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Marc Faber interview on Bloomberg News

January 2007 interview … insights on global investing, gold, oil, fed policy, liquidity

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Marc Faber – NDTV interview 16 May 2012

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Marc Faber on U.S. Equities, Economy, Euro Zone. Marc Faber on U.S. Equities, Economy, Euro Zone. gold to silver ratio, autoupdated gold price chart

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Marc Faber : Trailer zum Interview mit IK-News

Zum Teil recht deutliche Worte fand Marc Faber, auch genannt Dr. Doom, was den Finanzsektor angeht und die Erpressungen seitens der USA an die Schweiz. Das gesamte Interview in Kürze auf diesem Kanal.

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Frank Schäffler – SEITENWEISE – “Die Entnationalisierung des Geldes” von F.A. Hayek

Frank Schäffler stellt im Rahmen der Serie “Frank & Frei: Seitenweise” das Buch “Die Entnationalisierung des Geldes” von F.A. Hayek vor und erläutert seine Aktualität.

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Marc Faber on U.S. Equities, Economy, Euro Zone May 10 (Bloomberg) — Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report, talks about U.S. stocks and economy. Faber, speaking with Betty Liu on Bloomberg Television’s “In the Loop,” also discusses his view on the euro and the euro zone. More information is here

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Ryan McMaken on Corporate Welfare

Author and political science professor Ryan McMaken sits down with host Jon Caldara to define “corporate welfare” in all its many forms, local, state and national.

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Please, Sir, May I Work More Hours? | William L. Anderson

Lecture presented by William L. Anderson at the Ludwig von Mises Institute's "Brown Bag Seminar" series. Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama on October 30, 1996. * * * * * DISCLAIMER: This audio presentation is owned by the Ludwig von Mises Institute and is protected under Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). This YouTube channel is in no way...

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05-05-12 DOOMED AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS – Charles Hugh Smith – Macro Analytics – .wmv

Gordon T Long and Charles Hugh Smith debate the future of the American Middle Class.

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Marc Faber on Bloomberg March 2008

Marc Faber on Bloomberg March 2008 – “Bernanke will destroy the dollar.”

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05-03-12 – US HOUSING: Shifting Perceptions and Demographics – Charles Hugh Smith.wmv

Gordon T Long and Charles Hugh Smith follow up on their “Generational Cycles” presentation and continue with a discussion on the shifitng perceptions and demographics which are now impacting the US Housing industry.

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05-01-12 – “GENERATIONAL CYCLES” – Charles Hugh Smith on MACRO ANALYTICS.wmv

Gordon T Long and Charles Hugh Smith discuss GENERATIONAL CYCLES in Economics and Financial Markets.

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Round Table with Charles Hugh Smith & Rick Ackerman–23.Apr.2012 presents Charles Hugh Smith and Rick Ackerman joined us today for another investment roundtable, and what to do with your retirement investments was a big topic. Each day, the government gets more desperate in their frantic search for new revenues to keep the bankrupt system afloat. Therefore, the multi-trillion dollar pool of private retirement …

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Frank Schäffler: Wege aus der Euro-Krise — Alternativen zum Zentralbankensystem

Original-Video: Presseeinladung vom 13. April 2012: Vortragsveranstaltung mit Frank Schäffler MdB an der Uni Mannheim “Wege aus der Euro-Krise — Alternativen zum Zentralbankensystem” (Mannheim) Landesverband Liberaler Hochschulgruppen Baden-Württemberg und Liberale Hochschulgruppe Mannheim laden ein zu Vortrag und Diskussion an der Universität Mannheim, Raum M003, Donnerstag, 19. April 2012, 17.30 Uhr,...

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Marc Faber: Worse than the ’20’s..Who Will Benefit the Most? – Apr. 21

There will be winners and losers.

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Marc Faber on 04-23-2012 p1 Marc Faber on 04-23-2012 says this is another Great Depression. For LIVE gold prices visit

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Peter Bofinger: Inequality and Macroeconomics Dynamics 1/5

Peter Bofinger, Member of the German Council of Economic Experts speaking at the panel entitled “The Impact of Inequality on Macroeconomics Dynamics” at the Institute for New Economic Thinking’s (INET) Paradigm Lost Conference in Berlin. April 14, 2012. #inetberlin

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Marc Faber pssimistic about the Australian Economy

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Charles Hugh Smith on the Death of the Middle Class–17.Apr.2012 presents Charles Hugh Smith is a published author who also has the blog OfTwoMindz. He has studied economic cycles and his prognosis for the country is not positive. But, he has developed a number of steps that you can take to avoid much of the brunt of the coming economic calamity. HisUnconventional Guide to …

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Marc Faber on 04.17.2012 p2 Marc Faber on 04-17-2012 p2. Check LIVE gold price at

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