(4/12/21) Markets weaker following Jerome Powell's comments on the Sunday talk shows; now are extremely over-bought. Investors now have the highest asset allocation to equities since the Dot Com Crisis. Money flow indicators have been extremely positive following portfolio rebalancing at the end of March, leading to "re-investment" process for the past two weeks, which is now showing weakness. Money Flow indicators are back up to previous highs, typically leading to consolidation in the markets. We're now in the prelude to the next round of earnings reporting; watch Dollar for next buying signal, and interest rates as they begin to fall. - RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts -------- Articles mentioned in this report: https://realinvestmentadvice.com/market-surges-back-to-overbought-as-investors-go-all-in-04-10-21/ -------- Get more info & commentary: https://realinvestmentadvice.com/newsletter/ -------- Visit our Site: www.realinvestmentadvice.com Contact Us: 1-855-RIA-PLAN -------- Subscribe to RIA Pro: https://riapro.net/home -------- Connect with us on social: https://twitter.com/RealInvAdvice https://twitter.com/LanceRoberts https://www.facebook.com/RealInvestmentAdvice/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/realinvestmentadvice/ #Stocks #Money #Finance |
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