Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics


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The Producer Price Index

In this week's episode, Mark looks at PPI—the Producer Price Index—which provides evidence of the costs for suppliers in various industries, macroeconomic instability, and the potential for economic recovery. Here, very low prices provide the potential for recovery; and rising prices can indicate both recovery in the economy, as well as inflationary pressures moving forward. The Covid Bubble and restrictions caused a 50% increase in producer...

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Ten Great Economic Myths

Our country is beset by a large number of economic myths that distort public thinking on important problems and lead us to accept unsound and dangerous government policies. Here are ten of the most dangerous of these myths and an analysis of what is wrong with them. Myth #1 Deficits are the cause of inflation; deficits have nothing to do with inflation. In recent decades we always have had federal deficits. The invariable response of the party out...

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Toward a Heiddegerian Libertarianism?

How to Nurture Truth and Authenticity: A Metamodern Economic Reform Proposalby Justin CarmienManticore Press, 2022; 272 pp. Neither I nor Justin Carmien, the author of How to Nurture Truth and Authenticity, is an economist. Carmien’s book, however, is not a work of economics but a philosophical attempt to apply Heideggerian metaphysics to practical statesmanship and political economy. Nor is it an academic book: it is written with naïve yet deep...

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Will the BRICS Dethrone the U.S. Dollar?

The summit of the so-called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) has closed with an invitation to join the group extended to the Emirates, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, and Ethiopia. The summit has generated a lot of headlines about the impact of this widespread group of nations, including speculation about the end of the U.S. dollar as a global reserve currency if this group is perceived as a threat to the United States...

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The Beltway Libertarians Are Too Smart for Oliver Anthony

Ryan McMaken joins Bob to discuss the surprisingly negative reaction (from a Reason writer and Tyler Cowen) to Oliver Anthony's hit song, "Rich Men North of Richmond." Ryan and Bob defend the lyrics, arguing that Anthony doesn't say anything objectionable from either a libertarian or economic perspective. Listen to Oliver Anthony's "Rich Men North of Richmond": Christian Britschgi's article in Reason on Oliver...

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Forced Isolation of Patients in the ICU Is Barbaric and Counterproductive

Healthcare providers have known for years that contact between patients and family members are essential for good outcomes during intensive care unit (ICU) stays. The ABCDEF bundle is generally accepted as best practice in ICU care. The F stands for “family engagement and empowerment.” Yet, most (if not all) ICUs threw this practice out the window during covid. Family engagement and empowerment is not merely a humanitarian gesture but is necessary...

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Family Flourishing and State Denigration

As family life descends into crisis in the USA, many conservatives call for state intervention to "fix" things. It's state intervention that created the problems in the first place. Original Article: "Family Flourishing and State Denigration"

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¿Los Economistas Deben Hacer Caso a Los Políticos?

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A Procapitalist Philosopher

Most contemporary political philosophers view free market capitalism with suspicion, if not outright loathing, but one exception is Gerald Gaus, who taught for many years at the University of Arizona. Gaus was by no means a Rothbardian but rather worked within the framework of “public reason” set forward by John Rawls, though Gaus greatly modified it. In this week’s column, I’d like to discuss some of the arguments about property that Gaus makes in...

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Let Staten Island Secede!

If Staten Island is allowed to secede, our national technocrats fear that might open up countless similar demands for self-determination across the nation. For the elites, the current status quo works quite well and they want to keep it that way.  Original Article: "Let Staten Island Secede!"

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American Prosperity Is Greater than Most of Us Realize

Traveling was once a luxury for the rich, but today even working-class people enjoy vacations. In America, people have gotten so wealthy that planning summer vacations is a priority for many families. Living standards have improved so tremendously that elite amenities are now commonplace. Nearly 90 percent of American homes rely on air-conditioning, and 92 percent of households have access to at least one vehicle. Relative to the globe, most...

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Wie ich selbst zum Millionär wurde! Jubiläums-Ausgabe 400. Folge Faszination Freiheit

So wurde ich Multimillionär (Faszination Freiheit Jubiläumsausgabe Nr. 400) Geldsicherheit GARANTIERT - Online-Training: Freitagstipps abonnieren: Wie habe ich es selbst zum Selfmade-Multimi-II-ionär geschafft? Seit über 7 Jahren und heute exakt 400 Wochen gibt es jeden Freitag ein neues Tippvideo. Ich möchte dir und den über 60 Tsd...

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The Imperial Russian Regime was Neither “Great” nor “Enlightened”

Pope Francis made headlines last week when he described the Russian Empire as "enlightened" and invoked the names of two expansionist Russian czars as examples of Russia's "great culture." In impromptu remarks, Francis said to a group of Russian Catholics,  “You are the heirs of the great Russia: the great Russia of saints, of kings, the great Russia of Peter the Great, of Catherine II, of that great, enlightened Russian empire,...

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Golf Merger Is Opposed by Congress. This Is Misguided

Members of Congress claim to be "concerned" over the proposed merger between LIV Golf and the PGA Tour. They should be supporting it or, even better, backing off completely. Original Article: "Golf Merger Is Opposed by Congress. This Is Misguided"

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¿Es Pedro Sánchez Un Gran Estratega?… Desafortunadamente SÍ

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Power Vacuum: How the State Wants to Suck Electricity from the SUV You Are Required to Buy

A literal power vacuum—that’s what California Senate Bill 233 proposes. And what is to be sucked? Your electric car. The bill—which has passed the Senate and is now winding its way through the Assembly—states that all new electric vehicles to be sold in California after 2030 be “bidirectional.” Because the state has decided to essentially go all electric without having the ability to actually provide enough electricity, the climate warriors have...

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Local Secession Movements: From Staten Island to the South

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop look at county and city-level secession movements and what it means for political self-determination. In a recent article, Ryan McMaken highlighted renewed calls for Staten Island to secede from New York City, but other recent examples include attempts by taxpayers in areas of Georgia and Alabama to break away from the control of mismanagement of local governments. Tho and Ryan look at...

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Eurodollars as a Fractional Reserve Market

We should not just be concerned about problems in the American banking system, but also about the proliferation of Eurodollars. Original Article: "Eurodollars as a Fractional Reserve Market"

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Consumer Credit Is Expanding Even While the Fed Pushes up Interest Rates

To me, a wise and humane policy is occasionally to let inflation rise even when inflation is running above target. —Janet Yellen We have sighted the enemy and he is us. —Pogo On July 26, 2023, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates by a quarter of a percentage point. By the time you read this, your credit card interest rate will probably have increased for your September statement. When headlines talk about the Fed raising interest rates, the...

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