Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

America Since 9/11: 22 Years of Lies and Despotism

In a more reasonable world, people like Cheney, Rice, Bolton, et al., would all be forgotten, shamed, and disgraced for overseeing multiple disastrous wars abroad and the creation of a police state at home. Unfortunately, we don't live in a more reasonable world.  Original Article: "America Since 9/11: 22 Years of Lies and Despotism"

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No, Governor, Rights Are NOT Government-Issued Privileges That You Can Suspend

On Friday, September 8, Michelle Lujan Grisham, the governor of New Mexico, announced a new public health order suspending the right to carry firearms in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County for at least thirty days. The New Mexico governor announced the thirty-day suspension at a press conference. Citing the shooting deaths of three children in Albuquerque this summer, Grisham declared “a public health emergency,” which she says gives her the...

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Three Reasons Why Military Recruitment Is in Crisis

By the middle of 2022, it was already become apparent that the US military was having problems meeting recruitment goals. In August last year, The AP reported that the Army would have to cut force size, and an army spokesman admitted the Army was facing "'unprecedented challenges' in bringing in recruits." This came even with new larger enlistment bonuses. The problem, however, wasn't as acute for the Air Force, Navy, or Marine Corps. ...

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Lots of Red Ink at the Fed

The Federal Reserve has officially reported a loss of $57 billion for the first six months of 2023. Quite a number! So the “Federal Reserve Banks Combined Quarterly Financial Report as of June 30, 2023” (CQFR)—a little-known document—is especially notable for its red ink. We can anticipate an annual loss of over $100 billion for 2023 and for the losses to continue into 2024. 1 How does a central bank, especially the world’s greatest and most...

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No, Small Countries Are Not at an Economic Disadvantage

Being large doesn't make a country wealthy, nor does being small shrink a country's economy. Original Article: "No, Small Countries Are Not at an Economic Disadvantage"

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¿Puede Milei Dolarizar La Economía Argentina?

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Welcome to the Twenty-First Century American Bankruptcy Show

Many historians labeled the twentieth century as the American century, with many metrics used. The end of the Cold War in 1989 and the fall of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in December 1991 changed world affairs: several new countries formed, the Warsaw Pact dissolved, the economy of China rose, and many US military bases shut down. The twentieth century wound down with the US as the world superpower, and yet the vision of the 1990s was...

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What Mises Really Thought about Fascism

When Mises wrote that the fascists had "saved European civilization," he could have been describing Francisco Franco of Spain, who kept Spain from becoming a communist dictatorship. Original Article: "What Mises Really Thought about Fascism"

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Inflation: Government’s Insidious Form of Theft

No one today talks about the death penalty for debasing gold or silver coins as established by section 19 of the Coinage Act of 1792, nor do they usually bring up Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution, which authorizes only “gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.” Instead, we’ve come so far as to establish a “gold standard” for the monetary policy of inflating currency at roughly two percent per annum to be carried out solely by the...

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America Since 9/11: 22 Years of Lies and Despotism

One sees many flags at half-mast across the country today. And rightly so. Thanks in part to the negligence and incompetence of the CIA and FBI, the Federal government  failed disastrously at what it tells us is the regime's number-one priority: public safety.   [Read More: "9/11 Was a Day of Unforgivable Government Failure" by Ryan McMaken] More than 2,900 human beings died that day, the overwhelming majority of which were civilians...

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Is the Monopoly Board Game Like Real Markets?

Many people believe that the board game Monopoly, developed during the Great Depression, mimics a real-world capitalist economy. Monopoly is a game, not real life. Original Article: "Is the Monopoly Board Game Like Real Markets?"

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Would You Hire an AI-powered McRobot or a Human Employee?

Young people often get their first jobs in fast food or in some sort of retail customer service. Young and not so young adults are aware that fast food jobs will equip them with the skills needed to acquire future employment. Some choose to make a career in fast food, while for others it is a means of developing skills and earning money to satisfy their needs and wants. In the past, people could easily find employment making burgers and French...

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The Austrian School’s Deductive Approach: A Beacon for Economic Understanding

It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a “dismal science.” But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance. —Murray Rothbard, “The Death Wish of the Anarcho-Communists” The Austrian school of economics stands as a beacon, illuminating the path to economic understanding...

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Regulation in the Free Market: It’s Not What Most People Believe

Can a government regulatory system be reformed? In a word, no. The free market is always the best regulator of quality and safety. Original Article: "Regulation in the Free Market: It’s Not What Most People Believe"

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Cultural Appropriation: The Nontheft of Something No One Owns

When I was at the university, I once objected to a classmate’s lazy use of “public goods.” He had used it to favor his policy position, as a shorthand synonym of what’s good for society—only a thinly veiled euphemism for what I want to happen. “Public goods are things that are nonrivalrous and nonexcludable,” I said, almost sputtering off a nearby economics textbook. “The ones you’re talking about are neither.” He rolled his eyes in boredom. “Yes,...

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¡Escandalosa filtración de cambios del INE!

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AI Lacks the Entrepreneurial Intelligence to Plan an Economy

Despite what many elites believe, AI can do many things, but it cannot successfully plan an economy. It lacks the intelligence of an entrepreneur. Original Article: "AI Lacks the Entrepreneurial Intelligence to Plan an Economy"

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Thanks to Government, Maui’s Lahaina Fire Became a Deadly Conflagration

While progressives blame climate change for the deadly Lahaina fire, government created the conditions for the blaze and then helped set it. Original Article: "Thanks to Government, Maui's Lahaina Fire Became a Deadly Conflagration"

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La Deuda Pública NO Importa (porque TÚ la pagas)

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Inflation Is a Giant “Skim” on the American People

Contrary to the government's line that "inflation hurts everyone," inflation really is a wealth transfer from those without political power to the politically connected. Original Article: "Inflation Is a Giant "Skim" on the American People"

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