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U.S. Becoming Laughing Stock of the World – Jayant Bhandari Interview

Protect Yourself with Hard Assets, learn more about dramatically increasing your exposure to real things at

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Forex Education: To live like a king, trade like a rat

Rats may be disgusting rodents, but they are masters a learning habits. Traders need to create good trading habits by trading near levels that they can see, where risk can be defined and limited. Yet many choose not to create good habits. In this video. Greg Michalowski, Director of Technical Analysis and Client education, explores …

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Forex technical analysis: EURUSD today? Like kissing you sister

The EURUSD ended where it began in trading today – little changed on the day. Little excitement from that respect. Like kissing your sister. However, intraday there was a move lower that tested MA and Fibonacci support, and a move higher that tested resistance against a different Fibonacci resistance level. Moving back to where we …

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Andreas Brun, Bankenspezialist ZKB

Analyst Andreas Brun zum Ergebnis der Credit Suisse.

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Brady Dougan, CEO Credit Suisse

Brady Dougan kommentiert die ersten Quartalszahlen 2015.

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DAX auf Rekordniveau: Ist das schon Euphorie? Interview mit Jessica Schwarzer

Seit Jahresbeginn konnte der deutsche Leitindex zwischenzeitlich um mehr als 25 Prozent zulegen. Zwar gab es jüngst erste Rücksetzer, doch der Aufwärtstrend scheint unverändert in Takt. Der DAX scheint derzeit kaum zu stoppen. Sehen wir aktuell schon erste Anzeichen von Euphorie am deutschen Aktienmarkt? Eine Einschätzung von Jessica Schwarzer, Handelsblatt, bei Börse Stuttgart TV.

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Forex techincal analysis: EURUSD starts the week more bearish. Can it continue?

The EURUSD started the day at the highs and wandered lower in trading as the week got started. Will the bearishness continue this week? What levels will keep the bears in control. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EMAIL LIST!… LET’S CONNECT! Google+ ►… Facebook ► Twitter ► Linkedin ►...

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Forex Technical Analysis: USDCHF trying to find it’s true identity

In this video, Greg Michalowski, Director of technical analysis and client education at, takes a technical look at the USDCHF and outlines the breakout levels to watch. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EMAIL LIST!… LET’S CONNECT! Google+ ►… Facebook ► Twitter ► Linkedin ►...

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Dirk Müller – Tagesausblick 20.04.2015 – Freihandelszone mit Russland?

Weitere Themen: – Gute Einstiegskurse für den Fonds – China senkt Mindestreservesatz – chinesischer Markt: Daimler optimistisch, BMW pessimistisch – Atommüllentsorgung droht teuer zu werden – Merkel erwägt Freihandelszone mit Russland – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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Marc Faber : We Are in the End Game – Economic Collapse

Marc Faber : We Are in the End Game – Economic Collapse FOLLOW Tony for Latest on world like WAR / ECONOMIC COLLAPSE / COLLAPSE of AMERICA / U.S. DOLLAR COLLAPSE / END TIMES / NEW WORLD ORDER / FINANCIAL CRISIS

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Marc Faber: The Biggest Bubble Is Belief In Central Bankers

Air Date: April 16th, 2015 This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

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Dirk Müller – Tagesausblick 17.04.2015 – Der Fonds startet!

Weitere Themen: – Der neue Fonds startet positiv – China: Kreditvolumen explodieren / jeder kauft Aktien – Grexit immer wahrscheinlicher – Griechenland zwischen EU und Russland – Interne Konflikte bei Volkswagen – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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Interview Prof. Dr. Jan Egbert Sturm, Direktor KOF, ETH Zürich, zur Konjunkturlage

Professor Dr. Jan-Egbert Sturm, Director of KOF Zurich, explains his outlook for the Swiss Economy in relation to the strong Swiss Franc - on the Occasion of the S-GE-Event "strong swiss franc" in Zurich, April 1st.

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cash-Talk vom 17. April 2015

Willy Graf analysiert verschiedene Vorsorgemodelle.

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Marc Faber: The Chinese Will Not Print Money

Go to for more great interviews! In this episode of China Money Podcast, guest Dr. Marc Faber, renowned investor and publisher of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, speaks with our host Nina Xiang. Dr. Faber shares his thoughts on why China’s economic problems are solvable, explains the reasons behind his belief that China …

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Interview with John Mauldin and Lacy Hunt

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Christian Menegatti – Casey Research Summit

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Patrick Cox – Cardiomyocytes Loop

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Michael Ringier, Verwaltungsratspräsident Ringier

Michael Ringier über die Zukunft des Konzerns.

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Forex Education: The 50% retracement and 200 bar MA Trading Rule

In this forex video, Greg Michalowski, Director of Technical Analysis and Trading Education at will outline why traders should pay attention the 50% retracement and 200 bar MA combination. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EMAIL LIST!… LET’S CONNECT! Google+ ►… Facebook ► Twitter ► Linkedin ►...

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