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David Rosenberg: 4 Fed Hikes Would Trigger a Recession Next Year

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John Mauldin
Each week, investors and financial professionals around the globe turn to John Mauldin to better understand Wall Street, global markets, and the drivers of the world economy. And for good reason. John is a noted financial expert, a New York Times best-selling author, a pioneering online commentator, and the publisher of one of the first publications to provide investors with free, unbiased information and guidance—Thoughts from the Frontline—one of the most widely read investment newsletters in the world.
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  1. Sam Johnson

    Mr. Rosenberg. Taxes go up or remain high, revenue goes down or stays low. It's a fundamental thing I would expect you to both know and practice. But you speak to the contrary.
    Your very own examples of high unemployment, low standard of living, etc follow a 9 year period of having the very things you claim we must do to fix the problem – HIGH TAXES, huge expenditures on welfare, healthcare.
    It's just dots. Or dominoes if you prefer.
    And suddenly raising rates now (which should have been raised years ago) because of the President of your country?
    You Mr. Rosenberg are a heartless coward and a danger to anyone close to you. Shame on you. Shame on you.

  2. d8d8

    4:00 the 24 million out of labor force. One word: WELFARE.

  3. 김명자

    you are a great man have happy and healthy sir…^^

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