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Season’s Greetings


A Difficult, but Also Exciting Year…

Dear Readers,


Another year is coming to a close, and the team at Acting Man wishes you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays and all the best for the new year.

You have probably noticed that your main scribe was a lot less prolific this year than he normally tends to be; unfortunately, we were held back by health-related issues. We remain among the quick though and will try to increase our posting frequency again. After all, it is not as though nothing interesting were happening.

Season’s Greetings

We felt a bit like Santa feels in this picture this year, but we are recovering. Santa recovered too, just look at the stock market at the end of the year for evidence.

Particularly in the shorter term we plan to catch up a bit by finally bringing some of the updates we long planned to do, but didn’t get around to. One of the topics we plan to discuss will be the bitcoin/ alt-coin space, which was the one thing that made 2017 quite exciting.

The rapid bubble-like advance this year has triggered a lot of debate, with supporters and detractors of crypto-currencies alike appearing to become more strident and zealous in making their case. Let us just note here that the move was less of a reflection of the merits of bitcoin, but rather a reflection of the merits of the fiat money against which it trades.

Both the technological advance represented by the blockchain and the possibilities it opens up and the monetary potential of crypto-currencies merit serious debate though. Cavalier dismissal is not the appropriate stance in our opinion. More on this soon.

Bitcoin daily in 2017 – the wild ride

Bitcoin daily in 2017 – the wild ride

- Click to enlarge

Since 2017 was also the first full year of the Trump administration we decided we will write a retrospective. Suffice it to say that some of the things we witnessed this year left us quite astonished, to put it mildly. The president may come often across as uncouth, but his actual political agenda at most appears mildly reformist so far (i.e., contrary to how he was and continues to be painted in the media, he is definitely not Hitler).

Lastly, who would have thought back in 2007 – 2009 that the world would be immersed in the third major stock market bubble since the 1990s after such a short time? In fact it is arguably the biggest asset bubble of modern times, and  2017 certainly felt like an exclamation mark in that respect.

Anyway, enjoy your holidays and hopefully you will see more from us in the coming year. In the meantime, we also wanted to remind you that a donation to this site is a tried and true method of warding off visits by Krampus and will generally positively contribute to your spiritual well-being. And yes, we do take bitcoin too…:)


Season’s Greetings

Trump and his famous all-embracing shrug. Yes, he comes across as a buffoon at times… but as it turned out, he’s actually not Hitler (some people seem to be disappointed, oddly enough). His long list of enemies continues to argue in his favor.




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Pater Tenebrarum
Pater Tenebrarum is an independent analyst and economist/social theorist. He has been involved with financial markets in various capacities for 39 years and currently writes economic and market analyses for independent research organizations and a European hedge fund consultancy as well as being the main author of the acting-man blog.
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