Blog Archive

Heiner Flassbeck – NEIN zum Neoliberalismus

AntikriegTV 2 Antikrieg TV ANTIKRIEG.TV Deutschsprachige Medienbeiträge sowie ins Deutsche übersetzte, ausgewählte Beiträge z.B. von Democracy Now (USA), Russia Today, Telesur (Lateinamerika) Gleichzeitig empfehlen und verweisen wir auf deutschsprachige Nachrichtenseiten, wie Weltnetz.TV, Kontext TV, Hintergrund, Junge Welt, Nachdenkseiten und Beitrage der Occupy Bewegung

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Behind the Scenes: The Making of Zebbie’s #ZELFIE adventure

Go behind the scenes with Investec and A+C Studios as we show you how we made Zebbie’s video, which was created to encourage fans to take #ZELFIES with Zebbie at the Investec Ashes Test matches.

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The Morning Edge With Blake Morrow – SPECIAL – Interview Marc Chandler /Chris Bayer – 08/18/15

Note; Recording contains some sound drops due to unresolved internet problems. Blake (@PipCzar) interviews Marc Chandler. Marc Chandler has been covering the global capital markets in one fashion or another for more than 25 years, working at economic consulting firms and global investment banks. Chandler attended North Central College for undergraduate work, where he majored …

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Jürg Conzett, Gründer Money Museum

Virtuelle Währungen wie Bitcoin sind unbestritten auf dem Vormarsch und werden als Konkurrenz zum klassischen Geldsystem angesehen. Doch Anleger sollten sich auch einiger Risiken bewusst sein.. Jürg Conzett, Gründer Money Museum, über die Zukunftschancen der Bitcoin-Technologie.

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Investec Business Matters Conference in Cape Town

Investec Cash Investments hosted the latest in its series of “Business Matters” conferences in Cape Town last Thursday at which a panel of expert speakers delivered presentations on key topics affecting today’s business environment.

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Hans Hermann Hoppe med Benjamin Juhlin | Radio Mises #058

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Benjamin Juhlin är tillbaka i studion. Han diskuterar Hans Hermann Hoppe med edra ödmjuka poddtjänare. Hoppe har en tydlig och lättbegriplig stil. Han följer sin logik osentimentalt från enkla premisser till svårsmälta slutsatser. Är det därför så många svenska liberaler har svårt för honom? FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT:...

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Marc Faber – Yuan Devaluation Is Meaningless – 14 Aug 15 |

They forbid us supporting this channel. Still you can download financial videos:

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What you need to know about the death cross trade

In this video, Greg Michalowski talks about the death cross trade. The Dow Jones Industrial Average had the death cross pattern triggered and it caused a lot of talk about the pattern. That prompted a lot of calls about bearishness in the market. But what is the risk? As a traders I need to understand … Continue reading...

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Marc Faber: I see a recession coming

‘Gloom, Boom & Doom Report’ publisher Marc Faber on oil prices, the Chinese, U.S. and global economies. Watch Deirdre Bolton talk about Analyst Views, Asia, China, and World Markets on Risk And Reward.

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RTD Ep:20 “Currency Created Out Of Thin Air” – Charles Hugh Smith (Why Things Are Falling Apart)

Thanks for watching RTD Interviews. Leave a comment and share. Charles Hugh Smith, creator of the blog, sits down to discuss his book “Why Things Are Falling Apart” and the economy. Visit the RTD Bookstore to support Charles Hugh Smith as well as the RTD channel► In our discussion we cover the following …

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Investec proudly sponsors England and GB Women’s Hockey

Our England & GB sponsorship covers all the major events and development programmes related to the sport in the UK. We hope you join us in supporting the England Women’s Hockey Team during the EuroHockey Championships, taking place on August 21-30 at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.

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Börsen-Talk vom 14. August 2015

Der Franken wertet sich gegen Euro und Dollar ab. Im cash-Börsen-Talk sagt ZKB-Anlagechef Christoph Schenk, weshalb Exporteure trotzdem noch nicht aufatmen können und in welche Aktien sich derzeit eine Investition lohnt.

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Zero 2015-08-12

EvilSpeculator is dedicated to identifying trends in the financial markets. To that end, we post market updates several times a week and engage in pertinent discussions. Risk Disclosure: Zero indicator running against the ES futures - more details at

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Zero 2015-08-12

EvilSpeculator is dedicated to identifying trends in the financial markets. To that end, we post market updates several times a week and engage in pertinent discussions. Risk Disclosure: Zero indicator running against the ES futures – more details at

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Pierin Vincenz, CEO Raiffeisen-Gruppe

Der abtretende Raiffeisen-CEO Pierin Vincenz zeigt sich ob des Rekordergebnisses seiner Gruppe im ersten Halbjahr rundum zufrieden. Und er äussert sich im Video-Interview zur Übergabe an seinen Nachfolger.

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Marc Faber On Yuan Devaluation, Fed Rate, Indian Economy & More

Wwatch: “Kanhaiya Kumar’s Full Speech at JNU Campus” → -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Marc Faber – Editor & Publisher of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report believes 2% Yuan devaluation will not help Chinese exports and the depreciation is minimal compared to weakness in other Asian peers vs Dollar. He says it is likely that the Yuan …

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Alexander Friedman, CEO GAM

Für Alexander Friedman, Chef des Fondshauses GAM, ist der Zeitpunkt des US-Zinsschrittes nicht vorrangig. Im cash-Video-Interview sagt er aber, warum die Fed-Entscheidung gut sein wird für aktiv gemanagte Fonds.

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Should investors focus on developed or emerging markets?

Emerging market equities will suffer from a strong dollar and lower commodities prices in comparison with developed market equities, explains Alexandre Tavazzi, Chief Equity Strategist at Pictet Wealth Management.

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The Big Picture with Marc Faber: Full Video

In this exclusive interview with Marc Faber covers it all: from commodities and China to the outlook on inflation, the Euro and gold. According to him the global economy is not healing. To the contrary, we might find ourselves back into recession within six months or a year. In that case he expects more …

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Take a #ZELFIE with Zebbie for the chance to win a signed ball

Take a #ZELFIE with Zebbie at the 5th Investec Ashes Test at the Oval, for your chance to win a signed ball!

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