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The Dollar Cancer & Gold Cure: How to fix what’s wrong with our money

Keith Weiner, CEO of Monetary Metals, explains what is wrong with our monetary system, and how to fix it.

—– Table of Contents —–
What is the Problem with our Monetary System? | 00:47
The Dollar Cancer | 2:27
Two Fatal Flaws of the Monetary System | 5:36
1st Flaw: Dollar is Irredeemable | 6:04
2nd Flaw: Interest is Unhinged | 9:11
Negative Interest Rates | 11:50
Debauching the Currency | 15:08
Underpants Business Model | 20:17
Not Enough Gold for a Gold Standard | 21:43
Petro-Yuan and Oil for Gold | 24:59
Interest as the Driving Force | 27:14
Pulling Gold from the Moon | 30:13
Why Does the Dollar Have Value? | 31:37
Gold Bonds | 34:55
Monetary Metal’s Why | 38:44
Gold Payment Platforms are only a Partial Answer | 40:43
Why Gold Income is the Key | 44:35

People buy gold thinking that is the way to protect their investments and wealth but it doesn’t work as they expect, that is, they expect inflation and the price of gold to rise as the quantity of money rises.

It is not rising prices that will cause a terminal end to our current monetary system, but two fatal flaws that are intrinsic to dollar: its irredeemablity and supressed interest rate.

Debt is the cancer in our monetary system as it is growing exponentially, doubling every 8 years. The only way such debt can be serviced or repaid is for governments, via their central banks, to push down the rate of interest.

However, falling interest rates push up bond prices and the price of assets; luring more people into debt. Some countries have moved to negative interest rates, which creates a perverse incentive for businesses to destroy capital.

People propose that moving to a gold standard is the solution to the inevitable failure of the dollar, but no mechanism is proposed for how to achieve that. Inflation and rising gold price will not cause gold to circulate as money.

Gold payment platforms are required to help gold circulate, but on their own they are not enough. Monetary Metals believes that only the ability to earn a yield on gold, to earn an income that can be spent, rather than having to sell one’s investments, is the key to getting gold to circulate and move our economic system to honest money.

Recorded March 22, 2018 at the Harvard Club in New York City.

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Keith Weiner
Keith Weiner is president of the Gold Standard Institute USA in Phoenix, Arizona, and CEO of the precious metals fund manager Monetary Metals.
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