Tony Blair, former British Prime Minister, talks to Zanny Minton Beddoes, The Economist’s editor-in-chief, about the war in Ukraine. He gives his opinions on how to deal with Vladimir Putin, the retreat of Western foreign policy and the future of geopolitics. 00:00 - The evolution of Vladimir Putin 01:52 - The wake up call for the West 02:20 - Consequences of Western retreat 05:09 - Is peace with Putin possible? 06:17 - What should the West’s policy be? 08:43 - Geopolitical implications of the war 11:48 - China’s relationship with Russia and the West 14:03 - The war in Ukraine: catalyst for strategic rethinking? Sign up to our newsletter for the latest on the Ukraine war: Watch our exclusive interview with President Zelensky: Behind the scenes of the Zelensky interview: Grim lessons from the Iraq war: Why China is backing Russia: Watch our film discussing China’s stance on the conflict: How the invasion of Ukraine will spread hunger in the Middle East and Africa: Will Russia be punished for its war crimes in Ukraine? Why the West is principally responsible for the Ukraine crisis: |
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