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Der Mitgliederentscheid in fünf Schritten In fünf einfachen Schritten imMitgliederentscheid für Antrag A stimmen, damit Europa auf einem soliden Fundament steht.

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FDP-Basis konfrontiert Guido Westerwelle

Bei einer Diskussionsveranstaltung in Rheda-Wiedenbrück konfrontieren Basis-Liberale den Außenminister mit ihren Bedenken zum ESM und der so genannten Stabilitätsunion.

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Frank Schäfflers Alternative: Wir müssen drei Dinge tun (Kurzfassung)

Frank Schäffler legt den Lösungsvorschlag der Initiatoren des Basis-Antrags beim Mitgliederentscheid in der FDP vor: Schuldenschnitt, Euro-Austritt und finanzielle Hilfen.

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Frank Schäffler: Drei ist Pflicht, Fünf ist Kür Liebe Mitstreiter, liebe Parteifreunde, wir sind schon viele – wir müssen aber mehr sein, um den ESM-Vertrag zu verhindern. Eine Stimme ist gut, 3 sind besser, 5 sind Kür! Mit liberalen Grüßen Ihr Frank Schäffler

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Frank Schäffler: Rede zum Finanzanlagenvermittlergesetz

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Charles Hugh Smith: Why Local Enterprise Is The Solution

A growing number of individuals believe our economic and societal status quo is defined by unsustainable addiction to cheap oil and ever increasing debt. With that viewpoint, it’s hard not to see a hard takedown of our national standard of living in the future. Even harder to answer is: what do you do about it? …

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Philipp Vorndran talks to James Turk

Subscribe to our newsletter at Philipp Vorndran, of Flossbach & von Storch, and James Turk, Director of the GoldMoney Foundation, talk about the unsustainable level of US government debt. They discuss the possible combinations of growth, taxes, austerity and inflation necessary to reduce the debt burden. Philipp explains that as long as it can print its own money, the US government will never default on its...

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Frank Schäffler: Rede im Bundestag zur Ertüchtigung der EFSF 29. September 2011

Rede im Deutschen Bundestag zur Ertüchtigung der EFSF, gehalten am 29. September 2011 Text:

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Why Congress Must Stop the Fed’s Massive Pumping | by Frank Shostak

Audio version of the Mises Daily article for January 6, 2009. Written by Frank Shostak and read by Floy Lilley. Link to the text version of this audio presentation: * * * * * DISCLAIMER: This audio presentation is owned by the Ludwig von Mises Institute and is protected under Creative Commons license (CC …

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Marko Papic on Geopolitical and Financial Risks

Go to for the entire speech and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from the Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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Marko Papic on Geopolitical and Financial Risks

Go to for the entire speech and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from the Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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John Mauldin on Japanese Debt

Go to for John’s entire speech and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from his Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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John Mauldin on Risk & Leverage

Go to for John’s entire speech and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from his Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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John Mauldin on the GDP

Go to for John’s entire speech and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from his Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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John Mauldin on the Debt Supercycle

Go to for John’s entire speech and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from his Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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John Mauldin on the Endgame

Go to for John’s entire speech and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from his Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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John Mauldin, Paul McCulley, David Rosenberg, Martin Barnes, Louis-Vincent Gave on Economic Views

Go to for the entire panel discussion and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from the Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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John Mauldin, Marc Faber, Martin Barnes, Marko Papic, Jonathan Tepper Discuss End of QE2

Go to for the entire panel discussion and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from the Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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Neil Howe on Four Keys for Decoding America’s Future

Go to for the entire speech and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from the Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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Martin Barnes on Economic and Fiscal Outlook

Go to for the entire speech and get free analysis of global deleveraging, the sovereign debt crisis, and Endgame markets. This video is just a sample from the Strategic Investment Conference 2011 in La Jolla, CA.

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