Douglas R. Terry, CFA

Articles by Douglas R. Terry, CFA

Q3 Cyclical Outlook

Growth peaked on a quarter over quarter seasonally adjusted annual rate in Q3 last year at 4.9%. The preferred reading is on an annual basis where growth peaked in Q4 of last year at 3.13%. Growth in Q1 was 2.88% and growth in Q2 has risen some and is trending at right about 3%. 

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Macro: Employment Report

Wall street cheered the fact that we added fewer jobs (150,000) than expected (179,000) in October. This was a welcome relief after the hot September number that was revised down from 336,000 to 279,000.

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Macro: Sep CPI stuck at 3.7% YOY

The most anticipated release of the week came in … “Unchanged” or sticky stuck from the August at 3.7% yoy. But it’s worth mentioning as we will discuss below that this is up from June CPI which was 3.09% yoy. Core CPI which excludes food and energy because of their volatility sits at 4.13% yoy down from 4.39% last month.

Let’s look under the hood a bit because headlines will mention “sticky” CPI and there are some reasons that CPI will indeed be stickier for longer than we hope.
Let’s first start with energy which is about 7.5% of the basket. With the exception of the spike in oil coinciding with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, oil peaked in June 22 at around $122/bbl. So for the whole year of June22-June23 oil was helping bring inflation down. In June22 energy inflation was 41.25% yoy

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