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Switzerland Unemployment December 2016: Rise from 3.3 percent to 3.5 percent, seasonally adjusted unchanged at 3.3 percent



Unemployment Rate (not seasonally adjusted)

According to the SECO surveys, 159,372 unemployed were registered at the Regional Employment Centers (RAV) at the end of December 2016, 10,144 more than in the previous month. The unemployment rate thus rose from 3.3% in November 2016 to 3.5% in the reporting month.





Switzerland Unemployment Rate Not Seasonally Adjusted December 2016

(see more posts on Switzerland Unemployment Rate, )

Source: - Click to enlarge

Seasonally adjusted Unemployment Rate 

The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate remained the same at 3.3%.



Switzerland Unemployment Rate Seasonally Adjusted December 2016

(see more posts on Switzerland Unemployment Rate, )
Switzerland Unemployment Rate Seasonally Adjusted

Source: - Click to enlarge


Number of unemployed and Job seekers

Compared to the previous month, unemployment rose by 743 persons (+ 0.5%).


Job seekers  in December 2016

A total of 223’413 jobseekers were registered, 8’198 more than in the previous month. Compared to the same period last year, this figure rose by 3’204 persons (+ 1.5%).


Youth unemployment in December 2016

Youth unemployment (15 to 24 year olds) increased by 295 persons (+ 1.6%) to 19’216. Compared to the previous year, this corresponds to a decrease of 1’406 persons (-6.8%).

Vacancies in December 2016

The number of vacancies reported to the regional unemployment offices decreased by 1’175 to 9’639 posts.


Temporary Employment in October 2016

In October 2016, 6’459 persons were affected by short-time work, 1,400 more persons (+ 27.7%) than in the previous month. The number of farms affected rose by 81 units (+ 16.0%) to 586. The hours worked fell by 86’726 (+ 30.3%) to 372’500 hours. In the corresponding period of the previous year (October 2015), 360’172 hours had been registered, which had spread to 5’981 persons in 563 companies.


People Exiting the Labor Force

According to the provisional figures of the unemployment insurance funds, the number of persons who had exhausted their right to unemployment compensation during the month of October 2016 amounted to 2’676 persons.

Switzerland, Number of Employed and Number of Job Seekers

- Click to enlarge



The following table shows the unemployment rate by nationality for people living in Switzerland.

Unemployment is higher for Eastern Europeans, living in Switzerland:

  • Kosovo with 11.5% unemployment (compared to a 10.5% 2016 average). Total of 5115 Kosovarians are unemployed.
  • Macedonians are unemployed by 9.2% (2016 average 8.6%) .


From EU countries

  • Bulgarians with 11.4% unemployment in December (compared to a 9.7% 2015 average). A total of 316 Bulgarians are unemployed.
  • Slovaks with 11% unemployment in December  (yearly average 9.2%).
  • Polish with 10.3% (2016 average 8.8%). The values are similar to Hungarians. A total of 936 Polish citizens are unemployed.

Those nationalities mentioned often work in the construction sector, that is less active in December. Still the unemployment for these nationalities is about 1% higher compared to 2015.

Southern Europeans, living in Switzerland:

  • Portuguese with 8.2% unemployment in December (2016 average 6.4%, unchanged against 2015). Portuguese make up the biggest group with 14019 persons looking for a job, many work in construction. Therefore their unemployment rose.
  • Spaniards with 7.8% in December (2016 average 6.8%, slightly higher than in 2015)
  • Italians with 5.7% (2016 average 5.1%, slightly higher than in 2015). Despite this low unemployment rate, Italians make up the second biggest group with 9663 persons.

Northern Europeans and French, living in Switzerland:

  • 4% of Germans and Swedes were unemployed in December (for Germans 2016 average 3.8%, 2015: 3.6%). A total of 8160 Germans are unemployed.
  • French with 6.2% unemployment (2016 average 6.1%, slightly higher than in 2015). Total: 3973.
  • Dutch with 3.4% (2016 average 3.5%).


The unemployment rate for Africans is 11.5%, there is no Winter effect, the rate for the whole year is the same

Danish and Australian citizens living in Switzerland have the lowest unemployment rates with 2.4%.

Are you the author?
George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.
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