Blog Archive

George Friedman: Eastern Europe Is Trapped Between Russia and the West

George Friedman writes the free weekly column “This Week in Geopolitics” ( for Mauldin Economics. Subscribe now and get an in-depth view of the forces that will drive events and investors in the next year, decade, or even a century from now. — The European Union’s eastern bloc finds the ongoing refugee crisis annoying but …

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Heiner Flassbeck über die Griechenland “Rettung” 2015

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Oil prices | Have we seen a turning point?

Patrick Lawlor talks to Andrew Shard, Head of International Equity Research at Investec Wealth & Investment UK, who explains the self-correcting nature of oil and how low prices stimulate new demand and reduce returns, making high cost projects unprofitable and leading to supply cuts. There is evidence that this is happening now: capex has been …

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Charles Hugh Smith on An Economy of One

Charles Hugh Smith joins Doug Miller on An Economy of One to discuss ways to develop skills that will make you more employable in today’s challenging economy. The article: You can find Charles’ blog at His books:

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Herbert Bolliger, Migros-Konzernchef

Digitalisierung ist bei der Migros ein grosses Thema. Im Interview mit cash sagt Migros-Chef Herbert Bolliger, in welchen Bereichen das Potenzial gross ist und weshalb die Erwartungen im Food-Bereich zu hoch waren.

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Ex-jockeys Hayley Turner and Alex Greaves discuss the Investec Derby

Investec Derby Festival ambassadors Hayley Turner and Alex Greaves discuss the thrill of racing in the Derby.

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 13.04.2016 – Goldkäufe und Goldminen kommen in Schwung

Goldkäufe und Goldminen kommen in Schwung: Diskussionen um Brexit, Bargeldabschaffung und andere Krisenherde befeuern diese Entwicklung. Mit verfolgen wir die Chancen an den Rohstoffmärkten ganz genau und bieten Ihnen Hilfestellungen zu Investments in diesem Bereich. Die weiteren Themen des heutigen Tagesausblicks: – China: Vordergründig gute Wirtschaftsdaten befeuern Märkte – IWF senkt (wieder) Weltwirtschaftsprognose...

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Maddie Hinch shares her journey as she prepares for the most important Summer of her career

GB Women’s Hockey goalkeeper Maddie Hinch talks about the hard work, grit and determination required to perform at the highest level. Investec shares the same values as the GB Women’s Hockey team, striving for success in everything we do. Watch the thirdin our series of films introducing the GB Women’s Hockey Team as they head …

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Das jüngste Schweizer Original (Fernsehspot)


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Das jüngste Schweizer Original (Fernsehspot für Liechtenstein)

Fernsehspot für Liechtenstein

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A new take on a Swiss original (TV advert)

TV advert

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Le tout dernier original suisse (Spot télévisé)

Spot télévisé

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L’originale svizzero nuovo di zecca (Spot televisivo)

Spot televisivo

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MACRO ANALYTICS – 04 01 16 – Our “Lawnmower Economy” w/Charles Hugh Smith


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It is often what cannot happen that helps dictate a currency pairs price action

GBPUSD races higher in trading today (April 11, 2016) Why does a market rally when things might be more bearish fundamentally? Often times, it is because what it cannot do.. The GBPUSD rallied higher in trading today when perhaps the logical thing would have been a move to the downside. Why did it rally? Because …

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Forex Education: What lessons can we learn from the USDJPY price action

The USDJPY has been trending lower in trading this week. That move accelerated the trend to the downside yesterday, but it did bottom. What were some other technical clues from the price action that helped define the moves higher and even lower and what levels are in play in today’s trading?

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 8.4.2016 – EU-Ukraine: Niederländischer Schuss gegen Brüssel

Das Video ist ein Auschnitt aus dem Tagesausblick (8. April 2016) von Dirk Müller auf Weitere Themen: • Welthandelsprognose: WTO sieht deutliche Abkühlung • US-Kreditvergabe: Immer mehr Konsum auf Pump • Positive Exportdaten aus Deutschland • Abschaffung des 500-Euro-Scheins: Eine teure Angelegenheit • Morgen: Anleger-Kongress des Dirk Müller Premium Aktien Fonds auf dem Heidelberger …

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Börsen-Talk vom 8. April 2016

Tiefe Kurse vieler SMI-Aktien lassen Anleger nach Alternativen suchen. Anlagechef Marcel Schnyder von der Bank Reichmuth erklärt im Börsen-Talk, warum er Small Caps den Schwergewichten vorzieht und warum Industrie-Aktien reizvoll sind.

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Planning bosses use drones to spy on people

You need planning permission for even minor changes to your property in Switzerland. The authorities in Lucerne are seeing red because people are buliding lakeside bathing huts without seeking permission. So they’ve sent out drones to have a closer look. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role …

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Bill Bonner

Bill Bonner is a business professor at the University of Regina. He has done extensive research on P3 projects. Video created by Laura Beamish.

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