Category Archive: 6b.)

Embrace Unilateral Free Trade with the UK — Right Now

Boris Johnson's Conservatives won an outright majority in yesterday's general election, pushing the Tories to an 80-strong Commons majority in what the Daily Mail called a "staggering election landslide." Given that the Conservatives employed an election slogan of "Get Brexit Done," it appears the election was largely a referendum on Brexit.

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Why the Courts Aren’t All They’re Supposed to Be

In the United States, law courts routinely hand out court order mandating payments to victims. And then do little to enforce them. For example, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2015 only 43.5 percent of custodial parents received the full amount of court-ordered child support payments. 25.8 percent received partial payment while 30.7 percent — a figure which is trending higher — received no payments.

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III Fórum de Liberdade Econômica – Firm Theory, Entrepreneurship & Strategic Management – Per Bylund

Sobre o Palestrante: Per Bylund, é membro do Mises Institute e professor assistente de empreendedorismo e registros – professor Johnston de Free Enterprise na Escola de Empreendedorismo da Spears School of Business da Oklahoma State University e membro associado do Ratio Institute em Estocolmo. Ele já ocupou cargos na Baylor University e na University of …

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Anatomia do Estado, Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995) #indicação de leitura 28.

#DURecorder Este é meu vídeo gravado com DU Recorder. É fácil gravar sua tela e fazer transmissão ao vivo. Link de download: Android: iOS:

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Why Central Banks Aren’t Really Setting Interest Rates

Mainstream thinking considers the central bank a key factor in the determination of interest rates. By setting short-term interest rates, the central bank, it is argued, can influence the entire interest rate structure by creating expectations about the future course of its interest rate policy.

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Anatomia do Estado, Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995) #indicação de leitura 28.

#DURecorder Este é meu vídeo gravado com DU Recorder. É fácil gravar sua tela e fazer transmissão ao vivo. Link de download: Android: iOS:

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A possibilidade de uma justiça privada – Robert P. Murphy

Conheça todo meu trabalho e formas de apoia-lo A liberdade é inevitável!! Esse vídeo foi apoiado por : Allan Ricardo,Nicola Occhipinti Magalhães, Douglas Otoni, Átila Balzer Piekarski, Patrick Tracanelli, Artur Pereira de Lima, Vinícius Perini, Ricardo Ariel Nasatto, Thiago Carneiro Ribeiral, Luis Otavio Oliveira da Matta, Lucas Terass, Lucas Terassi, Carlos Oliveira, Leonardo José …

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Central Banks May Be Driving Us Toward More Waste, More Carbon Emissions

Christine Lagarde, the new president of the European Central Bank (ECB), has added a new green dimension to monetary policymaking. The charming Frenchwoman signaled that the ECB could buy green bonds, possibly as part of the reanimated bond purchase program (a form of QE). This could reduce the financing costs of green investment projects.

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Why this Boom Could Keep Going Well Beyond 2019

The Austrian business cycle theory offers a sound explanation of what happens with the economy if and when the central banks, in close cooperation with commercial banks, create new money balances through credit expansion. Said credit expansion causes the market interest rate to drop below its "natural level," tempting people to save less and consume more.

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Professor Dr. Thorsten Polleit: „Die antikapitalistische Mentalität. Ein Psychogramm“

Vortrag von Professor Dr. Thorsten Polleit im Rahmen der 7. Jahreskonferenz des Ludwig von Mises Institut Deutschland am 19. Oktober 2019. Das Thema der Konferenz lautete: „Logik versus Emotion. Warum die Welt so ist, wie sie ist“. Mehr Informationen gibt es auf Wir weisen darauf hin, dass unsere Kommentarfunktion dazu dient, sachlich fundierte Beiträge …

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How California’s Government Plans to Make Wildfires Even Worse

Not every square inch of the planet earth is suitable for a housing development. Flood plains are not great places to build homes. A grove of trees adjacent to a tinder-dry national forest is not ideal for a dream home. And California's chaparral ecosystems are risky places for neighborhoods.

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Blue Laws: Consumers, Not Capitalists, Are the Reason We’re Working on Sunday

It has now become commonplace for politicians and media pundits to casually assert that "everyone" — to use Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's term — is now working more and more hours — and perhaps two or three jobs — just to attain the most basic, near-subsistence standard of living.

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Andy Moran – The Shingles

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#14 Grüne Geldpolitik: Die Globalisten erobern jetzt die EZB – Golden Times

EZB-Präsidentin Christine Lagarde will in Zukunft „grüne Geldpolitik“ betreiben – was könnte das für mögliche Folgen haben? Chefvolkswirt des Degussa, Dr. Thorsten Polleit erklärt, welche Gefahren hier für die Wirtschaft lauern. Außerdem: Der Aufwärtstrend beim Goldpreis bleibt intakt – in einem Interview mit Daniel Kuckelkorn erklärt Polleit, warum Gold auch in Zukunft mächtig anziehen wird. …

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The Cultural Consequences of Negative Interest Rates

Negative interest rates are now entrenched reality in Europe, and not just for buyers of sovereign or corporate debt – even retail savings accounts are affected. What does this mean for real people trying to save for retirement? And more broadly, what does it mean for Europe culturally? Not to mention America, since Alan Greenspan tells us negative rates are coming here soon?

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Marktbericht Mi. 04.12.2019 – DAX erholt sich, Halver, Thieme, Schmitz, Polleit im Interview

Was macht der DAX nach der Talfahrt in dieser Woche? Er erholt sich wieder und zwar ein ganzes Stück: 1,2 % Plus auf 13.141 Punkte sehen doch gleich schon wieder etwas besser aus. Der Handelskrieg spielt weiterhin eine wichtige Rolle, brachte heute aber keine neuen Verwerfungen hervor. Die Einkaufsmanagerindizes aus China waren erneut sehr gut. …

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Exports: Currency Devaluation Won’t Grow the Economy

A visible weakness in economic activity in major world economies raises concern among various commentators that world economies have difficulties recovering despite very aggressive loose monetary policies. The yearly growth rate of US industrial production stood at minus 1.1 % in October, against minus 0.1% in September, and 4.1% in October last year.

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Per Bylund on the Economics of Value versus Economies of Scale

Good economic theory predicts effective, cutting edge business practices. For example, the dynamic flexibility of capital resource allocation predicted by Austrian Capital Theory is being realized today via digitization, dematerialization and agile organizational innovations. Entrepreneurs who fully embrace Austrian theory can be leaders in the field of business implementation. At the same time, economic theory …

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Politicians Want Thanksgiving To Be Political. Ignore Them.

Often, government-created holidays begin with a good premise — i.e., Independence Day, Armistice Day — and get worse from there. On Independence Day, instead of celebrating armed rebellion and secession, we now sing the praises of the government. Similarly, Armistice Day — a day designed to commemorate the end of a war — became Veterans Day, a day designed to honor government employees.

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The Hidden Link Between Fiat Money and the Increasing Appeal of Socialism

What causes the seemingly unfounded confidence in socialism we encounter more and more in the news media and among political activists? In the Extinction Rebellion movement, for example, activists are quite certain they have learned that there is an alternative to markets as the means to economic prosperity. It's a means that does not involve meeting the legitimate needs of one's fellow men in the marketplace.

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