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Why The Next Powell Pivot Will Destroy Stocks And Drive Metals And Miners Higher – Craig Hemke

Why The Next Powel Pivot Will Destroy Stocks And Drive Metals And Miners Higher - Craig Hemke

According to Craig Hemke of TF Metals Report, the world is facing shortages, commodity prices are at all-time highs, #inflation is rampant, and The Fed can't fix it. People should continue to retain precious metals, he suggests.

Highlights from this episode:

Are The Fed sending the US economy off a cliff now that the "Everything Bubble" has burst?

Will we witness a complete reversal and a return to quantitative easing?

Is the Powell Pivot set to materialize in 2022?

Will interest rates continue higher this year? Will the S&P 500 break below $3,500?

Is the United States entering a recession as a result of the Federal Reserve's failure to control inflation?

Has The Fed already lost their credibility?

Is quantitative easing likely to be reinstated this year?

Will the US #dollar's status as a safe haven be maintained?

Is gold true safe-haven status shining through? What are the driving factors?

If Craig was in Jerome Powell's seat, what would he do?

To find out more about Craig Hemke visit:
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00:00- Intro
01:18- Return to quantitative easing?
07:33- What happens to the stock market?
09:44- Continue to hold precious metals
13:18- Why will the Feds go to quantitative easing?
14:48- The end of the great Keynesian experiment
17:42- The US dollar status
21:26- What happens to #gold and silver?
24:26- Hot Seat- What will Craig do if he was in Jerome Powell's shoes?
28:48- There's no solution
34:05- Wrap up

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