Blog Archive

Comment fonctionnent les cartes de crédit ? | Les petits d’UBS

Les cartes de crédit sont partout. Mais comment fonctionnent-elles? Siro (13 ans) te l’explique. Pour plus de reportages, astuces et informations sur l’argent, va sur

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Les taux de change expliqués simplement | Les petits d’UBS

Que sont les taux de changes et comment évoluent-ils? Siro (13 ans) t’explique comment ils fonctionnent. Pour plus de reportages, astuces et informations sur l’argent, va sur

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Cos’è l’indice Big Mac in parole semplici | UBS Kids

L’indice Big Mac sembra la lista degli ingredienti di un hamburger. Beda (12) ti spiega cos’hanno in comune il famoso panino e la borsa. Puoi trovare ulteriori informazioni utili sul denaro, servizi e consigli su

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Cos’è l’E-Banking in parole semplici | UBS Kids

Come funziona l’E-Banking? Te lo spiega Olivia (11). Puoi trovare ulteriori informazioni utili sul denaro, servizi e consigli su

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Quali sono le azioni in parole semplici | UBS Kids

Cos’è esattamente un’azione? Olivia (11) ti spiega cosa sono le azioni e perché salgono e scendono. Puoi trovare ulteriori informazioni utili sul denaro, servizi e consigli su

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Cos’è la Banca nazionale svizzera? | UBS Kids

Che differenza c’è tra la Banca nazionale svizzera e altre banche come UBS? Te lo spiega Beda (12). Puoi trovare ulteriori informazioni utili sul denaro, servizi e consigli su

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Cos’è la borsa valori? | UBS Kids

Hai sicuramente già sentito parlare della borsa di Tokyo, Londra o New York. Ma che cosa si scambia esattamente in questi posti? Siro (13) lo ha scoperto per te. Puoi trovare ulteriori informazioni utili sul denaro, servizi e consigli su

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Come funzionano le carte di credito? | UBS Kids

Oggigiorno le carte di credito sono quasi ovunque. Ma come funzionano? Te lo spiega Siro (13). Puoi trovare ulteriori informazioni utili sul denaro, servizi e consigli su

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Cos’è un interesse? | UBS Kids

L’interesse può essere alto o basso. Elsa (10) ti spiega perché in entrambi i casi possono essere conveniente e che cos’è esattamente un interesse. Puoi trovare ulteriori informazioni utili sul denaro, servizi e consigli su

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Cos’è il tasso di cambio in parole semplici | UBS Kids

Cos’è il tasso di cambio e perché varia in continuazione? Siro (13) ti spiega come funziona esattamente. Puoi trovare ulteriori informazioni utili sul denaro, servizi e consigli su

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Valais counts on cheese production to save its farms

More and more farms have had to close down on account of the steady fall in the price of milk. Valais has decided to build a centre to promote and centralise cheese production in the canton. (RTS/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on …

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Börsen-Talk vom 28. April 2017

Für cash-Guru Alfred Herbert sind die Aktienmärkte aktuell zu stark von der Politik getrieben. Trotzdem traut er dem SMI einen weiteren Anstieg zu. Im Börsen-Talk empfiehlt er diverse Titel zum Kauf.

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The Road to the Investec Derby: Bet365 Classic Trial, Sandown.

All the key racing facts and figures you’ll need to know for the Investec Derby trials.

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The dim reality of South Africa’s new dawn | The Economist

In April 1994, South Africa held its first democratic elections and all races went to the polls to bury apartheid for good. But hopes of a new dawn have been tarnished by fraud and corruption at the highest levels. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: 23 years ago this week, after …

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Stefan Gleason on the Biggest Mistakes Precious Metals Investors Make

Coming up we’ll hear an interview with Money Metals president Stefan Gleason, who was a featured guest during the recent 360 Gold Summit. Stefan addressed the fundamental question of “why precious metals” and also gave some helpful tips on how to avoid making big mistakes when investing in gold and silver. Don’t miss this fundamentally important and enlightening conversation coming up after this week’s market update.

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Stefan Gleason on Silver, Product Selection, and How to Make Sure You Don’t Get Burned

Coming up we’ll hear part two of the recent interview Money Metals president Stefan Gleason did with Pete Fetig during the 360 Gold Summit. Stefan gives some important warnings to precious metals investors, discusses why he favors one of the precious metals over the others and also talks about some absolutely critical things to consider when selecting a precious metals dealer. Don’t miss the fantastic conclusion of Stefan’s interview, coming up...

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Stefan Gleason on Silver, Product Selection, and How to Make Sure You Don’t Get Burned

Coming up we’ll hear part two of the recent interview Money Metals president Stefan Gleason did with Pete Fetig during the 360 Gold Summit. Stefan gives some important warnings to precious metals investors, discusses why he favors one of the precious metals over the others and also talks about some absolutely critical things to consider …

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F A C E Interview April 26th 2017 Marc Chandler

Marc Chandler being interviewed by Dale Pinkert during the F.A.C.E. Webinar.

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Geld in ETFs ist dummes Geld – wirklich?

Hier anmelden und jeden Mittwoch meinen kostenlosen Report erhalten: Ist die Investition in ETFs eine dumme Idee? Das zumindest behauptet Fondsmanager Eckhard Sauren. Das ist nicht verwunderlich, denn ETFs graben den herkömmlichen Fonds das Wasser ab. Doch es gibt tatsächlich einige Punkte, die dafür sprechen, das Geld in ETFs dummes Geld ist.Welche das genau …

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Money Metals President Stefan Gleason & Cong. Ron Paul Testify on Behalf of Gold & Silver Investors

Coming up on today’s program we’ll have a special report on some important new developments in sound money legislation at the state level. Be sure to stick around to find out which states are in the process of advancing the cause of restoring gold and silver as money. First, though, let’s take a brief look at this week’s market action in the precious metals. Gold and especially silver succumbed to heavy selling in the futures markets this week....

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