Category Archive: 6b.)

“Shortages” Aren’t Causing Inflation. Money Creation Is.

The current surge in inflation is not due to a shortage of supply as central banks want us to believe. It is primarily due to soaring consumer demand fueled by monetary creation.

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Fabrice Testa on Super Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is a method, and it’s also a mindset. Fabrice Testa has written a book that brilliantly integrates the two: he calls the integration "Super Entrepreneurship," and his book title is therefore Super Entrepreneurship Decoded (

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Biden Bizarrely Claims That Government Spending Is Costless

There is only one way to describe the fiscal mindset of those in the White House and in Congress who are proposing new federal budgetary expenditure and taxing increases in the trillions of dollars: a fantasy land of financial irrationality.

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Age-Adjusted Mortality Is at 2004 Levels. Yet They Tell Us Covid Is Worse Than the 1918 Flu.

Last week, the media again tried to ratchet up the public’s fear over covid-19 by labeling it more deadly than the 1918 flu epidemic. “COVID-19 Is Now the Deadliest Disease in U.S. History,” reads one headline from an NBC TV affiliate. Considering the realities of cancer and heart disease, that headline is absurdly false.

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Why Worrying about Everything Is Bad Foreign Policy

The subtitle of John Mueller’s excellent new book suggests that something unusual is in store for the reader. If someone is called complacent, he is hardly being complimented; how then can there be a “case for complacency”? In brief, Mueller thinks that most of the threats and dangers that confront nations are really not that much to worry about, if they are not altogether imaginary.

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“Shortages” Aren’t Causing Inflation. Money Creation Is.

For central bankers and mainstream analysts the recent inflation outburst is only a transitory phenomenon which has nothing or very little to do with the massive monetary and fiscal stimuli unleashed during the pandemic. Although the Fed has recently conceded that price pressures are persisting longer than expected, the surge of inflation is allegedly due to supply bottlenecks caused by the pandemic.

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Why Does Money Have Value? Not Because the Government Says It Does.

Why does the dollar bill in our pockets have value? According to some commentators, money has value because the government in power says so. For other commentators the value of money is on account of social convention. What this implies is that money has value because it is accepted, and why is it accepted?

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The Economic Foundations of Freedom

Animals are driven by instinctive urges. They yield to the impulse that prevails at the moment and peremptorily asks for satisfaction. They are the puppets of their appetites. Man's eminence is to be seen in the fact that he chooses between alternatives. He regulates his behavior deliberatively.

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Time, Income & Savings | Why Purchasing Power Matters to Iustin

Purchasing Power Matters! Iustin shares what and why it matters to him. Your time spent earning income increases, while your ability to save and purchase goods decreases. Share your thoughts in the comment section below. Tell your story and let the world hear why Purchasing Power Matters to you. Find out more about Iustin here: Visit the PPM website for details on how to share your story and to read...

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Berliners in 2021 Want to Expropriate Private Housing

On September 6, 2021, the city-state of Berlin, Germany’s capital, held a referendum: voters in Berlin had to decide whether thousands of housing units owned by “large real estate firms” should be nationalized. 56.4 percent voted yes, 39 percent no. 

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Without Lockdowns, Sweden Had Fewer Excess Deaths Than Most of Europe

It’s now been more than eighteen months since governments began the new social experiment now known as “lockdowns.” Prior to 2020, forced “social distancing” was generally considered to be too costly in societal terms to justify such a risky experiment.

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Currency Debasement and Social Collapse

Knowledge of the effects of government interference with market prices makes us comprehend the economic causes of a momentous historical event, the decline of ancient civilization.

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Yes, the US Government Has Defaulted Before

The regime is trying to whip up maximum hysteria or the chances that the US government could default on its debts if the debt ceiling is not raised. So far, the financial markets don’t seem to care that much, as ten-year Treasurys over the past week have barely risen above 1.5 percent, and not even matched last March’s recent high.

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Monetary Competition: The Best Alternative to Razing Central Banks to the Ground

[Editor's note: Two interviews from August 1992, given by Murray Rothbard to the Swedish student publication Svensk Linje (continuously published since 1942) were recently discovered in the Rothbard Archives and translated by Sven Thommesen for the first time.

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The 1787 Constitution Was a Radical Assault on the Spirit of the Revolution

It was a bloodless coup d’état against an unresisting Confederation Congress. The original structure of the new Constitution was now complete. The Federalists, by use of propaganda, chicanery, fraud, malapportionment of delegates, blackmail threats of secession, and even coercive laws, had managed to sustain enough delegates to defy the wishes of the majority of the American people and create a new Constitution.

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Middle of the Road Leads to Socialism: An Online Seminar with Dr. Robert Murphy

This is a special virtual seminar for donors to our fall campaign.  Donate Today! On Friday, October 8, at 2:00 p.m. CDT, Jeff Deist and Bob Murphy will discuss Mises's views on interventionism and their continued relevance today, particularly after the last year and a half of economic intervention resulting from covid tyranny.

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Why Everyone Should Read These Two Essays by Ludwig von Mises

Like virtually all of the work of Ludwig von Mises, these two essays, his 1958 Liberty and Property and his 1950 Middle-of-the-Road Policy Leads to Socialism are timeless. They are as important now as they have ever been and will increase in relevance as the growth of government continues almost unabated.

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The Rise and Fall of the Japanese Miracle

In 1943, John Maynard Keynes claimed that central-bank credit expansion performs the "miracle of turning a stone into bread." In its attempt to revive itself after a long recession, the Japanese government and central bank have given the world its last twentieth-century Keynesian experiment. It is an experiment that has failed, and miserably so.

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Too Much Inflation? Just Raise the Inflation Target!

In late August, Fed chairman Jerome Powell suggested that the Federal Reserve would begin tapering before the end of the year, an admission that price inflation was rising above the 2 percent target. Nonetheless, the Fed took no immediate action in the following month.

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PL2 Highlights: Albion 2 Leicester 1

Jeremy Sarmiento hits a superb strike before Andrew Moran's dramatic stoppage-time winner for Albion's men's under-23s against Leicester.

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