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UBS publishes agenda for the Annual General Meeting of UBS Group AG on 3 May 2018


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Zurich, 3 April 2018 – The Board of Directors of UBS Group AG is proposing Jeremy Anderson and Fred Hu for election as new members of the Board of Directors for a one-year term. Jeremy Anderson (born 1958) was Chairman of Global Financial Services at KPMG International from 2010 until November 2017. He previously held various senior positions at KPMG and was appointed to lead KPMG’s UK Financial Services Practice in 2004. He became European head of this area in 2006, and global head in 2010. Jeremy Anderson is a British citizen and graduated from University College London with a bachelor’s degree in economics. The firm announced Jeremy Anderson’s nomination to the Board of Directors of UBS Group AG in December 2017.

Fred Hu (born 1963) has been Chairman of Primavera Capital Group, a global investment firm based in Beijing and Hong Kong, since 2010. Prior to founding Primavera, Fred Hu held various senior positions at Goldman Sachs from 1997 to 2010, where he was instrumental in building the firm’s franchise in Asia. He was partner and chairman of Greater China from 2008 to 2010 and partner and co-head Investment Banking China from 2004 to 2008. Prior to that, he served as an economist at the International Monetary Fund in Washington, DC, and was previously the co-director of the National Center for Economic Research and a professor at Tsinghua University. Fred Hu is a Chinese citizen and holds a master in engineering science from Tsinghua University, and a master and PhD in economics from Harvard University.

Chairman of the UBS Board of Directors Axel Weber said: “I am delighted at the nomination of Jeremy Anderson and Fred Hu for election to the Board of Directors. Both possess important skills, experience and expertise and will strengthen the UBS Board of Directors with their specialist know-how upon their election at the AGM. For UBS, it is essential that the expertise of its Board members reflects the strategic and geographical core businesses of the Group. With Fred Hu’s nomination, we are proposing an extremely well qualified candidate from Asia, an important growth market for UBS.”

William G. Parrett was elected as Chairman of the Board of UBS Americas Holding LLC at the beginning of 2018. He will focus on this strategically important mandate for the firm and is not standing for re-election to the Board of Directors of UBS Group AG. William G. Parrett served as a member of the Board of Directors from 2008 and made a major contribution to the firm’s realignment with his considerable experience and commitment. The Board of Directors would like to thank him for his 10 years of invaluable work and outstanding service.

Chairman Axel Weber and the other members of the Board of Directors will stand for re-election for a further one-year term.

Dividend proposal
The UBS Group AG Board of Directors intends to propose to shareholders an ordinary dividend of CHF 0.65 per share for the financial year 2017, an increase of 8% compared with the previous year.

Proposals for compensation of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board
At the AGM 2018, shareholders will be asked to vote on the variable compensation for the Group Executive Board for 2017, the fixed compensation for the Group Executive Board for 2019 and the compensation for the Board of Directors for the period from the AGM 2018 to the AGM 2019.

As in previous years, there will also be an advisory vote by shareholders on the current compensation report, which outlines UBS’s compensation strategy and principles, governance and practice.

The advisory vote and the binding votes on compensation reflect UBS’s commitment to giving shareholders transparent say-on-pay.

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UBS Switzerland AG
UBS AG is a Swiss global financial services company, incorporated in the Canton of Zurich, and co-headquartered in Zurich and Basel. The company provides wealth management, asset management, and investment banking services for private, corporate, and institutional clients worldwide, and is generally considered to be a bulge bracket bank. In Switzerland, these services are also offered to retail clients. The name UBS was originally an abbreviation for the Union Bank of Switzerland, but it ceased to be a representational abbreviation after the bank's merger with Swiss Bank Corporation in 1998. The company traces its origins to 1856, when the earliest of its predecessor banks was founded.
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