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Video of the purported Yemen attack on a Saudi oil facility

This video was originally posted to Facebook with the caption: By the grace of Allah, Just about an hour ago, a video from inside Najran city for #Aramco oil company burning by a Yemeni ballistic missile “Zelzal-3″, Friday 26-8-2016. The video shows a huge fire on the oil tanks .. Note the oil tanks at …

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Something’s Coming That is Going to Take Peoples’ Minds off the Economy

This forecaster isn’t the only one predicting an inevitable occurance. Michael Pento also predicted that something big is coming. Listen here: 00:00 – Audio Starts 00:03 – Announcer: “The bad news for silver bulls this week – the near-term trend has turned down. The good news – the longer term uptrend that commenced off …

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Ysaline Roth, Gymnasiastin aus Bern

Einen grossen Auftritt vor Schweizer Wirtschafts- und Politprominenz – das hatte die Berner Gymnasiastin Ysaline Roth am «Tag der Wirtschaft» von Economiesuisse. Im cash-Video-Interview schildert sie ihre Eindrücke.

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 26.08.2016 – Apple & Co.: Transatlantischer Streit um Besteuerung

Weitere Themen: – DAX: Fehlausbruch oder neue Aufwärtsbewegung? – Jackson Hole: Notenbankertreffen als Market Mover? – USA: Stagflation voraus? – Finnland: Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen wird konkreter – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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René Zahnd, CEO Swiss Prime Site

SPS-CEO René Zahnd erklärt im cash-Video-Interview, weshalb der Gewinnrückgang im ersten Halbjahr für das Immobilienunternehmen kein Problem darstellt. Er äussert sich überdies zur Dividendenausschüttung.

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You still have time to enter to win FREE gold and silver! Register at Keep up with all of the contest videos by going to:

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GB Women’s Hockey – Gold Medallists, Rio 2016

Grit, determination and out of the ordinary teamwork saw the Women’s GB Hockey team take Gold in Rio.

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Markets Appear to be Positioning for Janet Yellen to Announce Intent to Hike Rates

Markets are a bit unpredictable right now. Mining stocks went down yesterday, but what would happen to the metals markets if mining stocks surged? Read this article to find out: 00:00 – Audio Starts 00:04 – Announcer: “U.S. stocks, crude oil and precious metals all traded lower yesterday. Sales of existing homes fell for …

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Behind the Scenes of Investec Opera Holland Park

Go behind the Scenes and take a glance beyond the curtain at what makes Investec Opera Holland Park so unique, with Cultural Exposé.

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Inspire with Investec Opera Holland Park

Inspire: A look at how Investec Opera Holland Park helps the local community shine, with Cultural Exposé.

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The Performance: Experience Investec Opera Holland Park

Experience a magical evening at Investec Opera Holland Park with first-time visitor, Cultural Exposé.

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Sensational meteorite fragments unearthed in Bern field

Researchers and collectors have discovered hundreds of meteorite fragments on a field in canton Bern. It’s the largest meteorite find in Switzerland so far and an important one for science. (SRF/ More than 30 years ago, a Swiss farmer came across a single piece of a meteorite that fell to earth around 160,000 years earlier. …

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Franklin D. Roosevelt: Champion or Opponent of Liberty | Robert P. Murphy

Conrad Black and Independent Institute Senior Fellow Robert P. Murphy in Franklin D. Roosevelt: Champion or Opponent of Liberty debate at Freedom Fest 2016. This video was produced by Freedom Fest. About Robert P. Murphy Robert P. Murphy is a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute, Research Assistant Professor with the Free Market Institute at …

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? What will you do if you win nearly $400 of gold and silver? ?

The only way to find out is to win our Gold and Silver Starter Kit. Register now at Keep up with all of the contest videos by going to:

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Expert Believes That the Next Crash That Happens Will be the Worst Crash in Modern Financial History

For quite some time now, billionaire investors have been positioning themselves for something big. We believe they’re silently signaling that a financial crash is coming. Listen to this: 00:00 – Audio Starts 00:03 – Announcer: “Markets stood basically still yesterday. Stocks finished up slightly, gold and silver edged a bit lower, the dollar essentially …

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Cashkurs*Trends – Aktienanalyse: Fresenius Medical Care Im monatlichen Webinar widmen sich Dirk Müller, Fundamentalspezialist Andreas Meyer und Charttechniker André Rain den Fragen der Mitglieder und besprechen die aktuellen Situation und die Aussichten der Märkte und der aktuellen Depotwerte. In August-Webinar wurden unter anderem Priceline und Fresenius Medical Care näher beleuchtet Fresenius Medical Care ist einer der Werte im langfristigen Anlegerdepot …

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The Investec Derby Story 2016

Relive the story of the 2016 Investec Derby.

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The five smartest words retail forex traders say

Greg Michalowski, Author Attacking Currency Trends. Director of Client Education and Technical Analysis at I am more of technical forex trader, but that bias comes with some important reasons, especially for retail traders. Fundamental analysis is important, but it does not do a good job with defining and limiting risk…especially when traders are wrong. …

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There’s no hassle or obligation to register to win FREE ‪‎gold‬ & ‪‎silver‬!!! Just enter to win at Keep up with all of the contest videos by going to:

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Precious Metals’ Correction Could End if Fed Announces that Economic Growth is Below Expectations

If you were waiting to buy precious metals during a correction, now’s your time. However, here’s why you shouldn’t wait for a correction to buy gold and silver: 00:01 – Audio Starts 00:04.5 – Announcer: “Gold and silver finishing lower for the third day in a row yesterday. Silver’s been particularly hard-hit as prices …

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