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Tourist accommodation in the first half of 2017: Overnight stays increased by 4.4percent in the first half of 2017

Neuchâtel, 07.08.2017 (FSO) – The hotel sector registered 17.6 million overnight stays in Switzerland in the first half of 2017, representing an increase of 4.4% (+738,000 overnight stays) compared with the same period a year earlier. With a total of 9.5 million overnight stays, foreign demand rose by 4.7% (+428,000). Domestic visitors registered 8.1 million overnight stays, i.e. an increase of 4.0% (+310,000).

In all months of the first half-year, with the exception of February (-1.5%), the overnight stays increased. The strongest rise was observed in June (+ 9.5%).


Increase in demand from home and abroad

During the first half of 2017, domestic demand reached a total of 8.1 million overnight stays. This corresponds to an increase of 4.0 percent (+ 310,000) compared to the same period last year. The foreign guests recorded 9.5 million overnight stays, an increase of 4.7 percent (+ 428,000). This increase is attributable primarily to Asian guests, who recorded an increase of 287,000 overnight stays (+ 15.4%). India recorded an increase of 81,000 overnight stays (+ 23.8%), followed by China (excluding Hong Kong, + 57,000 / + 12.0%) and the Republic of Korea (+ 52,000 / + 35.0% ). The guests from Japan (+ 16,000 / + 12.8%) also generated a rise.

The American continent registered an increase of 119,000 overnight stays (+ 10.4%). The United States recorded the strongest absolute increase in all foreign countries of origin, with an increase of 83,000 overnight stays (+ 10.0%).


Hotels and spa companies Development of overnight stays for the first half year (January to June) 2013-2017

Hotels and spa companies Development of overnight stays for the first half year (January to June) 2013-2017

- Click to enlarge

Demand from the European continent (excluding Switzerland) increased slightly, with an increase of 21,000 overnight stays (+ 0.4%). For the Belgian guests, the number of overnight stays rose by 42,000 (+ 15.7%). Russia (+ 13,000 / + 7.4%), Spain (+8700 / + 4.9%) and the Netherlands (+7500 / + 2.6%) also recorded an increase. On the other hand, the United Kingdom registered losses (-36,000 / -4.1%), France (-17,000 / -2.7%) and Italy (-12,000 / -2.7%). Demand for German customers remained virtually unchanged (-1700 / -0.1%).

The guests from Oceania recorded an increase of 15,000 overnight stays (+ 10.6%) and those from Africa a decrease of 13,000 overnight stays (-9.2%).

Change of overnight stays by guest country of origin grouped by continent 2016-2017

Change of overnight stays by guest country of origin grouped by continent 2016-2017

- Click to enlarge

Incoming arrivals in most tourist regions in the first half-year

Ten of the 13 tourism regions recorded more overnight stays in the first half of 2017 than in the corresponding period of the previous year. The Berne region recorded the largest absolute increase, with a plus of 159,000 overnight stays (+ 7.4%), followed by the Zurich region (+127 “000 / + 4.9%), Valais (+ 126’000 The region of Aargau recorded a decline of 3200 overnight stays (-0.8%) , 9%).


Hotels und Kurbetriebe Monatliche Entwicklung der Logiernachte 2013-2017

Hotels und Kurbetriebe Monatliche Entwicklung der Logiernachte 2013-2017

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Download press release: Tourist accommodation in the first half of 2017


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