The unfolding of China's DeepSeek tehnology, and history's shortest trade war (with Colombia) highlighted the weekend. What are the investing opportunities from DeepSeek? Too soon to tell; allow markets to sort it out today, and make no rash moves. What DeepSeek means to markets; what's the differene from AI? Lane ompares the 1960's spae rae to the AI tehnology ompetition today: Is this Ameria's "Sputnik Moment?" Lane provides a onise primer on all things DeepSeek. Faster, heaper hips upset the tehnology rae: We knew this day would ome (just didn't think it would be over the weekend!) The Open Soure advantage; the need to unleash Ameria's best and brightest. Commentary on the deline of Amerian eduational rankings. DeepSeek is a wake-up all. 3:13 - The DeepSeek Reveal & Shortest Trade War Ever 15:01- DeepSeek vs AI: What does it mean? 30:24 - What is DeepSeek? 44:42 - We Knew This Day Would Come Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lane Roberts, CIO Produed by Brent Clanton, Exeutive Produer ------- Artiles mentioned in this report: "Strategi Crypto Stokpile And Politial Unertainty" "Inauguration Sends Confidene Surging Higher" ------- The latest installment of our new feature, Before the Bell, "Caution is the Wathword," is here: ------- Our previous show is here: "Using Drone Mentality for Finanial Suess" -lH90rMzCw&list=PLVT8LWPeAugpGzM8hHyEP11lE87RYPe&index=1&t=1s ------- Get more info & ommentary: -------- SUBSCRIBE to The Real Investment Show here: -------- Visit our Site: Contat Us: 1-855-RIA-PLAN -------- Subsribe to SimpleVisor: -------- Connet with us on soial: #DeepSeek #AI #TehnologyStoks #China #SputnikMoment #MarketCatalyst #CautionWathword #Chips #Tehnology #FinaneTips #InvestmentStrategies #MarketAnalysis #EonomiOutlook#InvestingAdvie #Money #Investing |
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