Blog Archive

Heiner Flassbeck: Is Mercantilism Doomed to Fail? 2/5

Heiner Flassbeck, Director of the Division on Globalization and Development Strategies, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) at the panel entitled “Is Mercantilism Doomed to Fail? China, Germany, and Japan and the Exhaustion of Debtor Countries” at the Institute for New Economic Thinking’s (INET) Paradigm Lost Conference in Berlin. April 13, 2012. #inetberlin

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Marc Faber-Go East Young Man/Woman–13.Apr.2012 presents The renowned Dr. Doom also known as Dr. Marc Faber joined FSN today to discuss his latest commentary that it might just be time to start looking at real estate investments in severely distressed markets such as Florida and Arizona. Dr. Faber explained his outlook for the Western Economies, his forecasts for Gold …

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The reason why European banks underperform U.S. banks

The valuation of European banks and U.S. banks have varied greatly over the last 3 years. Recently, European banks have greatly underperformed their U.S. counterparts. Alexandre Tavazzi, head of advisory at Pictet, explains in this video how the central bank responses to the financial crisis have impacted the recent trading activity.

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Marc Faber – Forget Treasuries, Housing Is the Place to Hide Marc Faber – Forget Treasuries, Housing Is the Place to Hide – LIVE gold price at

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Triple Lutz Report–Marc Faber Says It May Be Time To Buy Real Estate–10.Apr.2012 presents: Dr. Marc Faber(Gloom Boom and Doom Report) thinks real estate in extremely depressed markets may be a good buy. And he may be right, but he could be wrong and the markets could decline further. Yes markets in Florida, Phoenix and Vegas have declined by as much as 75% since the economic collapse …

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[Apr-May 2010] Marc Faber More information is here

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Marc Faber on 04-05-2012 p1 Marc Faber on 04-05-2012 talk about the Economy. Current gold & silver price at

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CNBS: Marc Faber Forecast Massive Wealth Destruction Marc Faber, “Gloom, Boom & Doom” editor, anticipates the world will face “massive wealth destruction” caused by inflation or social unrest. “Well to-do people will lose up to 50% of their total wealth,” he adds. Additional information, including short excert in English and Russian is here

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Marc Faber, “The Ego of Mr. Bernanke has been Badly Inflated”

Follow us @ Tweets by LaurenLyster Tweets by CoveringDelta US President Barack Obama gave a speech accusing Republicans of “social darwinism” with budget cuts they are proposing, calling them antithetical to the country’s history as a land of opportunity. But how much opportunity is there left exactly? We speak with Dr. Marc Faber, publisher of …

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Marc Faber: Massive Wealth Destruction Will Eventually Hit Investors

Marc Faber interview on CNBC (2nd of April 2012) Blog Post:

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Marc Faber Discusses Intel Shares, Dollar Outlook: Video

Oct. 14 (Bloomberg) — Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, talks with Bloomberg Television about his investment strategy for Intel Corp. and the outlook for the dollar. (This report is an excerpt. Source: Bloomberg)

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Marc Faber Discusses Outlook for Dollar Going to Zero: Video

Oct. 26 (Bloomberg) — Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom Boom & Doom Report, talks about the outlook for the U.S. dollar going to a “value of zero” and the country’s fiscal situation. Faber says the dollar will become worthless when people eventually realize the fiscal situation in the U.S. is a “disaster.” (Source: Bloomberg)

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Chandler Says Keep the U.S. Dollar’s Fall in Perspective: Video

Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) — Marc Chandler, global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., talks with Bloomberg’s Carol Massar about the outlook for the U.S. dollar, historical market comparisons and government currency policy. (Source: Bloomberg)

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Marc Faber Discusses U.S. Asset Prices, Stock Market: Video

Nov. 16 (Bloomberg) — Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, comments on U.S. asset prices and outlook for the stock market. (This is an excerpt of the full interview. Source: Bloomberg)

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Marc Faber Still Sees Some Opportunities in Stocks: Video

Nov. 16 (Bloomberg) — Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, talks with Bloomberg’s Margaret Brennan about the outlook for the gold and equity markets and his investment strategy in Asia. (This is an excerpt of the full interview. Source: Bloomberg)

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Chandler Says Dubai Debt May Make Banks More Cautious: Video

Nov. 30 (Bloomberg) — Marc Chandler, global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., talks with Bloomberg’s Lori Rothman and Mark Crumpton about Dubai World’s debt crisis. Dubais government said Nov. 25 that Dubai World, the state-controlled holding company, would seek a standstill agreement with creditors and an extension of loan maturities …

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Marc Faber Discusses Risk of Another Financial Crisis: Video

Dec. 1 (Bloomberg) — Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, talks with Bloomberg Television about the outlook for another credit crisis. (This report is an excerpt. Source: Bloomberg)

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Marc Faber Discusses 2010 Outlook for U.S. Stock Market: Video

Jan. 12 (Bloomberg) — Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, talks with Bloomberg’s Carol Massar about the outlook for the stock market. (This is an excerpt of the full interview. Source: Bloomberg)

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Chandler Sees Need to Establish European Bond Market: Video

Feb. 12 (Bloomberg) — Marc Chandler, New York-based global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., talks with Bloomberg’s Deirdre Bolton and Scarlet Fu about the need for European governments to establish an interconnected bond market. Chandler also discusses the lack of details in the recovery plan for Greece. (Source: Bloomberg)

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Brown Brothers’ Chandler Says Euro May Fall to $1.18: Video

May 5 (Bloomberg) — Marc Chandler, global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman in New York, talks with Bloomberg’s Susan Li about Greece’s debt crisis and its implications for other European economies and the euro. (Source: Bloomberg)

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