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Marc Faber Greece will exit the Eurozone – CNBC Interview 25 May 2012

Go to for more Marc Faber Interviews Marc Faber – CNBC Interview 25 May 2012

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Frank Schäffler – SEITENWEISE – “Sozialdemokratische Zukunftsbilder” von Eugen Richter

Frank Schäffler stellt im Rahmen der Serie “Frank & Frei: Seitenweise” das Buch “Sozialdemokratische Zukunftsbilder” von Eugen Richter vor und erläutert seine Aktualität.

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Marc Faber on the Potential for a Market Crash in the Fall

Marc Faber on the Potential for a Market Crash in the Fall I do not own this video

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Mike Shedlock on the Spexit, the Grexit and Running for the Eurozone Exit!!

Follow us @ Tweets by LaurenLyster Tweets by CoveringDelta Welcome to Capital Account. A slew of bad news out of Europe, as Irish voters today attempt to exercise their sovereignty and cast their ballots in a referendum on Europe’s fiscal consolidation treaty. Meanwhile, European central banker Mario Draghi made it clear he’s fed up with … Continue reading »

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Debt crisis: selecting assets

We are getting very close to a potentially defining moment in the European crisis. The catalyst of course will be whether or not Greece stays in the common currency, a decision that might be triggered by the Europeans or the Greeks themselves. Unfortunately for investors, that outcome is extremely difficult to predict. It is a … Continue...

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05-26-12 – CRONY CAPITALISM – Charles Hugh Smith – MACRO ANALYTICS.wmv

Charles Hugh Smith and Gordon T Long discuss Crony Capitalism. What is it, the central issues it is presently causing and what can and must be done to stop its insidious and relentless expansion in America.

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Interview – Marc Faber (Sept. 2009)

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Frank Schäffler – SEITENWEISE – “Wohlstand für Alle” von Ludwig Erhard

Frank Schäffler stellt im Rahmen der Serie “Frank & Frei: Seitenweise” das Buch “Wohlstand für Alle” von Ludwig Erhard vor und erläutert seine Aktualität. Hier kostenlos als PDF:

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Thilo Sarrazins Anti-Euro-Kurs

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Daniel Hügli Rede an der GV Unia Grenchen-Lengnau

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Dr Mark O’Byrne of Hills Pet Nutrition opens AVA Conference Australia.

Dr Mark O'Byrne of Hills Pet Nutrition gives opening introduction to Australian Veterinary Association Conference, Canberra Australia. 21st May 2012

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Heiner Flassbeck im Mumble Gespräch mit den Piraten der AG Geldordnung / 15. Mai 2012

Mumble Konferenz vom 15. Mai 2012 mit Heiner Flassbeck. Piraten reden über´s Geld. AG Geldordnung Piratenpartei. Mitmachen! Blog:

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Charles Hugh Smith discusses the Global Neo-Liberal Capitalistic System

REFERENCE: BROADCAST YEAR: 2011 ABOUT Charles Hugh Smith: Charles Hugh Smith Official Website: Charles Hugh Smith: Charles Hugh Smith (related links): (2011) (2011) (2012)

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Marc Faber – Looming Global Catastrophe?

for entertainment purposes only. i do not own the video.

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Marc Faber interview on Bloomberg News

January 2007 interview … insights on global investing, gold, oil, fed policy, liquidity

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Marc Faber – NDTV interview 16 May 2012

Go to for more Marc Faber Interviews

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Marc Faber on U.S. Equities, Economy, Euro Zone. Marc Faber on U.S. Equities, Economy, Euro Zone. gold to silver ratio, autoupdated gold price chart

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Marc Faber : Trailer zum Interview mit IK-News

Zum Teil recht deutliche Worte fand Marc Faber, auch genannt Dr. Doom, was den Finanzsektor angeht und die Erpressungen seitens der USA an die Schweiz. Das gesamte Interview in Kürze auf diesem Kanal.

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Frank Schäffler – SEITENWEISE – “Die Entnationalisierung des Geldes” von F.A. Hayek

Frank Schäffler stellt im Rahmen der Serie “Frank & Frei: Seitenweise” das Buch “Die Entnationalisierung des Geldes” von F.A. Hayek vor und erläutert seine Aktualität.

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Marc Faber on U.S. Equities, Economy, Euro Zone May 10 (Bloomberg) — Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report, talks about U.S. stocks and economy. Faber, speaking with Betty Liu on Bloomberg Television’s “In the Loop,” also discusses his view on the euro and the euro zone. More information is here

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