I could only dream about how many students would participate, how many classes would be taught, and how many lives would be changed for the better. Now as we plan the thirty ninth event, we need your help. It was obvious students were not learning real economics and were even being taught lies in the classroom. Mises and Rothbard were being ignored for Marx and Keynes. This had to change. Thanks to Mises...

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SOMOS MUCHO MÁS POBRES: La mentira del relato sanchista

#sanchismo #pobreza #sumar #deuda #economia Datos de Eurostat, SEPE e INE aquí: Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram -...

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