Blog Archive

BullionStar Perspectives: Bron Suchecki – Intricacies between the Physical and Paper Gold Market

Bron Suchecki shares his insights on how some gold is flowing back to the West in early 2016 and clarifies the nuances of the relationship between the physical gold market and the paper gold market.

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The Fed will Most Likely Release Helicopter Money Before They go to Negative Interest Rates

Can we even trust what the Fed says anymore? Listent to what this expert has to say about the matter: 00:00 – Audio Starts 00:03.5 – Announcer: “Gold and silver fell last week and opened significantly lower in Asia last night. Not a positive start to the new week – particularly for silver, which …

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 22.08.2016 – Regierung rät zu Vorratskäufen – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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To Borrow Money? – 100

Dr. Markus Elsässer, value investor and founder of ME Fonds – Special Values: “To Borrow Money?”, August 22nd, 2016

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? Win REAL Money – Not TRASHY Cash! ?

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The War On Cash is Getting Out of Hand

Governments are now trying to make cash illegal. If they can’t successfully make it illegal, they’re trying to make it extremely inconvenient to use. Luckily precious metals owners have a hedge against this escalating war on cash. Read this article to find out how: 00:00 – Audio starts 00:03 – Announcer: “This is the …

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Look for Slow-Rolling Housing Meltdown in Canada—Here’s How to Profit

Subscribe to Jared Dillian’s free weekly column, The 10th Man, at Mauldin Economics:

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Billionaire Carl Icahn is Alarmed by Dangerously High Stock Prices

Carl Icahn says he’s hedging more than ever in preparation for what he sees as a “day of reckoning” coming in stocks. And he’s not the only one. See which other billionaire investors are also hedging in preparation of something big: 00:01 – Audio starts 00:04 – Announcer: “Markets responding to yesterday’s release of …

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Enter to win our Gold and Silver Starter Kit by registering at Keep up with all of the contest videos by going to:

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“Liberty Classroom” Sample Lecture from Robert P. Murphy on Bohm-Bawerk

This is a sample lecture from Robert P. Murphy’s course in the History of Economic Thought in Tom Woods’ LIBERTY CLASSROOM. For more information go to:

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Swiss theatre group makes waves

The Swiss theatre group, Karls Kühne Gassenschau, is still managing to pull the crowds, after 32 years in the business. It’s latest show predicts a dark future, but the story is told with high dives, punk rock and gags. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is …

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How wood could help boost Kosovo’s economy

Kosovo’s wood sector shows great growth potential in a country currently suffering from high unemployment and poverty. (Julie Hunt, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit …

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Swiss upset the Germans with high speed races

Swiss speedsters are crossing over into Germany for high octane car races in souped up sports cars. Their favourite haunt is the town of Singen between Schaffhausen and Lake Constance. Even speeding fines are not putting them off. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to …

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Promoting tourism in one of Europe’s poorest countries

Could Kosovo one day become a popular tourism destination? By setting up a tourism board in the west of the country, the Swiss are helping to put it on the map. (Julie Hunt, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to …

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Business booms for Swiss companies

River cruises in Europe are becoming very popular, and Swiss tour operators are getting their piece of the action, and have expanded to Russia. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more …

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 18.08.2016 – Monsanto & Bayer: Was dahinter steckt

Weitere Themen: – DAX: Grün, aber auf Stand des Jahreswechsels – “George Soros wettet auf einen Crash” – Fed schwadroniert weiter über Zinserhöhungen – Japan: Sehr schwache Außenhandelsdaten – Saudische Ölförderung auf Rekordhoch – USD/EUR: Welche Rolle spielt der US-Anleihemarkt? – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit...

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What makes the Investec Corporate Notice Deposit Out of the Ordinary?

Unlike any vanilla fixed deposit this notice product is linked to prime; thereby benefitting investors in an environment where interest rates are increasing. Watch Colin Sundelson discuss what makes the Investec Notice Deposit Out of the Ordinary.—structuring/deposits-and-cash-management/notice-deposits.html

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DiEM25 Aegina. Meeting of 22nd July 2016 Yanis Varoufakis

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Win #Gold and #Silver Worth $400!!!

One lucky winner will receive $400 worth of gold and silver in just 21 days!!! Don’t miss your chance to enter! Keep up with all of the contest videos by going to:

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