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The Land Down Under Could Be A Very Safe Place To Keep Your Gold

Bron Suchecki a manager with the Perth Mint, which is an Australian government owned mint that's been minting gold since 1899 and started providing depository services in 1970. As we recently discovered, the Australian Government is as sound as a dollar used to be, with virtually no private debt. In Australia there's a time honored respect for precious metals holdings. Perth Mint is audited both internally and with outside auditors continually throughout the year. They use gold prices as a means of valuing their assets and liabilities to insure their solvency. Of course, with any third party there's always an issue of counter party risk, but of all the custodians out there, Perth seems to be among the safest and most transparent.

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Bron Suchecki
Bron Suchecki has worked in the precious metals markets since 1994, when he joined the Perth Mint as an Administration Officer in their Sydney retail outlet. In 1998 he moved to Perth to work in the then fledgling Depository division. He has held a number of roles since then in the treasury, risk and governance areas of the Mint. All posts are Bron's personal opinion and not endorsed by the Perth Mint in any way.
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