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Reuters HFT Debate With Haim Bodek and Manoj Narang

Reuters HFT Debate With Haim Bodek, Manoj Narang about Michael Lewis’ book Flash Boys.

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Gold Bullion Stored In Singapore Is Safest – Marc Faber

Find out why Singapore is now one of the safest places in the world to store gold in our latest gold guide – Essential Guide To Storing Gold In Singapore Please click here:

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Doug French – contributing editor at Casey Research

Doug French discusses Putin as the West’s Loan Shark.

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Stock Market RIGGED Wall Street crash even worse than 1987 is coming says Marc Faber

Stock Market RIGGED – Nasdaq Wall Street crash even worse than 1987 is coming says Marc Faber Nasdaq suffers worst stampede since 2011 REUTERS Nasdaq to its deepest percentage slump since November 2011...

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The Great HFT Debate With Michael Lewis On CNBC

Debate about High Frequency Trading (HFT) between William O’Brien, BATS Global Markets Presidents, Brad Katsuyama, IEX Group President, and Michael Lewis, Author of Flash Boys. Broadcasted on CNBC April 2, 2014.

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Bill Bonner on America’s Credit Supercycle No credit-based system in the modern world has survived an entire credit cycle. Daily Reckoning founder Bill Bonner explains why he believes the United States’ credit-based monetary system is nearing collapse. Transcript: The important thing to remember is that, in a credit-based system the amount of credit is infinitely expandable. And the other thing …

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Risikomass Volatilität

Aktienkurse oder ganz allgemein Finanztitel schwanken zum Teil beträchtlich -- wie lässt sich dieses „Auf und Ab" quantifizieren? Ein Mass für die Schwankungsbreite bzw. das Risiko ist die Volatilität oder Standardabweichung. Am Beispiel des Schweizer Aktienindex SMI zeigen wir deren Berechnung und Interpretation. T 14/016 - 20.3.2014

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Silver Trashed… Any Positive Signs?

Https:// Well, after suffering a technical breakdown last week, silver prices followed through on the downside this week - and so did the entire precious metals complex.Silver showed a weekly decline of nearly 3% through Thursday.As of this Friday morning, silver is recovering somewhat, with prices coming in at $19.89 per ounce.

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Heiner Flassbeck: Europa braucht einen Neuanfang

Referat von Heiner Flassbeck auf einer Veranstaltung vom DGB, IG Metall und ver.di in Kiel am 25. März 2014: “Europas Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in der Krise – Europa braucht einen Neuanfang”

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Bernanke: The Fed Does Not Print Money

Bernanke states in December 2010 the Fed buys US treasuries but doesn’t print money. But then where does the money come from to do the purchases? (hint: it’s created out of thin air)

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Gold Isn’t Backed By Anything

Gold isn't backed by anything. Broadcasted around January 2012.

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Gold Isn’t Backed By Anything

Gold Isn’t Backed By Anything, The US dollar is backed by the Federal Reserve and the American people. Broadcasted around January 2012.

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London Gold Vaults Are Emtpy

From Bloomberg TV in December 2013. London gold vaults are empty, everything is shipped to China. The Chinese don’t want dollars they want gold.

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Congressional Hearing Gold Transparency Act 2011

This hearing was conducted in 2011 to investigate the Gold Transparency Act. The Subcommittee questioned Gary Engel, Government Accountability Office, and Eric Thorson, Office of Inspector General.

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Congressional Hearing Gold Transparency Act 2011

This hearing was conducted in 2011 to investigate the Gold Transparency Act. The Subcommittee questioned Gary Engel, Government Accountability Office, and Eric Thorson, Office of Inspector General.

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This System IS Going To CRASH — Claudio Grass

Claudio Grass, the managing director of Global Gold joins us for this 40 minute podcast. Claudio predicts, ‘This system is going to crash. We don’t know yet if it’s next year, or five years… but the future is not bright. I believe that the next few years are going to be harsh and the middle … Continue...

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Podcast Ep 26: The Fiat Money System Is Completely Nuts – Claudio Grass Interview

Managing Director of Global Gold Claudio Grass from Switzerland discusses paper money vs. hard assets… the flow of wealth from West to East…how likely a global monetary collapse is… and the chances of a global return to some form of gold standard. Here are a few takeaways: “The people have to understand that … we …

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CCTV Reports On Importance Of Storing Physical Gold

China state TV (CCTV) reports on the importance of storing physical gold.

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Jayant Bhandari, Institutional Consultant. “The Asian Gold Myth”

Based in Singapore, Jayant is constantly traveling the world to look for investment opportunities, particularly in the natural resource sector. He advises institutional investors about his finds. Earlier, he worked for six years with US Global Investors (San Antonio, Texas), a boutique natural resource investment firm, and for one year with Casey Research. Before emigrating …

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Zero 2014-03-18

EvilSpeculator is dedicated to identifying trends in the financial markets. To that end, we post market updates several times a week and engage in pertinent discussions. Risk Disclosure: Zero indicator running against the ES futures - more details at

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