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Andrew Moran: Hồi chuông cảnh báo cho lạm phát đình trệ

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We’re in a depression heading for a recession #shorts

Best known as the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad—the #1 personal finance book of all time—Robert Kiyosaki has challenged and changed the way tens of millions of people around the world think about money. He is an entrepreneur, educator, and investor who believes that each of us has the power to makes changes in our lives, take control of our financial future, and live the rich life we deserve. With perspectives on money and investing that often...

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Save Your Money, Buy Gold & Silver Now! | Alasdair Macleod Gold & Silver Price Prediction

Fiat Is Over, Buy Gold & Silver To Save Your Wealth | Alasdair Macleod Silver & Gold Price Prediction Alasdair Macleod discusses how It’s Game Over For Fiat Currencies & how to invest In Real Assets like Gold & Silver In this video, Alasdair Macleod talks about we should invest in real assets like Silver & Gold #gold #silver #goldprice Subscribe To Our Channel...

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Don’t Compare Types of Currency Instead Focus on Currency as a Storehold of Wealth

Don’t compare types of currency, instead focus on currency as a storehold of wealth with @Andrew Yang #principles #raydalio

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Deutschland im totalen Kriegszustand (Und Du machst mit!)

Deutschland im totalen Kriegszustand (Und Du machst mit!)

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Der BÄRENMARKT könnte in 12 STUNDEN VORBEI SEIN!? Portfolio Performance SPATZ TUTORIAL

🐦 Kostenlose Anmeldung bei Spatz Portfolio Software ►►► Zum Discord von Spatz ► 💰 Meine Depotempfehlung ► * CapTrader Depot für Privatanleger ► * CapTrader Depot für Firmen ► * 20 € in Bitcoin bei Bison-App ► * MyDividends24 App Downloaden ►...

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Rüdiger Born zurück in Japan – Chance auf weiter steigende Kurse

Ich bin wieder zurück in Japan. Und gleich machen wir uns an die Arbeit. Blicken wir auf die Charts. Für den Dax sehe ich die Chance auf weiter steigende Kurse. Auch blicke ich im folgenden Video auf die US-Indizes.

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Vom Angestellten zum Investor: 3 Schritte zum Erfolg

In vielen meiner Videos spreche ich davon, wie Selbständige und Unternehmer an der Börse ihr Geld anlegen können. Aber wie sieht es mit den Angestellten und Arbeitnehmern aus? Haben auch sie eine realistische Chance finanziell frei zu werden? Diese Frage werde ich dir heute in diesem Video beantworten und dir zeigen, warum auch du mit der richtigen Strategie und Mindset deine Ziele erreichen kannst. 0:00 Kann man als Angestellter reich werden?...

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Weniger USA: 4 Ergänzungen zum Welt-ETF eingeschätzt

Welt-ETFs haben typischerweise einen US-Anteil von grob zwei Dritteln. Macht es in der derzeitigen Krise Sinn, diesen zu reduzieren? Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es da? Saidi klärt auf. Hol Dir die Finanztip App mit allen News für Dein Geld: Finanztip Basics ►...

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Gregory Mannarino Gold and Silver Price Action

Gregory Mannarino Gold and Silver Price Action Gregory Mannarino, aka The Robin Hood of Wall Street, joins Dave Russell on GoldCore TV. This is our first time welcoming Gregory onto the show and it was great to have him on. His YouTube channel has amassed a whopping 78 million views and we think that’s probably down to his no-holds-barred approach to talking about the economy and markets. In this short conversation Dave and Gregory discuss why...

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The Total Economic Collapse is Near – Alasdair Macleod’s Warning Of Upcoming Financial Crisis.

The Total Economic Collapse is Near - Alasdair Macleod's Warning Of Upcoming Financial Crisis. Alasdair has been a renowned stockbroker and Fellow of the London Stock Exchange for over forty years. His experience spans the stock and bond markets, fund management, corporate finance and investment strategy. Special Thanks To: Alasdair Macleod Palisades Gold Radio You can reach the full...

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Rep. Alex Mooney Advocates for Gold Standard Bill on Fox Business

Rep. Alex Mooney Advocates for Gold Standard Bill on Fox Business

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200 Mrd.€ für 0 mehr Gas. DAX gegen Ampel. Hans A. Bernecker.

Quelle: _yl0qqQKqw Deutshland ist ein klarer Verlierer.... #gruenesaboteure #dieampelhatversagt #baerbokruektritt #habekruektritt

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Can Markets Hit 4100? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(10/18/22) Why is the 200-WMA considered critical support for the markets? While we've been in a correction-mode, we're technically not in a bear market...yet...because we haven't violated the bullish trend of the 200-WMA.

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Want to catch up to the technicals driving the forex markets today? Watch…

The technical report for October 18, 2022. In the morning forex report for October 18, 2022, I look at the EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, USDCAD, AUDUSD and NZDUSD. Take less than 8 minutes and catch up to the market technicals driving the currency markets today.

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The Chase is On

(10/18/22) Markets appear to have plenty of fuel for a rally today; tracking the 200-Week Moving Average; the Bear hasn't appeared yet; Halloween spending and pumpkin methane; the chase is on: has the rally commenced?

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How to draw Vladimir Putin #cartoon #Putin

How do you draw Putin? We asked KAL, our political cartoonist. #cartoon #Putin #shorts #art #politics

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Solide investieren oder zocken? – Leben von Dividenden

Solide investieren oder zocken? - Leben von Dividenden

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Markus Krall Solar, Gas, Strom „Echte Gefahr

#geldanlage #gold #goldbarren #goldpreis #goldpreise #ernstwolff #wolffofwalstreet #dirkmüller #finanzcommunity #reset #börse #corona #inflation #enteignung

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Major cracks in financial markets! | Ronald Stöferle & James Connor

Ronald Stöferle was interviewed by James Connor of “Bloor Street Capital”. Together they discussed the current market setup, what the cracks in financial markets mean for the course of the Federal Reserve, as well as its implications on gold. History often rhymes We are currently witnessing another period of stagflation. Already before the COVID crisis, we saw strong indicators, which pointed to a decrease in globalization and a slowing economy....

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