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Swiss fact: 96 percent of Swiss workers earn 3,000 francs or more a month

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A report published by the Swiss Federal Office of statistics, shows that only 4.3% of full-time1 workers earn less than CHF 3,000 per month2. The monthly figure is net of social security deductions, but includes one twelfth of the 13th bonus month typically paid in Switzerland.

CHF 3,000 per month is CHF 36,000 a year, equivalent to US$ 36,250 or GBP 28,250, slightly above the annual UK median of GBP 28,0283.

At the other end of the spectrum, only 3.6% of full-time Swiss workers earn over CHF 10,000 per month, and only 0.3% over CHF 20,000.

The average working week for full-time workers in Switzerland is 41.7 hours, higher than in the UK (39.2 hours), but lower than in the US (47 hours).

More on this:
Swiss Federal Office of statistics 2016 report (in French) – Take a 5 minute French test now
1 Those working at least 90 percent of full-time..
2 2014 data.
3 Based on April 2016 weekly median earnings for a full-time UK worker GBP 539.


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